Page 158 - Phoenix2001-02
P. 158
Wednesday, May 8, 2002 - Page 2 NEWS The condition of the Name to be revealed Budapest professor's Continued from page I dorms reflects poorly candy, popcorn, snowballs, soft pretzels, hot dogs and freshly squeezed lemonade, Muller arrival in Fall 2002 is on all college students said. Continued/rom "age I The t-shirts will feature the new name and anxiously awaited by WMC logo, Muller said. The college has ordered targeted by vandalism are concerned about 2.000 shirts, and will only print them for this their safety and the well-being of their event. "They'll only be printed once, so belongings. they'll be a real collector's item," Muller international students Vandals target people's doors by spray- said. . g shaving cream and toothpaste. Although Muller declined to comment on His door was open to anybody who They also destroy staircases and fill the price of the entire celebration, Sayre es- ANDREA DEBI Sluff Writer needed some support or advice. keyholes with glue and other substances timated that the r-shirts alone are costing the The international students would like to that prevent students from entering their college almost $14,000. Papa Pinter is coming to town! thank Western Maryland College for sup- dorms, Baker explained. To finish the evening, tbe college will set To most of the American students, the porting and sponsoring our petition. Thank Ken Benkuu. a freshman communica- off fireworks around 10:30 p.m. name Papa Pinter is not familiar. However, you all! tion major who lives on the Srd floor of "I think it's a great way to end the se- to the international students on the We are looking forward to Papa Pinter's Rouzer, has been a target of vandalism in mester and start new beginnings," Muller Westminster campus it means everything, visit and sharing the Westminster campus, the past. said. "It's for us, for the family that makes and they all have a special place in their hem! our friends, and professorshere in the States .., have had my door spayed with shav- WMC!' for him. with him. ing cream on several occasions," said The plans for the celebration went into In March, the international students, with Bertkau. "Other people on the floor have full-swing when the board of trustees chose the support of Christianna Leahy, signed a ews from been vandalized." the new name in their April 19-20 meetings, petition to invite Papa Pinter for our gradua- The damage done by vandalism bits Muller said. Because the college wanted to tion ceremony on the 25th of May. everyone in the pocket. announce the new name before the current Pinter is a professor of political science For example. according ro Rose, if seniors left, the planning was done at warp- at the Budapest campus, and developed his he Honor & damage was done to a mirror due to care- speed teaching by studying all over the world. less acts, like vandalism, it would cost the "We literally had to print and drop a mail- He has learned from both sides ofthe po- onduct student almost double the amount that the ing of 23,000 invitations in about four days," litical sphere. mirror is worth due to labor fees. Muller said. "We went as fast as humanly During socialism, he studied in the So- Students need to be concerned because possible." viet Union at the Sverdlovsk Law School, oard it effects everyone regardless jfj( happens The college is hoping that students, fac- and later he earned his master's degree from to them directly or not. ulty, staff and alumni will turn out to eel- Harvard University in the United States. Property damage also makes the col- ebrate the new name. The two years the international students The Honor and Conduct lege look bad. Despite repeated attempts by local me- spent in Budapest left special and unforget- Board has adjudicated the fol It gives a negative impression of what dia to discover the name before the an- table memories for many. the student body atWMC is all about. and nouncements, the college has made an ef- Pinter, known to many of his students as lowing cases as of April IS, vandalism sets a false picture of the stu- fort to keep it under wraps so that the WMC Papa Pinter, is not only a great professor but 002: dents at WMC. community will be the first to know. also a caring and loving person who really Vandalism at the residence halls and "The name will reflect our heritage," understands the students and their difficul- On January 17 the Board throughout campus is "bad and destruc- Muller said. "[The celebration] is for us, the ties coping with a different environment and eard a charge that a student had tive," said Baker. family that makes up WMC - for all of us the stress from studies and exams. submitted plagiarized material ''The residence hall's condition repre- who care about this institution." Papa Pinter treated his students like his sents the students." In the event of rain, the eve'!, will be held in children who need help, understanding and in an assignment for a music Gill Physical Education Center. lots of patience. course. The Board found that the stu- dent r~1i'i"~\'i~f1 had violated the Honor : ~ HAIRCUT!t 1 Code and assigned the follow- I - $9.0Q I npon appeal: "F" in tbe course. .ng sanction which was upheld I tndut!....8scut &: finish. (Joupo~ ..£:....onnot be d.. Kryaztor Sontag com5fii.6d. WIth coupon. £XPJrf!5'-i12151lj1.ciJ On February 14 tbe Board L Specializing in: r===;; ======, considered a charge that a stu- dent bad turned in a paper for a • Men's, Wome~'s a~d I MEN'S HAIRCUT I first year English course tha Children'S Hairstyling I ." . REG I was almost identical to anothe • Flat-Tops : $10.00 $11.00) student's work. The student admitted copy- I. IncfLic[8S cut &' finish. COuPOlJs~not~ I ing the paper. The Board found r---------:-, that the student had violated the L==C;_WI!.C:O!. ~r:.!~.!Zw Honor Code and established the I ,,~ADIES HAIRCUT. :j I following penalty which was I,-<:0 & BLOWDRY at appealed: "F' in tbe course I] Mon. Ihru Fri. 9am • 7pm • Sat. 8am • 6pm :~$1S.QO~']~· For your convenience we're open: and required academic counsel ing . • Sun. lOam -spm On April 5 the Board beard College Square ~BS c _.'_. ....... .·.'<_~bim3J:J:::V('dhcoupon. 1~1, Shopping Center I. iilc7ud8; cut & linlsh. COUPPJ1::i-•• cBnnoi':be _ cS: ": two charges regarding alleged In heating in a music course. ......,,,."',,,.,, 444 WMC Drive both cases the Board deter Westminster .ned that there was not suffi- cient evidence to support the 410·857·0520 charge, and, accordingly, found 410·857·0898 that the students involved had Next to Safeway not violated the Honor Code.
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