Page 58 - Phoenix2001-02
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Wednesday, November 14, 2001 - Page 6 COMM~NTARY Staff Who knew? We ARE all drunken idiots! Editors-In-Chief Michael Wiles looks back to one Claire Adams '02 of his past articles and realizes our mail everyday, so many of us are still different. If you break a law and get caught, Edward K. Schultheis '03 maybe the stereotypes are true. fighting to drink ourselves stupid, and, what . tough. If not, as I said before. power to you, in- but do not whine about getting is more, doing so under the legal age. caught: Now, do not get me wrong: drinking can stead, spend that time thinking of ways to Co-News Editor It is often that Ieat my words, but rarely be all fun and good, in so far as I, person- not get caught next time. LeRoy McDuffie '05 do they taste this bad. ally, do not care what you do on your own As for Mr. Sharkey and his supporters, I Jessica Watson '05 For regular Phoenix readers, you might time. What is more, I do not care about what think the greatest irony of all is found not in recall that] wrote an editorial in the Octo- Campus Safety does on their time, either: to the context of their arguments, but rather in ber 10, 200 I issue about how our generation each his own, and power to those on both the fact that people listen to their arguments Assistant News Editor is portrayed on television, and how we are sides. at all. Tammi Slater '03 all made out to be sex-craved, drunken fools. What gets to me is students getting caught If Mr. Sharkey, as well as those that agree .drinking underage 0. violating with him, hate WMC and its policies so Features Editor law (open contain- much, why don't they transfer to a bigger Shauna Dominguez '02 in public), and then hav- school, like University of Maryland? to complain I am sure The Diamondback would value nerve the it as though they were their attacks on school policy and state law Commentary Editor to give up their seat on a greatly ... as toilet paper. The truth is. the only Matthew Hurff '03 its alcohol to some white guy. reason we even listen to stuff like this is be- Seriously, while it might cause of the "big fish in a small pond" prin- like a goodIdea at the ciple, and Ithink that is important to keep in Assistant Commentary Editor writing about breaking mind. Hell, would anyone listen to me if Erin Romanski '04 laws in these not for this fact? Looks like WMC, and its small campus, have some advantages after Sports Editor an "anonymous" all, doesn't it? sion like to take this op- .Once again, r would Greg Lederer '03 Sharkey's agreeing portunity to apologize for criticizing those views. It was at this point that I felt the need to laws! who portray college students as drunk and Senior Writer write a letter of apology to MTV, as I un- Oh wait, that is what they are. supposed lazy, as you seem to have your focus quite Mike Jenkinson '02 fairly criticized their shows Undressed and to do. I mean, they have got to do some- sharp and clear. Undeclared as being "minstrel shows." thing when they are not harassing teenag- It was dumb of me to think well of my As it turns out, we are all drunken fools. ers, right? Which brings me to my next point. generation, but then again, what would you Staff Writers After giving it much thought, I have be- towards Colby Goodrum '04 gun to see how I was wrong to try to defend Would you all be sympathetic stea1s his parents' a 15- expect? Iam just a stupid, drunken college year- student. .. *belch* old who constantly Rick Grams '02 our generation. Even as we stare down the car and routinely gets caught? You prob- Ryan Pararneshwaran '03 barrel of a bitter war, even as we try to get ably would not, but, those of you who are Michael Wiles is ajunior English Cathy Pendorf '02 ourselves over the new threats that arrive via complaining about drinking underage are no major. Brandon Roebuck '05 A summer internship provides one student Michael Wiles '03 Advertising Managers memories and skills to last a lifetime Jeff Grever '02 Beth Rudolph '05 Tammi Slater discusses her to seize opportunities within their own ar- spect and admiration. My summer internship summer working at a newspaper eas of career interest and begin with an in- experience would not have been possible Art in Ellicott City. ternship. The knowledge, insight, and expe- without Phyllis Greenbaum, the incredible rience you will receive Jessica Watson '05 Experience is the best of teachers and this truly believe will serve from an internship to J woman who through my eyes embodies the you for years me unique craft of writing and who allowed past summer I had the privilege to witness come, and assist you in your journey through this experience. Working alongside this Adviser this truth as ( extended my knowledge in life. woman, gave me the chance to work with Terry Dalton journalism through an internship. One of the most rewarding aspects of an Editor