Page 53 - Phoenix2001-02
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Volume XXIV Number 5 WednesUay, November 14,2001 Green Terrorsurprises Florida with victory Me MIKE JENKINSON The Green Terror entered SWjfWriler Florida as underdogs against The Western Maryland College Division JAA Jacksonville Green Terror football team is head- University, but dominated play ing back to the playoffs this week- from the start of the game and won the cO!Hest42-21. Senior end. This Saturday they head out Quarterback Jamie Harris to Washington Pa., which is in the returning to the Sunshine state CUllmADAMS Pittsburgh area, to take on Wash- where he played his high Co-F,dj/or-in-Chie! ington and Jefferson. Wand 1 had school football . spearheaded (j In the past few weeks terroris a perfect 10 and 0 season this year, offensive attack that controlled as been introduced to America i as they won the PACconference for the game. On the left, is a new form-in envelopes and pack the 17th time. photo of retUTII man French ges. Many government and medi , Wand J has a rich history of Pope getting ready to break a tfices have been targets of rnai successful 03 football. They have big playa/ a recent home game nthrax and anthrax hoaxes, an made the national playoffs thirteen lOW WMC has become a target too times, including two trips to the Fire in On Monday October 29 national championship game. The oughly around 11:15 a.m. asuspi Presidents are the third seed in the .ious letter was received in the pos south bracket. Western Maryland is McDaniel ffice, bearing no return add res the sixth. nd addressed only to Westen If the Terror are successful in CLAIR!,: AOAMS & JF..sSICA aryland College. Continued on page 12 WATSON Mike Webster, director of th Co-EdilOr-in-Chie! and Ca·News Edilor epartmeru of Campus Safety, ex On lained that the postmark Rouzer student arrested for McDaniel Sunday, November rudely II, roma foreign country, was als in and were residents awakened around 4 a.m. by a fire luded Arabic-like script. alarm, and quickly found out that DoCS was quickly alerted, ex possession of semiautomatic rifle it was not a drill. but a real fire. lained Webster. He added that t.b ill room 312, The blaze started awakening neighbors because of snvefope was sealed properly an P ieked up by the Westminster CI.AIRE ADAMS, Michael Baker was informed that charged with under age possession the thick smoke, explained junior ice Department. Lskov McDm'FIE & 19-year-old Glenn Robinson had of a regulated firearm, a misde- Tim Saul, who lives three doors Westminster Capt police RYAN PAfl:AMESHWARAN possession of the weapon. Upon meanor. Robinson was then re- down. andy Barnes explained that a ris Co-Ediror-in-Chief. Co-News Editor &: learning of the situation, DoCS leased on personal recognizance-- "Around 4 a.rn. all of the people ssessment investigation was com Sto!fWriler contacted the Westminster Police meaning he promises to appear in in the hall were banging on the door leted and showed that the enve On November 5, at about I am, Department. court. screaming 'Fire!' But, I honestly ope was an extremely low risk, s Westminster Police Department Westminster police Capt. Under Maryland state law, one just thought it was a joke," Saul t was destroyed. was called to investigate a fourth Randy Barnes explained that police must beat least 21 years old to have said. The post office employees we floor Rouzer student in possession met with Robinson and searched possession of a regulated firearm. Shortly after the fire alarm was ot available for comment. ofasemiautomatic assault weapon, his closet, finding the SAR-I with Barnes explained, "I don't think pu lied and the entire dorm was The day after the package wa a Romanian version of an AK-47' a 30 round magazine attached, and it can be used for hunting because quickly evacuated with the help of eceived DoCS sent a campus wid called the SAR-l. roughly 80 rounds of separate am- Resident Assistants and the Depart- The Department of Campus munition. of the capacity of the magazine. mail regarding two websltes wit ment of Campus Safety. elpful information about anrhr Safety was first alerted after RA Robinson was arrested and Continued on page 3 . Saul wasn't alone with his ini- d how to handle Suspicious pack. tial reaction. ges. Two sites they suggest visit "At first I thought it was a ng were: prank," says Connie Williams, a McDaniel RA. "I used to live in oc u me n t s A pp/ Anthrax: Blanche Ward Hall and the false I027200 IAMlhan47.asp alarms were common there." Continued on page 2 Williams also saw smoke com- ing out into the halls and immedi- -- -- ately went to' Shonda Wilson, Inside McDaniel Resident Life Coordina- tor. "I made sure people were ok and that they didn't go back into the building." Saul noted, "There was a lot of teve Sharkey asks the questio smoke in the hallway and it was 'Where is my-Phoenix?" Read hi coming OUI very thick and heavy 'tory as well as his thoughts 0 from the room that was on fire." hat really happens at college. Since, it was freezing outside and the residents were told by the fire department that it was going From wild pigs to Englis to be a couple of hours before they rofessors ... students make sugges would be allowed back in, Ensor ions for a new WMC mascot. Lounge was opened, where they could wait and sleep. Saul estimates 80 people gath- randon Roebuck details the caree From left to right, Neo, RU(Jd, Dirt, Brisq and Staccato, of the new R&B band Nuance. ered in Ensor waiting to hear if they f star football player Tero For more information on Nuance's upcoming COllcert at WMC, see Features, page 8. could return to their rooms. At 5 owelL Read about his WMC an Continued on page 2 entennial Conference records.
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