Page 50 - Phoenix2001-02
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J Wednesday, October 31, 200 1 - Page' 14 '-SPORTS .c: Men's soccer clinches a'bid in the Here s what is Centennial Conference tournament coming up in the following issues of RICK GRAMS He credited Vinny Pedalino and Defibaugh goal for the Terror. Staff Writer the Phoenix, .. as great influences, and said that all of the October 13 was Senior Day for the team, With a 2~ I win over Washington College seniors will be "unable to be replaced." and the team responded with a 4-1 win over on Saturday, the men's soccer team secured Plevyak said that this group of seniors Muhlenberg in front of the home fans. 1. of the Coverage a birth in the Centennial Conference touma- has won more games in their four years than Seniors Loose and Pedalino had big ootball's team continuing Green Terra mem. any other group in WMC history. games. Loose has two goals and Pedalino quest for th The win, WMC's thirteenth of the sea- On the path to the playoffs, WMC had a goal and an assist. Tetteris assisted on pivision 111 National Championship son, made the 2001 Terror the winningest knocked off Dickinson 3-1 on October 24 at one of Loose's goals, while McCallum learn in the 75 years there has been a soccer home. scored off of the Pedalino pass. Defibaugh program on the Hill. Pat Danaher, Trevor Brown and .Tim had seven saves. In the game that clinched the second con- McCallum had goals in the game. McCallum WMC suffered what would be the team's secutive playoff berth for the Terror (13-5), also had and assist, along with Tetteris and last loss of the season on October 9, 1-0 to · Coverage of Men's soccer in the Cen juniors Ryan Tenens and Chris Wineke both. Pedalino. Defibaugh had six saves in the Rutgers University-Camden .. ennial Conference Championship tour scored goals. match. Defibaugh was able to keep WMC in the ament The assists came from freshmen Leon The Terror also beat Ursinus 3-1. Barclay game with two saves, and the Terror had four Mach and Tim McCallum. Loose, Thomas Kane, and Pedalino each shots in the final minute of play, but could Senior goalkeeper Ryan Defibaugh had scored, with assists coming from Pedalino not find the back of the net. This was the seven saves, "some of which were spectacu- and Mach. only out-of-conference loss for the Terror on Iar," according to Coach John Plevyak. Loose's goal came on a free kick. the season. Asked how it felt for the freshman class Defibaugh had six saves during the game, Plevyak described the season as "awe- · More player profiles, giving you no to be such an integral part of a history-mak- which was played on October 20. some," adding that it is "pretty incredible that ust the player, but the person ing team, Mach said, "It feels good to have On October 16, the team traveled to we beat Gettysburg, Muhlenberg, and come in and made an impact. I think we Lancaster, Pa. to take on Lancaster Bible Frostburg." have contributed. a lot to the team and the College, a game won by WMC 2-1. The team broke the 1980 squad's record school." Dave Filo scored the game winner with for single season victories and earned the Mach added that the upperclassmen, par- 14 minutes left in the match. Dan Szanto second seed in the conference playoffs. of Green Terror var ticularly the seniors, have played a large role scored his first goal of the season off of a Plevyak said, "the Terror will face · Winter previews in the success of the freshmen and the team. Brad Russell assist. Muhlenberg at Johns Hopkins on either Fri- sity sports coming soon "They made us feel at home," he said. Junior Brent Kahuda saved four shots in day or Saturday." Green Terror Sports Profile: Lauren Cernak T AMMI SLATER cially for a team where every player wants our first game against Susquehanna where I credit her for what she's done for this Assist(lnt News Editor to be here. It's been really fun being the Cap- we won 3-0, I knew it would be a good sea- program, and for the dedication she instilled tain," Cernak said. son because we just clicked together on the within us. A passion for the game, a deep love for However, Cemak says that being elected field," she said. She believed in us from the start, and I the 'sport, and a desire for team camarade- Captain was not the most satisfying moment However, after an 8-0 winning streak, really respect her as a person. She's very rie is what Lauren Cernak loves about field of her career, but that "Playing every single WMC lost their first game to Muhlenberg professional on the field, but also really in- hockey. minute of every game my senior year was College followed by .Gettysburg College. terested in her players as people also," The senior English major has been a part the most gratifying." Though extremely disappointing the team Cernak explained. of the WMC field hockey team since her Finishing the season with a 13-4 record, used the two losses to regain their play and Furthermore, Cernak recognizes the As- freshman year and has watched the program Cernak attributes back to the players and attitude. sistant coaches for "giving me confidence, grow tremendously. As a freshman Cernak work ethic. "We didn't let it bring us down but we motivation, and a lot of personal attention was one of five freshman