who portrayed Journalism at its Throughout the summer I worked as an writing and the Journalism field is the abil- finest and for this I am forever grateful. intern at a local community paper in my ity you, as a writer, hold in reaching others. As the summer drew to a close, J found hometown of Ellicott City, Maryland. As a Throughout my internship I came into con- myself reflecting back on my summer and writer, reporter, calendar Editor, and photog- tact with many people of all ages and back- the published stories I had accumulated. It rapher at the Ellicott City 21042121043 grounds. is now more then ever that I feel great pride weekly newspaper L found myself emerged For the first time throughout my writing in looking back on my memories and learn- The Phoenix is published biweekly. The in what was my first glimpse of real journal- . experience I witnessed my voice and my ing experiences for I am assured that they rrinions expressed do not necessarily represent isticlife. words being heard throughout my commu- have pushed me in the right direction. Iwas Ithose of The Phoenix staff, the faculty, or the Covering subjects such as sports, busi- nity and surrounding areas. Therefore, what given the chance to work amongst a group lactministrdtOrsofWMC. ness, news, commentary, and press releases started out as a beginning stepping stone into of amazing people, and anyone who writes TIle paper welcomes free-lance submissions I was able to really get a feel for the profes- n Macintosh disks in most word processor for- sion 1 yearn to pursue. This opportunity was Journalism quickly became a new voice realizes the feeling of seeing your first pub- within the community. Imats. The editors reserve the righ~ to edit fOi one in which I learned a great deal about It's funny how writing works that way. A lished article hot off the press is one which no words can fully describe. larity, length, and libel and to publish as space myself. As the days of summer permits. All submissions (excluding self-ad- While writing has always been a personal lot of my family and friends have always days until I found myself passed by and the and wondered questioned why it is that (love back on the Hill ~ diskettes) become the property of The love to me, I found once again why itis that to write and the reason has remained con- became closer with each day, it is then that I hoenix and cannot be returned. J love writing so much. stant - it is all for the people and the inspira- Please include a name and phone nwnbe realized what a truly productive and unfor- Through my internship I touched more tion I get through expressing myself. The gettable summer I had. or verification. Names will be withheld only by lives than I let myself believe. It is this per- feeling of reaching people and touching their To my fellow WMC students Ihighly rec- Itre discretion of the Editors-in-Chief sonal feeling of reward and gratification that lives in some way through my words, is what ommend seeking out internship prospects The Phoenix does not discriminate based or Ilove so much about writing. With each new r feel the job of a writer is all about. For as ge, race, religion, gender, sexual orientation, and getting a head start on your field of in- story and each new face that I meet, I am long as I can remember writing.has been a terest because it is knowledge and back- lnanonal origin, condition of handicap, or mari- again reminded of my adoration for the craft special outlet for me, and completing my first ground which will continue to serve you year' ~~tus. of writing. The ability to influence and touch internship has allowed me to grow asa writer after year. others through words is perhaps one of the and learn things I never associated with writ- While all good things must come to an , Mail to: most satisfying and gratifying aspects of ing before. TheP~nix journalism. Additionally, the internship allowed me end, I will treasure this. experience for the WMC, 2 College Hill Having dreamed of a career in print jour- the chance to put myself out on a limb and rest of my life and look back on it with many Westminster, MD 21157 nalism for years now, working as a summer test my ability. While my confidence has fond memories which J will only continue (410)751-8600 to build upon. After all, in writing nothing my desire intern only reinforced to go into FAX (410) 857-2729 the Journalism field. As ajuriior at WMC, I been increased as a result of this, so too has ever fully ends. There's always another story E-Mail: feel that my first internship proved to be in- my ability to write and act in a journalistic to tell and this is just the beginning. fashion. Tammi Slater is ajunior credibly beneficial to me as a student, writer, However, this opportunity- lowe to a communication major. and person. I would highly advise students writer whom I look up to with utmost re-
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