Page 51 - Phoenix2001-02
P. 51
SPORTS Wednesday, October 31, 2001· Page 15 WWF Column: The underrated star, DDP ivia: College of Notre Dame. MIKE JENKINSON SpOrts Editor The Green Terror offense Staf!Wrifer do some good work, which in- ecords The season has come to an end started the game off quickly with It's time for the WWF and the cluded an incredible triple cage for the Western Maryland College two goals from freshman Katie "smart" vultures called internet match, to make the entire Arquette warchable. storyline women's soccer team as they com- Kirley and one goal from Merson wrestling writers to understand the Once the WCW was bought by dition pleted their season with a sub .500 in the first half as they cruised to a greatness of one Diamond Dallas the WWF, only two main event record in the conference. 3-0 shutout win. Page. caliber wrestlers moved from Despite their less than spectacu- The defense was very stout in lar record, the team finished the the contest and junior goalies Alice Page, an athletic wonder who WCW to WWF. They were Booker DDP. season winners of three of their last Litslnger and Candi KuJiogowski didn't wrestle his first match until Tand Booker T was given every op- an age when he was thirty five, four games and hope to take their combined for the shutout. many. wrestlers are retiring, is one portunity at first. He was put into late season surge into next year's The team faced a difficult chal- of the few ovcr-40 wrestlers who programs with The Rock and was campaign. lenge on Senior Day when they have the ability to put in great ring booked in matches .with Kurt The Green Terror hoped to end faced tough conference rival Johns work. (Sting sticks out as one of Angle, Stone Cold, and Chris Jeri- their season on a good note in their Hopkins. The day belonged to the the other few capable of the feat.) cho. last game against Washington Col- Blue Jays as they dominated, put- . The fact that he's 45 years old But DDP was given a terrible lege on September 23. ting up six goals in the first half in and can still go does not in and of stalker angle. He was to portray a On the road, WMC came out routetoa7-! win over WMC. itself make him great. Buttheman lunatic who stalked The sluggish and allowed two quick Starting to play consistently has the ability to get fans to buy Undertaker's wife. The story goals in the first eight minutes of well late in the season, the team into whatever he's doing. sucked. Worse, DDP never got to the contest and went into the half hosted Swarthmore College in a When WCW was in it's last few get to The Undertaker. down 2-0. home game on September 13, years, DDP was one of the few Every time the two had a con- In the second half, sophomore WMC used two first half goals workers in the company who con- frontation, the WWF refused to al- Christine Mayne stepped up for the by freshman Laura Cavery and tinued to work on his craft, and low Page to gel the better of The team scoring two goals to even the Boughter and held back a late rally better himselfin and out of the ring. Taker. Yet Page made people get score at 2-2 and sent the game into to pick up a 2-1 home win. And DDP was always there to into the rivalry. His great mic work overtime. The 200 I squad had a tough bail the company out. When Flair carried the story. He carried the In the extra period, junior for- year as they had many problems was getting too old and flabby to Undertaker, net the other way ward Melissa Merson brought scoring points throughout the sea- perform, the company need a cocky around. home the win for the team with a son, but the future looks bright for devilish heal. DDP gave them just After a few months, we have the strong shot past the Washington the team. what the Doctor ordered. He won new DDP. DDP has a book called College goalkeeper. The team was "This season was a challenge his first world title rn-a match -th;t Positively Page. It's a good read, happy to end their season on a good with new players working with re- featured five over-40 wrestlers, yet and it discusses his career as a. bar- note. turning players and the our success managed to be a classic at Spring . Which college tender and his late run in wrestling. .. eas .'· .. "oUlnh"sin'hket!>wea"yw'"hYe·sweeaseonndsehdo'uhlde-at the end of this season is what we Stampede 1999. His mic work" as The focus of the book, however, is rogram holds the ~n hope to translate to next season," a heal gave the company a new .the man's positive attitude toward .