Page 149 - Phoenix2001-02
P. 149
FEATURES Wednesday, April 24, 2002 - Page 9 Above: Fern, a prospective student, Minority student weekend hosts, helpers and prospective picture with her host Janice Latcngan. students take a group shot for the memory books. Left: Brad Walker shows another prospective student how 10 walk the walk in the newspaper fashion show. ARNELLE QUASHIE quiet, or both (and we all now Iam ater-communications major. I was high school students spoke every was no different from inside. S/(JjfWrifer not a shy and quiet person). It felt there to partake in Maya's work- one in a while. As WMC students . Dear Journal, like forever before she walked into shop and it was just as lively as she we were able to reveal the truth of People were trying to keep cool but I was reminiscing about the McDaniel Lounge with her dad. is, we also got to see the humorous how we felt about the school but it was not happening unless you freezer out side. The time that I came to WMC for Mi- She didn't say much and I was side of the students. also reminded theses young women had walk-in at 2 a.m., but people party ended nority Student Weekend. The worried already. After the workshops were fin- that they cannot base their decision started leaving early because it was weekend is sponsored by The day started with and ice- ished we all regrouped in the fo- soul on what we say because other Multicultural Services and attracts so hot and they were tired from so much. dancing minority students who have been April 13th came so fast I found myself waiting anxiously to meet Waking up Sunday morning accepted as a way to further pro- was a killer, but it was done. By mote the campus and give them an my student. the time we got dressed and got out idea of what college life is like. table in alar people were filling out I almost didn't come because I breaker of "Have you ever?" Fol- rum and played some unity games, people might feel differently about evaluation forms and had their bags wasn't sure whether or not this was lowed by a chat from Dean which consisted of a toilet paper it. Our stomach were growling so ready to go. The worst part of the going to be the right school for me. O'Connell, Dean Sayre, Dean relay, egg on a spoon race, and we headed over to the PDR and had weekend was the time of goodbyes. Lets just say by the end of the Homeff, and Liz Towle of Resi- newspaper fashion show. It was dinner where WMC alumni and The time went by so fast. Ihad weekend I met and spoke to so dence Life. 5: 15 and everyone was ready for a current students got to speak to the many people that I knew I would Ihad to leave for and RA train- break. The students wanted some- entire group about their experience such a good time with my students be coming here. I had such a good ing but the day went on. The stu- where to relax. and talk so Tonya atWMC. and the others. We took group pic- time that weekend that I could not dents had some of Glar's finest Condel, Nikki Worrell, Cindy All the students were looking tures, helped out students bring to the admissions their belongings wait to host a student. brunch then broke up into smaller Jones, Kristal Johnson, Jessica forward to the BSU pajama party office and headed over to Alumni April 13 came so fast I found groups to academic workshops lead Watson and myself decided to go that night. People were dancing myself waiting anxiously to meet by Mary Grace Almandrez from to my suite. We took a seat in the and laughing, but it was so hot in Hall for Admitted Students Day. One thing I know is that this cam- my student. I couldn't stop think- multicultural services, Professor commons area and had the most the clubroom that the party was out pus is going to have a very high ing about whether or not the per- Harlow from the Sociology Depart- heart to heart group conversations; side. When you went outside to spirited class of '06, and that alone son I would be hosting was shy, ment, and Maya Redfearn, a the- well the hosts mostly talked but the cool down some the temperature brings a smile to my face. The Altruists: the comedy that offends almost everyone HEATHER WEISS While the comedy, written by found that the role of Sydney sig- social worker, spends a good por- "It was a lot of fun to costume Stuff Writer Nicky Silver, is not appropriate for nificantly stretched her acting tal- tion of the first act in "sugar daddy" Warning: an off-the-wall com minors or those opposed to foul ents. boxers. Mike Pitsikoulis, a junior because the characters are so dis- and tinct different dy to offend absolutely everyone. language (there's a lot)- or those "She is not a normal character!" theater major who plays Lance, other ... " she said. from each nd n does. opposed to sex on LV. (the whole said Catalino. "Performing this role struts around the stage in- "Well, And the characters are very dif- It doesn't matter how liberal show takes place in three separate is so hard because I want to do it from both each "Other and ou consider yourself to be - "The bedrooms ...)