Page 60 - Phoenix2001-02
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Wednesday, November 14,2001 - Page 8 FEATURES Markproject offers new way of looking at Jesus and gospels JKSSICA WATSON things," she said referring to their perfor- with leprosy, asked "who is this Jesus guy derstanding the power of emotion and CQ-New.I'Editor mance, "but I really feel settled on this ver- anyway?" And they both continued to build words." You don't have to be a Christian, you just sion." up an image of Jesus that was rather easy to Afterwards, the crowd had much to say have to be curious. That's what brought over Because of the Markproject "people will understand. in response to their performance. 100 members of the WMC community to the be able to hear the gospel in a way that "J e sus' "It was Markprojecr on Thursday, November I at S they've never taken it before. They will see clothes were good," says p.m. in Decker Auditorium. a picture of Jesus that too often doesn't get whiter than you fre s h man The Markproject was presented by Ran- presented in church," says Jones. could bleach Fe I i cia som the Donkey Productions and was put on Markproject is a modern day interpreta- anything!" pro- Donelson, one by Daniel Jones and Alison Siewert, two tion of the gospel of Mark. Mark was a first- claims Siewert, of the many traveling members of the Intervarsity Chris- century. writer who worked diligently to help in character. He students who tian Fellowship Staff. people obtain a clear picture of what hap- taught in at ten d e d It took over ~ ~ pened inand around parables, teach- Markproject. fifteen years of Jesus' life arid his ing that "if you "J've never studying the gos- crowd of followers, as want to be first, seen the book pel of Mark and well as interpret what be last," and for of Mark per- the planning of a it all meant. all who are curi- formed in such post-modern Instead of hear- ous, "you have away." church that in- ing a bunch of "tho us" to keep listening Daniel Jones and Alison Siewert performed Markproject. "a "It was eluded both the- and "thou arts" from and you have to modem day version oj the gospel oj Mark. on Thursday, veryenthusi- atre and preach- men in robes, Jones keep asking." November I ill Decker Auditorium. On the chalkboard behind astic and en- ing in worship and Siewert per- Jones and them is the phrase "theatre +Li]e." tenaining," time to establish formed in modem-day Seiwert kept the crowd into the performance said junior Stacey Roach. the idea for the language, dressed in with loud voices and down to earth scenes These are just the kind of reactions that Markproject. black t-shirts, faded and accents. "We wanted to engage and in- Markproject was looking for. "A lot of Jesus "We've acted blue jeans, and be- teract-with the audience," says Jones, "the dramas portray him as weird, kind of in a aut pieces of it ":-~~-~- ... :'-4xt· ~fw,1illID""" iieve it or not, bowl- gospels are oral traditions, they tell the story bad sense, but really Jesus was the life of before" says D(/n~el Jones of Markproject raiks . ing shoes. and engage people. It's always interesting, the party," says Seiwert. "We want the audi- Siewert, "but Chris Bacuerlein, Kwh Long. and Mal/hew Michael Jones and you never know what will strike you in a ence to know what made him so interesting then we thought, what would it be like to do Siewert were right when they said "it's prob- performance. " and attractive." the whole gospel?" So far they have visited ably not like anything you've ever seen be- "I'm mostly concentrating on staying Sophomore Megan Grimshaw said, "It's about 15-20 campuses, most of them in Cali- fore." connected 10 the SIOry," says Seiwert, "it's a really great that they're getting something fornia. "We still need to adjust a couple In the performance, Jones, playing a man learning process. It's about realizing and un- out there that's on our level." Acclaimed R&B band Nuance gears up for WMC JESSICA WATSON time where the two styles hinted possible "I just wanted to do it differently. I deal with I can go to R&B to reggae to rock;" he is Co-News Editor collision, "Neo came between all of that and a lot of emotion, if I'm down you'll know very versatile. Who is Nuance? Those who don't know just made it work," said Brisq, "and that's I'm down, if I'm happy you'll know I'm Staccato is a musical term; "it describes obviously have not been paying much anen- how we came to the whole balance mtng." happy. I'm very strict and to the point, you a sound that is choppy, accented. It describes- tion to the hype that has been going on In addition to the symbolism and indi- know Raad, I just needed .the double A in musical style," Staccato says. "As far as my around campus lately. Nuance is soul. Nu- viduality of each member, the name of the there." production goes, it's like real smooth, peace- ance is rhythm. Exploding on the scene group in itself holds its own deep meaning. Raad also represents soul. "'You know I ful. I'm like the Gemini of the group. Music straight out of Baltimore and taking their "Nuance means different shades of variations am a