Page 155 - Phoenix2001-02
P. 155
SPORTS W. Tennis ends end up and down season season on solid note winless STEVE Phoenix ZAMACIAS Last Saturday's home double- Staff It has been an up and down sea header against Muhlenberg typified CHRIS TAUGHER son for the Western Maryland Col- the streaky season that the Terror Assistam Sports Editor lege men's baseball team as the have endured to this point. After It has been a rough year for the team finishes the final stretch of being no-hit in the first game by the women's tennis team. Head coach their season. Mules' losh Carter, Western Mary- Teresa Barnes said, "I am really Standing currently at 14-13 land came out in second game on a pleased with the team's improve- overall and 5-10 in the conference, rampage with an eight-run, eight- ment this season. I just hope we the Terror have but two conference hit first inning. Guy Sheetz and can pull off a win before the con- and three out of conference games Ryan Shotzberger each had three- ference tournament." remaining to finish strong heading run home runs as the Terror coasted The Green Terror are stuck at into the conference tournament. to a 12-6 victory. Days like these 0-8 (0-8 CC). Johns Hopkins vis- The team has dropped five of have come to frustrate the players ited "the hill" on April 17 and their last eight games after splitting as Culbertson points out," We are handed the ladies their eight- a Saturday doubleheader with way too inconsistent. We haven't straight conference loss. Bayley Haverford. Trailing 4-1 heading done a very good job of coming out Fannin and Katrina Buckley both into the final frame of the first strong for both games in double- managed to win three games in game, the Terror rallied to score six headers this year." their singles matches. runs to make it 7-4 and capture the Sheetz's power would come in On April 13, the women lost 8- first of the twin bill. Jack Griffith handy earlier that week as his three- [ to Muhlenberg. Shannon Pusey had a key two-run single and Scott run blast in the eighth inning and Geneve Kallins scored the lone Merkle brought in the go-ahead against Gettysburg tied the score to point for Western Maryland with an run, as Mike Geaneas came on to set the stage for Culbertson's game- 8-2 doubles victory over the Mules. work the final 3 113 innings to get winning sacrifice fly in their 11-10 Next up for the team is the Cen- the win. Western Maryland and victory. tennial Conference Tournament Geaneas got a dose of their own The Terror also saw offensive this weekend at Haverford. Each medicine, however, in the second contributions from freshman Chad team in the conference sends three game. With the Terror leading 4-3 Keller, the first baseman from singles players and one doubles in the seventh with two outs, the Cumberland, Md., who had a 3 for team to the tournament. bases loaded and its closer Geaneas 4 afternoon with two runs and a Barnes said she is figuring out on the mound, Haverford's Matt sacrifice. a line-up and is not sure who will Clark hit a walk-off grand slam to As the seasons winds down, the be goingpn Saturday.; win the game 7-3. Geaneas had Terror need to keep getting contri- earlier banged his second home run butions from their younger players of the day while Kevin Culbertson as they have been over the past added a solo shot of his own. month. Last week saw the Terror drop Senior Jeremy Merrell knows two games to the Sharemen of that now is the time to step up their Washington College, including an play. "We can't make any excuses 11-2 shelling on Friday and another anymore. one-run, come from behind heart- We are pretty much where we breaker on Wednesday. Western were last year. We need to start Maryland got its offensive produc- playing with urgency to finish this tion on Friday from the senior duo year strong", he said. of Culbertson and Gregg Shelton If the team does hope to im- who each supplied triples. On prove upon last year's finish, then Wednesday, it was Merkle going a strong showing in their five re- for 3 for 4 at the plate and Griffith maining games will speak volumes providing timely hitting again with as to how they will perform in the a two-run single. Centennial Conference tourna- ment. cover your butt. bet ter yet, help cover your .'[tuiti()~"J~ d~ '::i;' I!q I.; , ..;:. CQ[legecan mean r11illie"veringthroug~" lot ofd!ffere~1 obstacles, but tuition payments shouldn't be ~ne of thero.: In Army ROTC, you'll have a shot at a scholarship worth· thousands. And make Illends)'Ou can count on. Ta/Ifloan Army ROTCailvisor We've got you covered, . . ~MY R01C Unlike any other coll~ge cou.rse you can take:"
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