Page 156 - Phoenix2001-02
P. 156
·creen SIIIIfIS Teffilr VolumeXXV Number 5 Western Maryland College Softball team remains undefeated in conference, looking for another 20-win season in 2002. GREG LEDERER Sports Edilor inning rally to take the sweep with The team experienced a setback It has been a strong season for a 13-0 shelling. In the second in- in a doubleheader against non-con- the Western Maryland College soft- ning, the team PUI 12 runs on the ference foe, York College where ball team as they have registered a board spearheaded by junior third they were swept by falling just sizzling 19-5 record on the season, basemen Candice Kuligowski's short in two close contests. In the including an undefeated 10-0 con- three run homer and then handed first game, the Green Terror ference mark. Manager George the game over to sophomore grabbed an early 2-0 lead and held Dix's squad is on their way to the pitcher Kim Campanelli who shut- it until the fifth inning when the program's seventh consecutive 20- out the opposition on three hits and opposition finally got to WMC ace win season, and the coveted Cen- struck out four. Campanelli also pitcher Abrams with six hits as they tennial Conference championship. helped herself at the pIate, going posted five runs in the stanza. The Green Terror's quest to re- three for three with three RBIs in WMC wouldn't lie down and main perfect in conference play the nightcap. posted two runs in the seventh in- continued on April 16th against The team looked for another ning to close the lead to one, but Dickinson College in a double- doubleheader sweep in their April fell just short in a 5-4 loss. header. It was another solid day lIth games against Messiah Col- Although Abrams wasn't her for WMC as they completed an- lege. usual self on the mound, at the plate Men's Lacrosse upsets she kept other sweep by scores the same The first game was a nail-bitter the team in the game score of 6-1 and 6-1. respectively. throughout the contest as WMC with two hits, two RBIs, and scor- WMC showcased their versatile held on for a slim 3-2 victory. The ing two runs in the game. offensive weapons in a double- Green Terror jumped out to a early The second game saw a classic nationally ranked header against Haverford on April 3-0 Iead with RBfs from freshman pitchers duel between York's Col- 13th. catcher Caitlin Burns and junior leen Price and WMC's Campanelli. In the first game, sophomore first basemen Selena Smart, but Campanelli was nearly perfect on Washington College, outfielder Lauren Cramer started Messiah came back with two runs the game only allowing two hits in the Green Terror scoring in the first in the fourth to close to lead to one. the contest, but the Spartans played inning with a long home run and Although the opposition threat- tough and plated a run in the sev- falls to Gettysburg the rest of the game saw more of ened, Abrams was calm and used enth inning. that would hold up as the same as WMC demolished the the defense to help her out of a WMC settled for a slim 1-0 set- MIKE JF.NKINSON opponent II-D. couple of jams as the team took the back. SporrsSwif first period, but The Terror blew up Sophomore star hurler Sam first game. Despite the sweep, the team has After having their II game. win- in the second quarter. They scored Abrams was strong on the mound In the second game, WMC used been very consistent all season and ning streak stopped cold by ten goals in the second period. only allowing only one hit, and pro- another big inning to propel the is looking to complete their season Gettysburg last week, The Green moving the game out of control ductive at the plate with two hits team to an 11-3 victory. The team with a perfect conference mark. Terror Men's Lacrosse team pulled with a 13-5 halftime lead. and two RBIs. pounded the Messiah pitching staff Ranked by strong pitching and a off a huge upset victory over #3 Earlier that week was a battle The second game saw the same for ten hits, paced by sophomore strong offensive presence, it ap- Washington College. of undefeated conference favorites outcome as the Green Terror of- outfielder Kristin Banick's two hits pears that the team is poised for Senior All-American Tom Gettysburg and The Green Terror. fense utilized an incredible second and two RBIs. another 20-win campaign. Brown once again rose to the oc- The Terror started slow, and were casion in the clutch as he scored the down 9-3 at the half. Nottingham, game winning goal in double over- who had six saves and nine goals time. The 16-15 victory was the against at that point, was pulled for second straight year that The Ter- Alex Korba. Korba wasn't much ror defeated The Shoremen. better, as he gave up II goals in the The 15 goals were scored by six second half. The Terror were different players including five never able to catch up in the 20-5 from freshmen attack Rob Weaver, loss. Gettysburg entered the con- and Joe Ellis added three goals and test as the #2 ranked team in the an assist. Goalie Brian Nottingham country. had 14 saves. The Washington game was the Washington and Gettysburg final regular season contest for the have always been the class of the Terror. Centennial Conference, both pro- Next weekend WMC will go grams having won the national back to Gettysburg to compete in championship in the past. the Centennial Conference tourna- By defeating strong Washing- ment. Gettysburg gets to host {he ton teams the past two years, The event again because they are the top Terror are beginning to get national seed. attention, and are turning the con- The four learn tournament fea- ference into a three team race. tures a rematch of last weeks game The week before, The Terror for the Terror. They will play defeated Villa Julie College 19- 8. Washington in the first round. If Ellis set the pace with one goal and The Terror win the four team tour- six assists in the contest, Brown nament, they would automatically was the high goal man with five. qualify for the NCAA national The game was close through the tournament.
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