Page 59 - Phoenix2001-02
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FEATURES Wednesday, November 14,2001 - Page 7 Kitty: a purrfect source for advice CATHY PENDORF do or where to turn. I want him There's not much more Ican tell 60SECONDSa Swf!Wriler back. I miss him. But I'm not go- you, because I don't know the Do you ever have those press- ing to go groveling at his feet ei- whole situation, but I encourage ing problems to which you wished ther. Okay, so I've said my piece. you to schedule an appointment you had a quick answer? Please, please help me. with Susan Glore and talk about If you could choose a new mascot Well, there is no quick answer Sincerely, this problem. The healing begins to any problem, but sometimes a Tom-up Love with you. That sounds trite, but it's for WMC, what would it be? question, problem, or situation true. might come up where you just have Dear Torn-up Love, By: Courtney Federoff no idea what to do. Serious breakups can be very Dear Kitty, If you have a question, a prob- hard, and everyone deals with them There'"s this girl J like, and I've lem, or just a situation you would differently. been working so hard to get her to like an opinion on, write a letter and You sound like you'could use like me, but nothing. She doesn't "Something else, 'cause send it to Kitty. Drop it in camnus someone 10 talk to. Your friendsus- even seem to care. Yeah now we're rnailto box 540. friends, nice, but I want what the hell is a Green Kitty presents a fo- Terror anyway?" rum for people who I've never said as much, Mary Lee Pence '04 would like to look at but how can she not know? Political Science "Lions because they're king of the jungle and they can be calm at certain times and ferocious at her and succeeded. others." Friendship is always a Leon Checca '05 good step and now you gestlng you talk to Susan Glore in know each other better and can fur- Communication break. He said he needed some Smith House is a great idea to ex- ther determine whether a new type space. plore. of friendship is best for both of you. I don't want to be one of those Don't worry that people will Maybe she just doesn't know girls who weeps every night and stare at you, many people go down and thinks you are just very begs her ex to take her back, but those stairs, not just to get to Smith friendly, or maybe she does and is "The Railroaders because that's exactly what I feel like do- House, but to go to the parking lot, avoiding the isspe or waiting for we have the caboose, Why ing. Ihaven't been able to concen- or the apartments, PA Houses or you to make your move. don't we put it to use?" trate in class and I'm only doing even Whiteford. Plus, they're the If you want to know for sure, it about half of my homework. dorks for staring. may take the risk of you asking her Jason Fitzgerald '02 My friends told me to go talk Also, many people go to Smith directly. You have to be ready for History/Political Science to Susan Glore, but I'd feel like ev- House for several reasons, counsel- any answer. eryone would be staring at me as I ing, health services, career ser- Maybe telling her how you re- walked down the stairs outside vices, HIV testing, and more. ally feel will result in her telling Glar, and they would know what a It's not embarrassing, it's life, you she reciprocates your feelings, dark I am. everyone goes through it. The adult or she may tell you the current "Pigs! Wild pigs that I'm trying to be an adult about thing to do is ask for help if you friendship is the one she prefers. would strike terror in the this, but I just don't know what to need it. Good luck. hearts of children, like in Lord of the Flies." Megan Grimshaw '04 Undecided "I think we should keep the Green Terror, but make it look like the Incredihle Hulk." Kate Boyle '02 Political SciencelEducation "The Trojans because the Trojan man rules! " Jim Perry III '03 Sociology "I would choose Dr. Panek because he is very entertaining and that is an important quality for a mascot to possess." Alison Reger '03 English
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