Page 112 - Phoenix2002-03
P. 112
Wednesday, March 5, 2003 - Page 8 FEATURES Travel Time: The Jan-term Civil Rights History Tour STACI GEORGE Assi.w(1111Commentary Editor This issue features photos from the Civil Rights History tour I attended during Jan-term. The travel itinerary included Nash- ville and New Market, Tennessee; Johns Island, South Caro- lina; Savannah and Atlanta, Georgia. During the five days, we met a lot people, heard many inspirational stories, did some soul-searching, cried a few tears, sang many songs, and learned a lot that we could never read in any history book. In this issue's commentary section, I go into much more detail and provide personal reflections of the trip. Remember, your travels can be seen in this section also. Just submit photos and/or comments from your vacation to Sraci George via campus mail. Spring Break is right around the corner, don't forget the camera! , One highlight of the trip was sitting in the rocking chairs as we sang songs from various social movements and hearing stories at the Highlander Folk School in New Market, Tennessee. "When Rev. James Bevel said that, 'If you see an injustice and do nothing to speak out or act against it, theres no record that you ever existed, 'I knew that was a direct challenge for me to con- (L-R) Charlie Collyer, Pam Zappardino, Mahlia Joyce, and tinue workingfor peace and justice. " -Mahlia Joyce, student SUlci George gather by the Angel Ouk Tree on Johns Island, South Carolina. The tree is estimated It) be over 1,400 years old and was used/or hangings during slavery time. From stage to this page: Threepenny Opera and more! STACI GEORm; love story set in a school for the deaf Also during Jan-term, the ACTF The Phoenix says good luck to Pavey and Assistant Commellfary Editor Performance dates are Wednesday, April Theatre professor Elizabeth van den Berg congratulates those who participated in this 23 through Saturday the 26. and 18 McDaniel students attended the Re- year's ACTF. Snow tried to interfere with the busy re- As the show gets closer. The Phoenix will glen II American College Theatre Festival r-----------..., hearsal schedule. II even tried to interfere have the latest information. (ACTF) at the University of Maryland, Col- with opening night on 28. lege Park at the Clarice Smith Center for the But the show must- Performing Arts. and it did-go on. "This was McDaniel's most successful The Threepenny Opera ACTF trip ever," said van den Berg, who was had a good opening workshop coordinator, one often Irene Ryan weekend. During the first judges, an co-taught a workshop in audition- weekend's productions, ing for musical theatre with WMC alum 300 people attended the Steve Zumbrun shows, said Josh Selzer, Three students-Andrew Gaver, Kristin box office manager. Lagana, and Andrew Pecararo--competed What audiences saw for the lrene Ryan Scholarship Awards. Each were costumes distinctly had to prepare a monologue and a scene with from the 1980s, notewor- a partner, both under five minutes, to present thy orchestration, sym- before two judges. bolic and contextually Andrew Pecararo, Matt Demos, Tierra A view of Big Ben and the London House of meaningful slides, and Jolly, Jenna Layman, and Erin Shinholr were Parliment. _ by _iiiiir- exemplary acting. cast in staged readings directed Director Elizabeth professional directors and scenes van den Berg commented from Sexuality Persity in Chicago di- rected by students. "We were all pleased that we weren't snowed Students visit London in January Theatre professor Ira Domser and out ... and the show wen! great. Nice to add Fourteen students joined theatre professor junior Chrissie Andersen taught a an audience to our work." Ira Domser and his family for a tour ofLon- workshop in creating masks. Quick, there is still time to see the saw don, Bath, Glastonbury, Stratford, and other Clare Chris and Pavey, Assing. everyone talking about. Its final perfor- destinations. Jonah Knight signed up to stage man- mances are March 6, 7 (sign-interpreted per- In addition to sightseeing and museums, age for the New Playwrights and formance), and 8. All shows stan at 8 p.m. the group celebrate New Year's Eve in En- Directors. They competed with more in the AJumni Hall mainsrage. gland. And after the Threepenny Opera For freshman Rachel Lobel, the trip's than 10 stage managers from others schools. Claire Pavey was selected Auditions for the next McDaniel produc- highlights included Stonehenge, Stratford, (0 interview for the one position tion "Children of a Lesser God" took place threatre museum in London, and Windsor available to stage managers at the on March 2 and 3rd. Castle. National Festival held at the According to a flyer, this is a Tony Award- "There were pubs everywhere. People in Kennedy Center in April. Pavey will '-'-.--'- __ ..l winning Best Play. general were so fun. The English made fun The flyer called it a unique and moving of our accents," said Lobel comically. ~~~e~~t in April if she has been se- Matt Demos and Andrew Pecaram mode;~~:;~mes at the Theatre Museum in London.
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