_ it's hysterical. And it so well. The character has big you'll have to go see. Just imagine ferent, minute-to-minute. Matt what a male prostitute from from Mon- ttruists," this spring's main stage will make you think. movements and very different vo- tana would be wearing ... Demos, a sophomore math major, resentation by the WMC theater It may even leave you, as one cal qualities ..." The costume design can be plays Ethan, a Cassanova - turned epartment, will find some way to audience member stated, speech- Not to mention memorizing the credited to Joy Thomas, a 200 I -political radical - turned ffend you, shock you and disgust less. The one and a halfhourshow lines. During the first part of the graduate from WMC. While the Cassanova -turned-political radi- ou. But you'll laugh. And, if you is one of the smallest ensemble show, Sydney rambles on for ten- script dictated basic black costumes react as Director Josh Selzer hopes, pieces presented at the college in minutes about- well, herself. Al- for most of the characters, Thomas cal...well, you get the idea. Most have split-sec- of the characters ou'll leave the theater feeling trangely enlightened. - You' ll leave the theatre feeling strangely enlightened - ond emotional changes. But that's isn't it? reality, "If people don't look beyond portrays J .5. Adkins, who he surface, they'll be thoroughly recent memory. With only six char- though Catalino's worst fear was said she had fun adding unique Audrey, Cybil's abusive partner, is ffended," said Selzer, WMC arts acters, the show required an inten- that she'd forget the lines during touches like rainbow belt buckles, ~anager. "But if you look below sive rehearsal schedule (six or her monologue, she seemed to per- gold buttons and political slogans the least-offensive character in the show and has the most difficult on- he surface you can't deny that the seven rehearsals a week since form it effortlessly on opening tot-shirts. stage challenge. But you'll have to haracters are, in a way, all of us. spring break) and a close-knit, co- night. Freshman French/art history go see the play. he show just uses exaggeration to hesive cast. In fact, the show seemed to dual major, Nora Petito, who por- And it's certainly worth your oint that out." Incidentally, only one cast move very smoothly during the trays Cybil, undoubtedly has the $3. You probably won't know Exaggeration may be an under- member is a theater major. Sopho- debut performance. The characters most athletic role in the show. The tatement. Take a self-absorbed more communication major, were vivid and despite the inclina- neurotic- almost schizophrenic- what to say when you walk out of the audience the theater- was so oap opera star, a left-wing activ- Lahnna Catalino, portrays Sydney tion to be flat and cartoon-like, very "political" lesbian activist con- st who protests for the sake of pro- in the show, an overbearing soap real. stantly bounces around the set in jolted on opening night they didn't the show even know had ended. esting (and can't seem to be faith- opera star with a passion for mind- The actors seemed to enjoy her glittery "black power" t-shirt- You'll probably be offended. But ul to his girlfriend), a "bad" les- altering substances, fad diets and their roles and were at home on the a Thomas original. hopefully, you'll be strangely en- ian and her volatile partner, a male well, herself. stage- even in their underwear. All While most of the costume lightened. restitute from Montana, a homo- At first, Catalino was nervous of the costume changes (and un- pieces were bought, Thomas deco- The show runs April 26-28 sexual social worker looking for about some of the more intimate or changes) take place right in front rated everything and altered them 8:00 p.m. in Alumni Hall. Tickets at ove, throw in some drugs, a gun outlandish actions her character re- of the audience. to fit each actor. Thomas said that are $3 for WMC, students and se- nd a dead body- you can only quired her to perform on-stage. A Junior Hendrik Lammers, who because "Altruists" is less realis- magine the plot twists. veteran to the WMG stage, Catalino plays Ronald, the distraught gay tic, she had some artistic freedom. niors and $5 for general admis- sion.
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