soul, you are a soul, we are all souls. I is like everything to me. And in terms of audiences by storm, Nuance is the R&B and that's what we are, you know when you represent the soul of the group." He was peace, everything about me is very calm and '-" group that will be performing live here at look at us it's like everybody has different brought up on a lot of soul music, artists such very peaceful; the way I make music." WMC on November _-~--------~ aspects about them," as Marvin Gay, Prince and D'Angelo. Nuance wants their audience to know that 30. said Dirt. "You get five "That's the aspect that I bring to the group. they are talented. "We are producing you Nuance, managed different elements, Soul, passion." know, we wrote 90 percent of our album," by Keith A. Pinkney you get five different Brisq represents rain. "Actually Brisq, Dirt says. "Honestly, I think people will say of Management personalities, styles, you know. it's more like an attitude," said that wehave a lot of variety, theirsongs have Group, lnc., is com- attitudes and flavors. Brisq. "It describes how I like to be, I like to a lot of content, and they take their music to posed of five mem- When we do a concert get right to the point. I want to be about places that others don't normally go. I want bcrs, each one repre- there's just so much business, I want to be brisk. Rain, just like them to know that there is something fresh sentingadifferentel- flavor coming from' Dirt always says, it can either be soft like a about the group, about the songs. Plus we're ement. Brisq repre- different angles, be- light drizzle or it can be a thunderstorm and creative." sents rain, Raad inter- cause all of us are ver- I can give you either one, depending on my In addition to songs such as "Trippin," prets soul, Dirt sign i- satile. Even like on mood." r-r- __ ~ "Deeper," "Pop Gui- fies earth, Neo brings our f1emo CD, we hit Dirt is of the tar," and "This is How balance, and Staccato you off with five dif- earth. "God made I Feel," 'Nuance also , generates peace. ferent interludes, so dirt and dirt don't did a remake for "Just Each member brings you get a taste of hurt," Dirt smiles. My Imagination" by their own unique The members of Nuance clearly have a style where everyone is "That's my phi- the' Temptations. "It's style and taste to ere- and personality as unique as their names. coming from." losophy and that's a tribute to the Temp- ate a harmony of perfection the feeds both For those of you who haven't already had the way I look at it. rations, they were one the mind and the soul. the chance to groove to their rhythm you I consider myself to of the first five-man "We met through school," says Brisq, have more of a reason to attend their concert be down to earth, black groups to really reflecting on how the group got together. on the 30. "But that show on the 30th, it's the' foundation, make a mark. On the "Raad and I have been singing logethersince going to be hot. We've got something for something you can album we are going to I was like nine years old. We grew up listen- you," added Dirt. really build on, like have something for ing to Jodeci and realizing that we had tal- The nicknames describe the different per- the group. Where I everyone because we ent too." sonalities of each member of the group. come from, what didn't want to neglect They met Dirt at Arlington Baptist, and "Neo is a futuristic name," he said, "be- kind of music, very an audience," says Staccato when they were in high school. "We cause I'm like the futuristic one of the group. ecliptic, I bring a lot Neo. actually saw a picture of him playing the pi- Everyone in the group has their own indi- They wanted to ano and we asked him ifhe wanted to be in virtuality. I'm flamboyant. I consider myself have something for all the group." Brisq added. "He came to one of to be a little different." He is always looking generations. The song "Just My Imagina- the rehearsals and we wrote a song right to be a little more different than everyone and 1 are partners; that my counter partner. tion" is going to be the last song of the al- there." else. "I came into the group last and I saw We're like soul brothers number one and two. bum and its serves as a mellow ending. About two and a half years later they met that Dirt and Rand were kind of like the soul- Butat the same time, how I write music, how The album drops Nov 19th and it will be up with Neo. By that time Brisq and Srac- ful thing, Brisq and Staccato with the peace~ I sing and how I give my delivery, you know in stores in February. For those of you who cato were developing a strong sense of R&B ful thing and I was kind ofa little bit of both." the different types of music I'm into, I bring want to get a taste before it hits the store can and Dirt and Raad acquired a style that in- "I've been an artist all my life I didn't that difference to the group. But you know, terrelared punk, soul, and alternative. At a know it until a couple years ago," said Raad. like I said, dirt don't hurt so don't be scared. Continued on page 9
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