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FEATURES Wednesday, November 14, 200 [ - Page 9 What do you believe? I believe that cheese and my brother, Ryan, and my sister, ketchup can make anything good. Sara. As they grow up, I believe I believe that people in charge of that I can show them the impor- class schedules at Western Mary- tance of having high expectations, ward to the end of the semester like Features Editor you. It has been a hard one, but Cancer land College could have had the encouraging each other, and en- Sagittarius there is not much left to go. You June 22 - July 22 common courtesy to tell people couraging others to meet high ex- November 22 - December 21 can do it if you set your mind to it! Come out of that crab shell, who signed up for Spanish 1103 at pectations. -Lisa Stenger This year, Sagit- 9: 10-10: 10 a.m. (MWF) that the Cancer! Your friends are tarius starts Thanksgiv- class was cancelled before we ac- I believe in you and me. I be- tired of your crabby mood. ing Day, and that is a They want you to be as tually waited an hour for the class lieve that hard work does eventu- sign that you have a lot happy as they arc. You are to start. I believe in for- ally "payoff." Ibelieve in to be thankful for, Dur- bringing them down. What- giveness ... I believe thatg'music and that it has the ing the break, spend ever has you worried will family members will al- ability to unite, comfort, ways have your back no I time with the people turn out to be nothing, just and encourage all people. you care about the give it time. ~e~~~~: ~ho~ Bel ieve most, and be thankful ::t~:~~~~\ ~:;!~~v: t~~t~i:ebe~~;v~ ii~ you have them in your Leo "absence makes the heart the power of love. I be- life. 'July 23 - August 22 grow fonder," until your lieve that loving someone heart adapts or moves on. Ibelieve involves making sacrifices. I be- So no one can agree on Capricorn anything in that group you in God, His saving grace, His lieve in .laughing. I believe that December 22 - are in? Well be like a lion mercy, His eternal presence, and laughing is contagious. I believe January 19 His forgiveness. -Ebony White that even in the midst of conflict So everything is go- and take charge. Someone and confusion that I am "too ing well for you and it has to do it or the group will I believe in the importance of blessed to be stressed." -Terrae fall apart, so why not you? looks promising for family. I believe that family mem- Whiting next semester too. Thai The key is getting everyone bers from all generations show us else. to listen to everyone is a great thing to be how to be patient, loving, and per- What do you believe? Submis- thankful for, but do not Virgo sistent. I believe that I learned just sions should be dropped off at the take it for granted or it how much I appreciate my family Information Desk in Decker or at August 23 - September 22 will slip between your and what each person has taught The Writing Center in Hill Hall. You have developed a fingers when you are me after I came to college. I know Ideal length: 100 words more or crush on someone in one of not looking. that I have been a carin sister for less -Lisa Breslin, Writin Center your classes. Slap stressing over this person and either Aquarius ask them out, or move on. January 20 - February It does no good for you to 18 dwell on it, especially when you This is the weather you love, can't concentrate on anything else! with the trees losing their leaves Taurus and the need for sweaters, but not April 20 - May 20 Libra heavy coats. So go for a long walk, You are one of those who loves September 23 - October 23 It w.illhelp relieve all of the stress snow sports, so you can not wait Fighting with someone close (0 you seem to be under recently. for the season's first snow. How- you? Just try to stay calm and do ever, with the warm weather we not let your scales tip towards the Pisces have been having, you will prob- negative. Remember all you like February 19 - March 20 ably be in for a long wail. But do about that person and tell them Do something spontaneous. not worry, there are always snow those things. Remember that Your friends think you do not know machines. wounds take time to heal. Wednellday, November 28. 2001 1..36 p..... I.. tile Illiol ... Po ...... how to have fun, so prove them Co"" wrong. Plan a weekend of fun for Gemini Scorpio $lIWHCRud ..l1ta you and your friends. It will sur- May 21 - June 21 October 24 - November 21 PehUd"'o ....d....Hly...... no a:1I ot.heno prise them and you will all become Like everyone else, you are The thing you are most thank- closer as a result. puzzled by the warm weather of ful for is a break from school. But .·Ol""","lnfurmalion.".tob""tlcluotapleQlt-.ll late. However, unlike others, your when you are thinking of what you n...&u.(HO)857.2.62()"46!)fI; ......n:~ Mithoo..(o:IWIa) Aries two selves are torn between want- are thankful for, remember all of March21-April19 ing it warm and cold. Since winter your family and friends too. Butdo Only about 15 days of classes is inevitable, the cold will win for not get too emotional because this to go Aries No one is looking for- now But there is always spring! is a time to be happy! Nuance is coming to WMC continued from page 8 do so because they will be avail- that's what we want to do. We want whatever comes out of it comes out able at the show at WMC. You can to be as big as we can by doing that; of it. also pre-order online at we want to try to touch everybody Nuance has already performed in the world." at the Stone Soul Picnic in summer It doesn't really matter what Neo also thinks that all of the 2001 and the Black Family Re- your tastes are. Nuance wants to be hard work, commitment and effort union in Washington, D.C. on Sep- the group that you can listen to no put into Nuance is definitelyworth tember 8, 200 I. They were the matter what you're into. They want it. "We haven't gone as far as some opening act for Wyclef and Lil' Mo to appeal to all audiences and give artists have. We're still on our way, at Towson's Homecoming this past everyone a chance to really hear we're still moving up the latter. I October, and they also performed Two for one haircuts for all stu- what they are talking about and get would rather be doing nothing else at the Morgan State University into the songs. than music in my life right now ... I Fashion Show as well as the Ma- dents on Wednesdays from "Our goal is to be the best that think this group came together for hogany Fashion Showcase in Bal- 10 am till 5 p.m.. Bring a we can be and to touch every indi- a reason November 30, "it's so timore The concert at WMC is Cospon- in May of last year. hears our mu- that actually vidual For friend! sic. We want to make sure we reach crazy, we don't even know what to and CAPBoard. It's unlike Union sored by the Black Student help out to each individual maybe Neo. says each "With expect!" any- Walk-ins welcome. Two mens them, change lives," says Neo. "We show we try to surprise ourselves, thing you've ever seen before. to hear our music so that everybody we want to do stuff that's going to "When cuts $13.00 and two womens they can get something from it, make the crowd react a different ance concert you come out to a Nu- you come out expect- whether cuts $18.00 whether it entertainment, it be anything way each time. We want to make ing (he unexpected," says Dirt, it be healing, whether "and you come ready to party." sure that we give you all that we that could possible help somebody, absolutely positively can. and
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