players, and feels ~. "I see leadership qualities in so many had a few let down games like Johns on defense that I had never received in the strongly that the program has taken ~at__....peopleon the team besides the council. Hopkins, but we came back and beat past." ...._ strides s~ -- - People step up when you least expect it, and Goucher College, Haverford, and Franklin While the season has drawn to a close, In Cemak's sophomore year the team it's great to know that those are the hands and Marshall. and Cemak's field hockey career at WMC received anewcoach, along with a new phi- I'm leaving the team in. After two losses we sat down as a team is ultimately over, she is certain that she will losophy and approach. The arrival of new Everyone has a voice and role whether to get our direction back because we got a always be involved with the sport. Coach Mindy Manolovich is whom Cemak you play every game or not, and it comes little down. "Field hockey will always be in my life credits greatly for the tum around in the with the great attitude and determination on We figured out we wanted better to com- in some way, and in the future while I'm program. the team," she said. pete in the conference championship, and the teaching I also hope to coach a high school "She brought a new philosophy, up- The team's recent game on Wednesday, coaches all really helped us regroup in prac- team one day," she said. rooted things, made the players more seri- October 24 against Washington College was tice," she said. To the players she has shared not only ous, gave routines and really just gave us ~ prime example of the drive and unity the The team unity, enthusiasm, and passion the field with, but also endless memories the potential to be good," Cernak said. team possesses. are what Cemak says she will miss the most. Cernak stresses making the most of your Jumping from a record of5-11 her fresh- Beating Washington 2-0, who stands as "I love all the different personalities and time at college, and to go after what you man year to 10-9 her junior year was a tre- the number one team in the conference, dynamics of a team. What could be better want and you will always be happy. mendous step for both the program and the proved WMC has a lot to show. Cernak feels then Division III hockey? It's fun, and "Don't hold anything back. Four years players. the team went out big with the Washington everyone's there because they want to be, will go by so fast. Give everything you have "It's been so awesome to watch the pro- game saying, "We showed the rest of the con- not because they are getting money to play," and put your heart into it. Remember not to gram develop over the last four years," ference to watch out next year." Cemaksaid. take the opportunity for granted, but have Cernak said. Cemak plays the position of sweeper on Cemak feels this season was the ultimate fun doing it," she said. As the only senior on the team and Cap- defense and feels that the defensive unit is ending to her four years playing at WMC For a team that has made a name for it- tain, Cernak held many leadership respon- who helped teach her the most about herself saying, "It's a great way to go out as a se- self this season, Cernak says, "it's great to sibilities. as a player. nior. We've come so far in four years. know these are the hands I'm leaving the "I feel I have a lot to offer on the field, "The defensive unit is real close. We The freshman are very lucky, they have team in." communication wise, to help point out huddle before every game, and they are the four years to go through this program and Once a team that was looked at as an problems and help people improve," people who helped me out the most in prac- coaching staff. easy win, is now looked at for great com- Cemak said. tice and games. Additionally, Cernak will miss the coach- petition and finesse of the sport and Cemak However, she is quick to explain that I learn from them, and through working ing staff she had the opportunity to work is certain that "We'll be in the conference the duties were not all her own, but split up together and learning each other's style of with. championships next year." between four other players on what the team play on the field," she said. Serving as motivators and mentors first, Cemak even plans to come back next calls "leadership council". For a team who was nationally ranked and coaches second, Cernak feels the year to visit and watch her old teammates The council consisting of Cernak, Sara for six weeks straight for the first time ever, coaches, both head coach Manolovich, and from the sideline as they take on the name ----A Hansen, Jessica Stewart, and Marcie Parke Cemak says her expectations for this season Assistant Coaches Natalie Hannibal and and reputation that they have created for share duties of leading the team whether it were greatly surpassed. Laura Emory really shaped her as a player. themselves. be in pregame warm ups or carrying equip- "I was hopeful and believed we could "I feel lowe so much to Coach ment. have a better record then last year, but it was Manolovich, and I'm so grateful that she "Being Captain has been great espe, more a hope then an expectation. But after came to our program when she did.
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