Page 57 - Phoenix2001-02
P. 57
COMMENTARY Wednesday, November 14,2001 - Page 5 Quitting smoking is Some BLARs are not effective not as easy as it seems Colby Goodrum discusses can't speak a lick of French. I can This is why Ifound it so conn- tis experience witlt foreign conjugate verbs really well, and cal when my teacher (old us the Erin Romanski points out bombardment of repetitive infor- languages here at WMC. recite the days of the week. and any other day how much our fluency that a "Smoke Out" day mation by peers, teachers, and While attending Western other vocabulary my teacher can had increased ... I'm NOT FLU- throw at me, but if I was dropped does not really work. other do-gooders who have never Maryland College a person must in France and asked to talk with the ENT AT ALL~!! been hooked on anything stronger I understand that you need to It's that time again, kids. Breast than cinnamon gum. While spew- take their Basic Liberal Arts Re- locals, I'd be in some kind of have some background to under- quirement" (BLARs), along with trouble. stand French, but no one in France Cancer Awareness Month, you ask? ing out original remarks such as their chosen course of study. It is I believe the setup of the class is going to be impressed if I walk Nope. Tax season so "that's so bad for you," my understanding that the BLARs is not really helpful. The other day soon? No, wrong or "smoking kills," or are in placeto make students well- up to them and tell them I know again. That's right, my personal favorite rounded individuals, and J believe J got a test back and I had been how to conjugate the verb "to go" it's Great American "that's so disgusting," for the most part this is exactly marked off because when I con- in French. . Smoke-Out Day. they fail to realize that what the BLARs achieve. After vcrted 25 degrees Celsius to 82 The wuy the requirement is set Hope you didn't for- the smoking comrnu- taking the English competency or degrees Fahrenheit, I said that this up now, J have to minor in th{( lan- get to mark your cal- nity will continue to a heritage sequence, an individual temperature was hot instead of guage just to be able to carry on a warm. enders. smoke out of mere agi- is more versed in the given sub- conversation. Thursday, No- tation First of all, I come from Ver- I believe that the class should the con- vember 15, has been The solution for ject, and able to apply hopefully. mont, and to me 82 degrees is hor. be setup in a way that teaches cepts to their life - designated this year those with nothing However, this is not the case we're lucky if we get past 80 de- more conversational French - that grees more than half a dozen times as the date for which greater than a weak- with the foreign language require- would at least be helpful. all smokers should L__ __ '_~ __ _" ness for Ben and a year. Secondly, how is this help- The way the class is now, I go ment. ing me improve my language put a halt to their addictions and Jerry's is to get rid of the cigarettes The goal of the foreign lan- in wishing it was already avec, and make the life-altering decision to when the smoker isn't looking, in skills? It's not. leave wishing I had the last hour quit smoking. Obviously a suppo- the hopes that having their $4.25 guage requirement should be the It bothers me that so much of of my life back. sition proposed by the non-smok- thrown away will somehow rein- slime as the other requirements, the grading in the class is entirely Hopefully one day the lan- ing crowd. force their decision to quit. I can but as of right now I can't figure subjective, and if you slick up to guage requtremem will serve the it serves. out what purpose Having previously been a assure you that they will buy two the teacher she gives you 1I better same purpose as the other smoker for about three and a half packs just to spite you. As far as I can tell it should grade. SLARs: 10 provide students with years, I can safely assure you that What is the answer then? Hey, be called Memorization 1103, not )'01 sorry, but I don't dance. concepts that are applicable in French 1103. nixing the nicotine for a 24 hour to each his own. You can't expect The bottom line is that memoriz- their lives. time period just isn't going to do an addict to shift gears in the mat- If I have learned anything in ing vocabulary and telling me that Colby Goodrum is a to the trick. Once hooked on any nar- ter of one day. that class it has been how but 1 82 degrees isn't hot, doesn't teach sophomore English major. cotic substance, your ability to shut To those capable of taking the memorize more effectively, me how to speak French. down the craving is nearly impos- plunge, more power to them. Just sible. don't even begin to assume "why Homecoming was poorly planned that Just go ahead and try to tell a they ever uttered the words, chain smoker not to have a ciga- didn't I think of that?" An anonymous writer rene after failing a test, fighting Despite the stereotypes, not one Game Room" because that's basi- SGA because it doesn't take that with a loved one, or having a gen- smoker out there ever made a con- criticizes the WMC cally who all was there. much to give them