Page 52 - Phoenix2001-02
P. 52
mffjJr Dmen SOtIIIS Volume XXIV Number 4 Western Maryland College Green Terror football wins fifth consecutive Conference title, destroys F & M on Homecoming MIKE Jf;NKINSON Sw.ifIVriter With two weeks left in the regu- Terron Powell continued domi- After coming dose on several lar season, The Western Maryland nating defenses and setting records. returns this year, Pope finally broke College Green Terror have won His seven catch, 138 yard, two through and scored on a punt re- their fifth consecutive centennial touchdown performance lifted turn. Amazingly enough, the re- conference title, securing their fifth Powell into the record books as the turn came, after Pope had dropped consecutive trip to the national leader in receptions in WMC his- the punt originally, but scooped it playoffs as well. tory, as, well as setting the new con- off the ground and scampered for The Terror actually qualified for ference record for career TO's. the playoffs this past weekend, and The defense posted their first the TD. Less then ten game min- matched the feet utes later, Pope they didn't even playa game. shutout of the season. Senior De- again. He returned his second punt Dickinson did The Terror a fensive lineman Josh Gaetmore had of the game for a TO. ' He even huge favor by defeating Johns a career day, contributing ten tack- came close to a third one late in the Field Hockey misses Hopkins, which guaranteed The les, six of which were solo. And contest, but was tripped up before Terror the conference and the play- despite no sacks, he applied pres- bringing it to the house. off spot. sure on the F&M quaterbacks all The two wins bring the Terror conference playoffs, This happened the week before day. to 7-1. Despite the playoffs and the The Terror hosted Franklin and The F&M win came a week af- conference being locked, they still Marshall for homecoming. ter the Terror handled Dickinson have two big games left looks towartls RCA € The Terror proved to be a bit too 47-21. They head to Florida to face much for the Diplomats, as West- The highlight of the contest was fAA opponent Jacksonville state ern Maryland squeaked by with a the play of Sophomore kick and and finish the season with confer- GREG LEDERER Editor Sports 54-0 shutout. punt returner French Pope. ence rival Johns Hopkins. It has been a ~at season for .. half was. tightly played and the the West-ern Maryland College teams went Into the half scoreless. Field Hockey team as ther com- In the second half, WMC pleted their 2001 campaign with a played tough, but allowed two key school record 13 wins and only four goals to the Blue Jays and fell by a loses, but were left out of the Con- 2-0 score. The loss all by eJimi- terence title tournament. nated the team from the conference "We are very disappointed at playoffs. missing the playoffs, because we "We are very disappointed be- had the best overall record in the cause we felt that we could have conference," says freshman Laura made a big impact in the tourna- Ford. ment," says freshman Kristin While compiling the Barrick. Conference's best record overall, Despite already being elimi- the team will be unable to fight for nated from Conference title conten- the conference crown. tion, the team looked to make a Despite the setback, the near statement in their October 24 match and post future looks very bright against conference leader, Wash- for the Green Terror. ington College. On October 13, WMC looked The opposition came into the to make school history by register- game with only one loss on the sea- ing their I lth win of the season, son, and the Green Terror re- thus breaking the school record of sponded-to the challenge by play- 10 wins set in 1948. . ing tight defense and using offen- Needing to win to continue their sive surges to post a 2-0 road win. hunt for the Centennial Conference With the game scoreless at the end title, the Green Terror fought hard of the first half, the team used goals and pulled out a tight 2-1 victory. from Kessler and Barrick to beat The team picked up key goals from the conference's best team. junior Tracy Kessler and the game While they are out of the Con- winner from sophomore Kim ference tournament, the team's Camponelli. postseason future is still bright be- With every game important in cause they can still earn a bid to the title chase, the Green Terror the Eastern Collegiate Athletic looked forward to a tough game Conference tournament (ECAC), against conference rival, Johns which takes place in less than a Hopkins. The greatly anticipated week. conference clash was almost over- Losing only one senior of their shadowed by the weather as the record setting squad, the young game had to stopped halfway Green Terror have a bright future Terror kicker Chris Patterson kicks afield goal under duress during the Homecoming game against through due to the rain conditions. for not only the present, but years . The Green Terror football team romped the Diplomats winning 54·0. Continued the next day, the first to come.
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