Page 154 - Phoenix2001-02
P. 154
Wednesday, April 24, 2002 - Page 14 SPORTS Cramp leads Lax earns a to the Sports Schedule women's golf Centennial Conference at Dickinson tournament Invitational STEVJ; Phoenix ZAMAGIAS Western Maryland ironically fall victim to a Staff I he dream season tor the Western Mary strong second half by the Bullets on an un- CHRIS TAUGHER land College women's lacrosse team contin- seasonably hot April day. The [6-8 loss came Assistant SPOrlS EdilOr ues as the Lady Terror are now one win away just three days after the Terror pummeled Preshman Reily Cramp led Western from a berth in the Centennial Conference Maryland to a second-place finish at the postseason tournament. Now distant are Haverford goals, 24-11, helping highlighted tie by Thomas' her eight teammate Dickinson College Women's Golf Spring memories from last season's 5-10 campaign Mulhern for the team record. Mulhern her- Invitational on Saturday, April 12. Cramp as Coach Mindy McCord and her team boast self added five and Tracy Kessler six, while won the tournament with a score of76, nine an impressive 9-4 mark with only three Amy Price's solid contributions to the team strokes better than the second-place finisher, games left. continued with a pair of goals and an assist. Maria Oristaglio of Mount St. Mary's Col- The team's trademark of strong second Track and Field lege, who shot an 85. The Terror's wide offensive arsenal was halves continued on Saturday as the ladies on display again in their April 9th contest "I was really hitting, putting and chip- outscored Muhlenberg 11-3 in the second keeper ping well. I'm just glad it all came through frame to win 18-8 on another record-setting against Villa Julie. Freshman to seven Lindsey 0' Steen held the Mustangs for me," said Cramp. Garnett Pumphrey fin- day. Junior Tracy Kessler joined teammate goals in the game. Defensive leader All ished fourth overall with a 94 and J ul ia Erin Mulhern in the l Ou-goal club by scor- Kinary continues to be pleased with what the Richardson placed 14th (112). The terror ing six goals to go along with the unsung young goalie is doing for the team. "She finally solidified their fourth roster spot with Sara Thomas' four goals. Mulhern added a a lot of poise junior Stacey Roach. Roach ended up 28th fine day of her own with two goals and six has shown She continues back there for a to be mobile and freshman. with a score of 128. assists to join five other Terror on the verbal with us and that is helping us all do Mount St. Mary's won the Invitational scoreboard, including sophomore Heidi our jobs better," she said. with a team score of 375. The Green Terror Hurdt who chipped in with a pair of goals. 0' Steen will have to keep holding her grabbed second place with a 410, followed The senior leader commented on the feat own in the net if the Terror are 10 carry out by Gettysburg (415), Dickinson (422) and Kessler joined her in accomplishing," r am Hollins (484). so happy for Tracy to do this as a junior. I Next up for the women is the conference know how hard it was for me (0 get it done tournament. and this just shows the type of player and The Centennial Conference Champion- hard-worker she is", Mulhern said. ship is held in Ocean City, Md. next week- Western Maryland's Thursday match-up end, April 27 and 28. "We are playing great with Swarthmore ended up being postponed as a team," Richardson said. "If everyone after a rain delay stopped the action with just keeps it up we will have a shot at finish- 15:00 minutes remaining in the second half. ing at [he top of the conference." Even though the Terror were winning when The women started lheir season off at the me game was stopped, il was not official so Bucknell Invitational in Lewisburg, Pennsyl- the likely make-up date will be this Thurs- vania back on April 6. Cramp shot an 85 day. and a 90 for a 175 total, the 86th best score Tuesday's game with Gettysburg saw in a field of 124 golfers. l€lax~~ ~Xf4/e't~a Bakery, and Catering 17 East Main SI. Westminster, MD 410-848-8996 Bring your college ID and get 1 large pizza and a 6-pack of domestic bottled beer for $13.50 (Must be 21 years of age) or 1 large cheese pizza for $7.99. We are located next to Safeway 7P.M.-11P.M. Featuring: Destas/a and FAQ $2 Cover wlCollege ID $5 Cover without ID 410-876-2593
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