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NEWS Wednesday, November 14,2001 - Page 3 Semiautomatic assault weapon found in Rouzer Suspicious Continued from page J envelope received People sometimes have them for has a range of 1.35 miles (7128 nary." This student had met Affairs, explained that the situation in post office ' collectors items or for practice." feet), Robinson for the first time during was handled quite welL "In retro- Although many people have an While the AK-47 is a fully au- freshmen orientation and found him spect, I'm relieved things turned continued from page I idea about what this rifle looks like, tcmatic weapon, Barnes noted that "initially to be a shy person, but that out the way they did. We do a fair but many are unaware of the dam- the SAR-I is not--meaning the he was very helpful, and when amount of things proactively. We 001 Jpress/ma i I sec ur ity I age this rifle is capable of. shooter would have to pull the trig- known better [by others] was an are very clear with students com- ecurity.htm. According to a Baltimore Sun ger for each shot. outgoing and friendly person." ing in about the consequences." Sayre noted that this is a very article from November 8, cary time, where we need to prac- Many students got the Robinson was planning to ice extreme caution. Many col- when use the gun at his uncle's news of the incident mail mes- eges , including nearby left a phone Sayre farm. ettysburg, have also become tar- sage telling what had hap- But Barnes pointed out ets of anthraxlbiological warfare that the excuse might raise pened, Brian the next day. oaxes, he added. Lasky, a freshman some questions. "It would A campus wide flyer was also political science major and kind of take the sport out of Rouzer fourth floor resident enr out regarding suspicious mail hunting," he said. said, "I was deeply shocked nd how to handle it. According The AK-47 (Automatic o the United Stales Postal Ser- IMAGE FROM HTIP:IIMEMBERSTRIPOP,COMISA93IAK47.I!TML about the whole incident," Kalashnikov-47) assault rifle The Automatic Kalashnikov-47) known as the AK-47, is similar to Robinson's SAR-I. and added that he was con ice, any mail coming from some- was invented by cerned about student safety ne you do not know, that has no Mikhail Kalashnikov in 1947 pri- Although the exact reason for Students reaction, especially on campus. erum address. or is oddly shaped marily as a military weapon. The Robinson's possession is still not from those who reside on the same Sayre explained that Robinson .n appearance, should be suspect mainstay of Soviet and present day known, many students had several floor as Robinson, has been a mix faces going before the Honor and They suggest notifying local Russian infantry for the past 50 reactions to this incident. of shock and disbelief. Many stu Conduct Board, where the mini- - uthorities promptly, such as years, it has become one of the A friend of the student in ques- dents felt extremely shaken at hear- mum punishment for possession of DoCS, and washing your hands standard weapons for the US mili- tion, and a Rouzer fourth floor resi- ing the news of a student living on a weapon on campus is two semes- horoughly. tary, as well as many terrorist or- dent, wishing to remain anony- campus, having a weapon of such ters of suspension, For additional information on ganizations. This rifle has a maga- mous explained that he always con- destructive capability. Barnes said Robinson's trial uhrax and handling mail, visit zine comprising of 30 rounds and sidered the Robinson to be "ordi- Phil Sayre, Dean of Student date is set for February 20, 2002. he above websites, or contact oCS at extension 202. WMC Campus Safety patrol with Westminster police side, which is the area that the cam- after midnight and on weekends. residences. men-sense courtesy. "Refrain from pus is located in," says Mike Specific complaints included General College Regulations On September 25, Dean Sayre Webster, Director of Campus "loud and obscene language, van- using obscene language, don't tres- sent out a letter to all students re- Safety. dalism to property, urination on and Policies says in regards to the pass on private property, and if you off-campus of students freedom garding a very important concern. 'The recent actions of some stu- lawns, and even occasional threat- "college students are both private return to campus late, be quiet so The letter slated that "while the dents have deeply disturbed our ening behavior." While Sayre is citizens and members of the aca- you don't disturb others." WMC campus is located at the top neighbors," the letter continued. assured that these acts were caused Dean Sayre closed his letter of the hill overlooking "During the first month of this uca- by a small number of individuals, demic community." They have the with "you should be aware that the same rights and "freedoms, however action Westminster, all of us are a part of demic year, numerous citizens who this puts a strain on the relation- "in cases of serious misconduct, college will take disciplinary [hat dam- behavior for off-campus the Westminster community ...they live nearby have contacted City ship ofWMC with Westminster. conduct that demonstrates flagrant ages the college's relations with its [the citizens] have a basic right to Council members, the Mayor, the "During the first three to four disregard for the rights of others, neighbors." This campus has made live in peace and quiet-and in police" as well as several other of- weeks of the semester, we received or conduct that threatens the it their responsibility to eliminate safety." Due to disturbances caused ficials regarding this behavior and several complaints," says Webster. college's relations with the com- such irresponsible actions by by WMC students in the Sayre himself. The residents have "Thai included theft and vandal- munity, the college will hold stu- WMC students. Westminster community, Campus made complaints of intense frustra- ism. There were three or four ad- dents responsible under the Pro- They plan to do whatever it Safety now takes rides with tionregarding the conduct ofWMC dresses that were hosting very large scriptions of Conduct for acts com- rakes. and right now that means Westminster police into the sur- students has they make their way parties, and there was questions of mitted off campus." Campus Safety riding around with rounding area for joint patrol. back to campus and their late night a knife fight and fist fights." Some Sayre suggests that students the' Westminster police on week- "We are patrolling on the west behavior which is mOr,,_r_,,-,q"_e_",_S_,"_de_"_ts_i"_VO_I_ve_d_w_e,,_o_r_r~e_a_m~p",s what is known as the com- ends. practice Join the Crime hurts. Phoenix Join this organization to J and make the ~SIUd~ ~~c::2Sea•Is looking for new members! Every day people are sexually show off your computer skills assaulted who never thought It news .Contact Dr. Erin Smith x431 for de ils,I would happen to them, If this and 10 Get Your OWN Web Pag has happened to you there's no Meetings are held every need to deal with It alone. Monday at 6 p.rn, in the Phoenix office, between Whether the crime happened last night Campus Safety and GLAR, or years ago, we can help. Business, advertising, design, "Ahhhh! Rape Crisis Intervention reporting, writing, and more.. 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