that. In high erally bad day. You will 'lose the scious decision to smoke for [he , homecoming. Our school has several student school, the Royal COUJ1 got glit- battle. sheer pleasure of an impending organizations, but only four floats tered sashes mar labeled (hem as I am not in anyway trying to death. What was the deal with our in our homecoming parade. I've King, Queen, and so on for the rest homecoming? I know I'm "just a condone smoking, but I am going And if there are people who fit never before in my life seen a pa- of the weekend. first-year student" and I probably to point out the reality of the sirua- under this category, then we have rade with only four floats. I think They were given crowns to don't know that much about tion. Smokers have been there, bigger problems than we ever that's pitiful. In high school, each wear too. Keep in mind this home- done that. Probably been on the imagined. WMC's homecomings and what class had their own float. The coming was run by teenagers, so patch, chewed the gum, even given Erin Romanski is a really goes on, but I honestly think cheerleaders and the football team you would think that college would cold turkey a shot. Yet the harsh sophomore English major. I took a step down from high had a float, the homecoming Royal be a step up. Guess not. Hey, did truth remains that if a smoker has school. Court road in fancy cars and waved our homecoming even have a no desire to quit, they're not going Note: First of all, what was up with to the crowds as they passed by. At theme? Home.of the champions? to. The Phoenix is usually not in our bonfire? Was it a bonfire or a our parade, hardly anyone stopped Is that a real theme? In all seriousness, several un- support of anonymous campfire? Ididn't know whether or to watch or dared to deviate away What was up with our footb~1l pleasant side effects accompany the not to cheer our team on or roast from their everyday activities to game? I know that our football withdrawal from any abused 'sub- marshmallows and sing. Correct watch our floats go by. How can team is the greatest (Although we stance. Headaches, mood swings, me if I'm wrong, but a bonfire is you even make a competition out do lack a Green Terror mascot that shakiness, just to name a few. You when a large stack of wood is set of a parade with only four floats? dances around to keep the crowd can spot someone going through it on fire; the flames are supposed to What's there to judge? I could tell hyped-you know, a third or fourth a mile away and they are not fun to be hyped. The fire was so weak that that a lot of effort was put into all string football player that dresses be around. it died before it even started and four floats, and one group was ob- up in a big furry suit so that he can no one could resurrect what was viously going to get left out, un- claim that he's a part of the team. never there to start with. And what less we included honorable men- What is a Green Terror?). I'm also was up with that band "Room tion or something, which we did aware that we don't have that much 402?" I knew they sounded famil- not. competition in our division, but that iar. They played that exact same I also know that homecoming homecoming game was ridiculous. routine at the sports complex that is very chaotic and stressful as is, There's got to be a mercy rule for we all went to for freshmen orien- but you could tell that our home- our football games somewhere be- tation. coming lacked organization. I still cause we all knew we were going They were barely able to draw can't even get over how our Home- to win when we had over 30 points a crowd there. I personally think coming Queen, for the class of to their zip before halftime. Speak- that the group didn't sound all that 2005, Felicia Donelson (please ing of which, what, no half time great and that they needed more di- spell her name right this time) show? I was more interested in the versity with the songs that they couldn't even get a ride to the lo- after parties than how we won the were playing. I mean, either that or cation where the parade started. game. can we get a OJ please? I heard that And then people have the nerve to Then I thought about going out "Room 402" volunteered for the wonder why she was late, to buy some homecoming attire gig and that SGA wants to give hmrnmmm, maybe because she had when I realized that we don't even them gift certificates to show their to walk! have a homecoming dance. Now I appreciation. Before the football game our consider my high school to be a For what? A large group of dis- Royal Court made their grand ap- small, overpopulated, under- appointed students, including my- pearance on the football field. I funded, public school, but at least self, went down to the game room couldn't tell; they looked like or- we were able to dance the night for some real music and entertain- dinary students to me. Our. Royal away. I guess that's a little too ment. We joked around and called Court didn't even have crowns and much to say about here. Come on it "Minority Student Night in the sashes. Come on, let's get with it WMC, get it together.
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