Page 56 - Phoenix2001-02
P. 56
Wednesday, November 14,2001 - Page 4 COMMENTARY Make your Should America be involved in this war? Donna Hurd discusses why the in He has tried to remove U.S. backing science. peace not war" is a phrase "Make we have been supported voice heard war on terrorism is necessary for this way. However, list of countries, includ- that in this case can·never happen and isn't by a never-ending an option. our own future. take Bin Laden to court and give We can't "We wage a war to save civilization it- ing Turkey, which is in fact Muslim in faith. him a fair trial. Not that 'the United States of Allies should This wide support tell you self," said President Bush, on November 8th Matthew Hurff shows the something Americans. would be against this, but the Taliban will importance of writing in the in his Address on Homeland Security. lately Our cause is just and we are engaged in never tum Bin Laden over. It has been brought to my attention President Commentary section. that tbere are many Americans that are the first war of the 21 st century to protect and they refused. Bush gave them their chance Remember our very future. they began this against this war. To them I can only shake Iknow that many mothers across the na- war, not us, but believe me, we will be the my head and sigh. As Bush are worried about their chil- ones to finish it. to not be for this war is going to war. To me this is Throughout this tragedy we have re- They really need to wake gained our nationalism and strong Ameri- see that without ending can values. Flags are flying high across the there will be no more nation, on poles, buildings, highways, and . Bin Laden is out to over the hearts of many. Keep this spirit our entire nation. alive and we will prevail. Loose faith and He searches for weapons we cannot survive. Support our sons and daughters in the y all terrorists are mass mur- military and our President in his time of of mercy to send food We need to stop them be- need. In the words of our great leader, "We plies to Afghanistan, and 'he;,L:=:_~-""-~~Jfme they put an end to civiliza- are facing an enemy who boasts they want government continues to take them away. tion here and across the globe. This is their to kill all Americans, kill all Jews, and kill In my return to the commentary section this semester, I have been very encouraged Bin Laden has tried to gain backing States for him- goal as ruthless as it may sound. Other all Christians, and our only response can be and that the United believe that if wei eave him alone Americans self by saying by the addition of several writers who have Northern Alliance are killing innocence ci- he won't attack. Wake up please. You can to confront it and to defeat it." Donna Hurd is ajunior English all brought a different perspective toour stu- dent newspaper. Iwould like to thank those vilians. not reason with terrorists. They have no con- major. writers, and also the writers who have writ- ten for this section for quite some time now. oCS should questions their priorities Isay that because [believe that the ability to have a Commentary section is one of the Claire Adams questions the DoCS was called to the scene to look into protect students. Why then do they protect things that makes America what it is. Where actions of Campus Safety the disturbance going on outside of campus us from loud music, but not severely in- else can you complain and praise something housing, but instead of cracking down, they toxicated drivers? Why are they not con- on the very same page. regarding drunk driving, didn't do a thing. They accepted excuses sistent with their actions? Why would two In a way, having the ability to write in look over the fact that a casually This semester students have repeatedly such an open forum is just like your right to complained about the Department of Cam- from the intoxicated student about it just be- officers was extremely intoxicated, operat- then student The two officers ing a small dispute. vote--you should exercise it. If you do not, and a threat too much -- or, to themselves, you really do not have a right to complain. pus Safety cracking down way, just doing their waved and smiled to spectators and left, al- ing a vehicle, and others in Westminster? the campus, student to drive away and lowing the drunken if you look at it another Everyday, I hear people praising and cause a serious me to think that the same of- It sickens complaining about issues in the world and job. Students often complain about getting potentially Webster, Director accident. ficers that hold themselves as authority fig- Mike of Campus on campus, however, very few ever take the written up for noise violations, or under- Safety, said that he was aware of the dispute, ures,looking out for the well-being of stu- step to make those opinions known. That is age possession of alcohol. but did not have any additional information dents, allow potential danger to students. why I praise the students along with faculty The grievance, "Campus Safety doesn't on the situation. With this specific case, DoCS could say who have submitted an article to the Phoe- want us to have any fun," is all too com- No, none of the student's friends inter- it was an isolated incident? nix thus far. mon, as they crack down on party after acted with the officers to tell them that the Well, it was an isolated incident that To those who have not, I issue a chal- party-just doing their