-'" have gone," said freshman Brooke, said Mayne. ,I' Flair for months. life. ecord for the most Boughter. The team is mainly composed Later on, when Vince Russo The WWF decided to take this in coUegl>.foOtbaD ___ "We showed our full potential of young players who made strong decided to allow David Arquette to concept a step further. atIne-end o£"lhe.,s.eM_on." contributions_m,JhitJear's team be WCW world champion, the They now have Page portray- istory? Four days earlier, WMC looked and w.lth mOre .expe.rien~ ~pro- company trusted DDP to carry the ing a Tony Robbins style motiva- to continue their late season sue- gram rsexpecnng big things fO~diculous story. tional speaker, but taken to an ex- cess in another road game against future of women's soccer at WMC. He!e to treme. IV Ct· earn IS s rong a t Centenni I tiers by telling that losses"are;'-i"a wres- t Hc utrempts ,----------------------------,--,..... to encourage en enma ~- Conference Championships bad,hingTheyareagood,hing," was poorly. received The gimmic I ~ at first, mostly because it sucked, But Page worked it, and with his work made his first in-ring appear- GRI,G LEI)ERt:R ticked the tape in 55th place, and As the 2001 campaign comes ance in months last week. Sports Editor He had one of his motivational John Reagan followed in 65th to a close, the team has to say The Western Maryland Col- "I think that i could have done talented stars speeches with Kane. After DDP lege cross country learn finished better (in the race), the weather was good-bye to many of worked Kane and the crowd for who have been the cornerstone their season with a strong show- really bad and i was running by the program. several minutes, DDP did some- ing at the Centennial Conference myself, but i was happy with how i Seniors Krebs, Pool, and thing no one has been able to do in Championships over the weekend placed," said Thayer. Javne Karolow have all been a while. They cared about what The men came in eighth place and A week earlier, the learn drove Kane did. Kane had enough of the woman finished in 5th on a down route 15 for the annual strong contributors to the team for DDP's ran Ling, and choke- rain day in Cansle, PA. Gettysburg College Invitational. many years and will be hard to slammed him. The crowd went "I 'm replace in the years to come. Once again, senior Jill Krebs crazy! The woman were less star run- worried about losing their person- led the way for the Green Terror DDP had taken this weak gim- ner Krebs who for the fir,~t time in alities than their athletic ability," woman, placing seventh overall in mick that looked doomed when it her career missed the race, due to says Miller. the meet with a time of t9:51, an injury. "Athletes can be trained, but started a few weeks ago, and made The New Windsor product fin- fans totally buy into it. With their top runner out, the its hard to replace good people." ished her career by becoming only But that is the magic of DDP. runners picked up the slack with The team picked up strong the third player in history to gar- He made something work Lhat some of their best times of the sea- performances during the year ner first team Centennial Confer- son. shouldn't. Because fans like DDP, ence thrce times. Leading the way was Pool who from freshman Lawson and and he has the ability to get a reac- She was followed by fellow Chrissy Dachille who they will tion out of seemingly nothing. senior Diana Pool in 28th place, ran to a career best time of 18:34; look to for big things in the near r hope that DDP makes a few Jun- by Pullen at 19.46. followed future. freshman Colleen Lawson in 31st main event appearances in the next ior Ellen Miller also stepped, up On the other side, the men's place. and sophomore Jen Pullen year or so before he retires. He's with her career best time of 19:54, team is graduating only one se- who came in 46th. as the team placed ninth in the race. earned it. More importantly, On the men's side, sophomore The Green Terror garnered a nior, and the team expects a people will like it. A DDP Rock or Jimmy Thayer led the way for the 20th pluce out of 29 teams in the strong season year in 2002. very DDP Austin feud would draw. is looking "Next Green Terror, coming in 50th good if we put in the time Over Still, I have a feeling he'll be place in the meet with a time of Leading the way again was the summer and wlth coaeh bring- forced to work with less talented 29:J2, Thayer who had a strong tillle of ins in new recruits. we should be wrestlers, and carry more feuds. Less than a minute later, fel- 28:55 and junior Dave Prufili who At least I appreciate him. low sophomore Ryan Melhorn ran well in a time of 29;34, ve;y good," added Thayer.
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