Page 75 - Phoenix2001-02
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FEATURES Wednesday, December 6, 2001 - Page 11 fun and worth the time TARA DELLAFRANZIA vest, haggle, bargain, and trade. tional frame on the main site. Sto.ffWriler You can also communicate with There is always a banner in place Crime hurts. Ever take a study break that other players and go on treasure here that usually advertises on- lasted more than fifteen min- hunts called quests." site games, and it sometimes ad- utes? Ever become way too in- The complex nature of the vertises off-site sponsors. volved in a website or video Necpets world can be daunting at Unlike other sites, Neopets Every day people are sexually game? first. Currently, Neopia has 8 dif- gives its users a reason to visit assaulted who never thought it Ever want, own, steal, or ferent lands to explore. Each land their sponsors. If you click on an would happen to them. If this 'borrow' a Tamagotchi? If so, contains its own theme, games, ad and surf a sponsor's website, you're a prime candidate for us- types of foods, prizes, and ways you receive NeoPoints in com- has happened to you there's no ing to wager NeoPoints. pensanon. need to deal with It alone. Launched in November, Sometimes, the difficult na- Students can learn a great deal 1999, is the larg- ture of the aforementioned Quests about marketing and responsibil- est virtual pets site on the tempt users to cheat. ity from Neopets. Whether the crime happened Lastnight internet. Quests occur randomly on the However, most students use or years ago. we can help. The now expanding site was site. Basically, a user is asked to the site as a means of procrasti- conceptualized and created by recover an item which he or she nation. Those interviewed spent Adam Powell and started with can turn in for an item of much 5-14 hours per week on the site. Rape Crisis. Intervention Donna Williams, who helps greater value. When asked her favorite and Service of Carroll County manage the site. While on a Quest for an item, least favorite features of the site, Several WMC students spend a Neopets user cannot access cer- sophomore Lauri Gann said she 24 HOUR HOTLINE their spare time on this site. To lain databases which they can both loved and hated that, "It 410-857 -7322 these students, Neopets is more normally use to scour the site for wastes my time." than just another way college an item they need. If you're looking for a break students reconnect with their Many users create another ac- from the books or an excuse to All inquiries are confidential. childhood- it's a serious game. count on NeoPets to search for the open your web browser, mouse on A Private Non-Profit AQ$f1CYServing Carroll County Neopets has its own cur- needed item, ask a friend for help, over to rency, NeoPoints, in which us- or permissibly access someone ers can buy virtual items for their else's account. pets. This currency system has "When J get a Quest," con- HONDA & ACURA its own 'Neodaq' rating. and its fesses junior Jeanette Prante, "1 own value change. use my sister's account to search SERVICE & REPAIR To sustain a virtual pet, a user the shops and then sign back onto must invest in food and toys. my own." ALL JAPANES[ IMPORTS WELCOME These are the pets' basic needs. Some users, like McKinney To gain points, a user can play and Geers, use hint sites such as One Mile From Kate Wagner Road & 27 ......,k any of the games on site at any for Quest and "'Iill .k.~III... 41"840 "300 41O-871-()355 ill"t" v-o-w-v level. game hints and tips. 671RidgeRoad www ..millcreekmotorworks Neopets are more convenient With sheer mass and content, 1_~_~~t_~~~~:~~:-----i5.ooOff-----!I---$50o,;M~~;---::-$25c;,;M~;';-1 than other types of virtual pets. the site produces mass amount of Unjike Tamagotchts and other revenue marketing. : $2.00011 :: Batance&_ :: _p"'_ :: Tune Up : carry along pets, Neop-ets are If a user becomes attached to , Oil & Filter Change:: AU4 Tires : : (3OK. 6OK.90k ...) :: wNaive AdJ, : free 10 own and use. -----hiS or her per, he or she can buy a t~~~-~~-~'~:~:&:~~~~~::~~-~-~~-~!~~~i:-~-~-~-----l Users can choose from a va- 'ptushie' (stuffed animal) toy or riety of pets. some which re- a tee shirt of their pet over the : HondaCOCIImI). BtakeSyslem 1nsJN!tIioo.lrr.;pectalBeltsIHoses,Ched:alFUds,TestBatlely, Reg.$t45 : semble real animals and some internet. ------------------------------------------_._-------------------------..! which are folkloric. Recently. Neopets has ex- We are a FULL SERVICE Facility: A user must neglect a pet for panded their marketing so that the ,( Mlintenance J'kgs ,(T... ,( ~ Se!vic&'Rspair weeks before it dies of starva- public will be able to purchase (30K, 6OK, !lOK) .r Suspension ,( Engine Repair tion. and pets can be put up at a Neopets in stores. (They are cur- ./ TIming Belt Packages .rBrakes .tHigh PetfOllTl8nce virtual hotel where they can be rently only available at select ./ Major/Minrx TuneUps .rEl!l1ausIR
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