jobs. I'm sure I'm a student was drunk. They wanted to avoid could have killed at least one student. How lenge: if you have something to say, say it. minority in applauding DoCS on doing ' messing up a good relationship, and let the many isolated incidents have to happen Otherwise, chances are you will continue to what they have to do, which happens to be authorities take care of it. Evidently though, before students are protected? wonder why your perspective remains un- a necessary evil. But, this past weekend, to the officers either do not know what an in- Perhaps it's time that the protection of addressed. my surprise I witnessed the complete op- toxicated person acts like, or simply didn't the student body is taken more seriously. So, students and faculty members, if you posite: DoCS not doing their job when it care. If this an incident like this happens have an opinion you want to make known, needed to be done, If it was obvious to me, a spectator from again, it could easily go farther. We could or if you would like to respond to another One student who had been heavily a nearby window, that this student was ex- find that a student or students are killed article, contact the Phoenix at extension drinking all night decided to get in a car tremely drunk, it should've been obvious to because a drunk driver was allowed to 8600. and drive around. When concerned friends the two officers who were involved. drive. Matt Hurffis ajunior English realized the student's state while driving, After the officers left, the student's friends Explain to WMC students and parents major they tried to get the keys away. The student felt scared and helpless. why loud music is an offense on our cam- became extremely angry and physical. DoCS's first and foremost purpose is to pus, but drunk driving isn't. Seriously, where is my parents' Phoenix subscription? Steve Sharkey wonders what paper. given me assurances that the paper is com- its name to Samsonite College and resort. happened to his parents' Phoenix My parents then came to parents week- ing to my parents house - we will see. WMC would be perfect forth is. It would be subscription. end this year and again they pledged fifteen On the party scene, I would like to an- the perfect family getaway as these travel- dollars to the Phoenix when a member of the nounce that there are some weekends that are ers could spend time. hitting the links while Today's editorial is going to complain staff fully assured them that they would get completely dead, this last weekend being one the kids' splash their way to fun in the pool. about the paper you are reading right now. I the newspaper sent to their home. What hap- of them. Or tourists could read a book in our expan- am not going to complain about the size, pened three weeks later? You guessed it - . There are some weekends where all stu- sive library or sweat it out in our fitness cen- scope, reporting, editing, writing or format. no newspaper. dents are required to leave in mass so that ter-the possibilities abound. The vacation- Instead I am going to complain about distri- Fool my parents once shame on you; fool there is absolutely no chance of there being ers could ask - what about the students? bution. Let me tell you a story. my parents twice shame on them. My par- a party. If you end up being stuck on cam- Aren't they going to cause a fuss? The Last year my parents paid fifteen dollars ents really wanted to see the newspaper this pus one of these weekends then I suggest you Maitre' de could answer "But of course not to the Phoenix to have each issue sent to my year especially because I am writing edito- go home. - there aren't any students on weekends, they house back on Long Island, New York. My rials in it this year. After not receiving their That way we can continue and increase are all at home." parents really like to see what is happening newspapers my parents were quite irate and the trend of going home on weekends. Who Does it get any better than that? I don't on campus and they like to see articles that beingthe New Yorkers they are they called knows, if we really work hard we might be think so. Would this fatten the college's en- include me, my friends and other people my me and gnawed my ear off. able to make WMC the rich man's commuter dowment? Oh yea, big time. Should money parents know. . My mom then told me that she was quite college. By this I mean every student will be come first in the management of the college, My parents were quite patient but they happy to be a patron of the newspaper being granted privileges to their rooms on Mon- the answer is yesiree! So forget about the never got one issue last year. This was after that she was donating lots of money to it just day through Friday. Then on the weekends students and their attempts to have fun on repeated requests by me and my parents to for the betterment of it. In fact I laud her the college can rent out the rooms to any the weekends and lets bring in the big tour- an unnamed news writer (my roommate efforts in being a benefactor of the Phoenix. vacationers and make the college into a ist bucks. Mike) and to other members of the newspa- Since then I have hounded many members weekend spa and resort. SIeve Sharkey is Q senior Political per staff to please send my parents the news- of the Phoenix staff and they have finally Imagine this - the college could change Science major
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