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NEWS Wednesday, May 10, 2002 - Page 3 WMC-TV's increased success has been fueled by new programming and current leadership Continued from page J spring of 1997, said that everything on to teach Television Production a greater amount of original pro- read them on camera, and then edit ran two episodes in 1999. would be upgraded to digital qual- for the fall 2002 semester. Flaherty, gramming such as student created the show together. The 20-minute "Wrestler's Delight" started as ity by the fall of 2002. a professional cameraman, taught shows and campus events. Al- campus news program is entitled a radio show in 1997. Andy Behr Although the station has spent a version of Television Production though we still receive outside pro- "WMC News Update." hosted the show which was shot thousands of dollars getting itself in the early 199Os. Slade is plan- gramming, we anticipate getting to Although there is no set sched- live every Wednesday night from up to speed, some of the equipment ning to teach a new, four-credit pro- the point where original program- ule for the airing of campus news September 1998 until December was donated by other professors. duction class in the spring of 2003. ming exceeds outside program- events or shows like "WMC News 1998. "Wrestler's Delight" was a Dr. Jasna Meyer bestowed her old This course will involve filming mmg Update," "Oa Grip" and "Shout it popular "wrestling talk show" computer to run the teleprompter longer, more in-depth segments One of these original shows is Out," WMC-TV puts original pro- where students would call in and program and Dr. Robert Sapora than those required in Television "Da Grip.". Hosted by WMC-TV gramming on every Sunday discuss topics concerning profes- contributed some monitors for the Production, he said. director Nykole Tyson, "Da Grip" through Friday from 6 p.m. to mid- sional wrestling. However, wres- control room. Asked if he thought there was is a 30-minute music video pro- night and Saturday from II:30a.m. tling was not always the topic of Dean of Student Affairs Philip any connection to the increase in gram that highlights school-hired to 2 p.m. conversation. Some students Sayre said there is a meeting held television courses and the increase musicians as well as campus mu- In addition to more program- talked about campus issues and every May to divvy up funds in student interest, Slade said, "The sic talents. Along with interview- ming WMC- TV has also attracted some of the calls were pranks. among the five campus mediums. only place you can truly teach a TV ing the musicians, Tyson also more student involvement in the "That's what's so great about It is called the Meeting of Media production class is in a studio. And shows music videos. The videos past two years. Slade is very satis- live campus television. It is Board. At which, Sayre, chairman, once students actually have an op- shown are not the type viewers are fied with the increase in student unedited and students can say Director of College Acti vities portunity to learn how to use the used to seeing on MTY. "Da Grip" interest. He said there is finally a whatever is on their mind," said Mitchell Alexander, and one chief many different pieces of equipment shows Caribbean, Hispanic and al- good core group of students to keep Turner. student from each medium along involved in the process of produc- ternative videos. the station interest up. "It has taken Freshman Ashley Swift, who with their adviser, meet to discuss tion they tend to want to use this Another new show is entitled a lot of hard work, but we are at a works with WMC- TV as a camera their financial needs. knowledge beyond the scope of my "Shout it Out." In this show; good place now," Slade believes. operator, said "I didn't think any- Sayre explained that the amount course. And, in fact, many do go WMC- TV members interview ran- Although student involvement body watched the station but re- spent on each medium depends on on to join the TV club and produce dom students to get their opinions is up and the studio equipment has cently people have come up to me their particular needs for that year. their own projects." on everything from parking tickets improved, is anyone on campus and said they saw me on TV. So For this year, The Contrast did not Besides major studio changes, to the variety of bands for the tuning into WMC-TV? Asked if obviously there are some people receive any money because it still WMC- TV has also made many spring concert. Only one half-hour he enjoyed the campus television who watch." Tyson also said she had $2,000 saved up from last year production changes. The station episode of "Shout it Out" has been station, junior Chris Kinda com- gets a lot of positive feedback from while the other four mediums had currently airs two (soon to be three) filmed so far. It is in the editing mented, "We have a TV station? students and faculty members. almost no money left. The radio weekly shows as well as campus process, and will debut sometime All I ever see on channel 25 is a \¥hile not everyone tunes into station got the most money to ad- events. next week. green screen." WMC-TV yet, there have been dress stolen equipment problems. Lemieux said of the changes in The rest of the WMC-TV lineup Senior Brad Turner said he has considerable improvements made Unlike the other campus medi- programming, "Prior to moving to focuses on campus news. Major not watched the television station in recent years. ums, the is also a Lewis, there was very little origi- events on campus and guest speak- since his freshman year (1998) New equipment and strong classroom. Currently, there are two nal programming. The television ers are filmed and then aired later. when "Wrestler's Delight" wason. leadership are two reasons why television-related classes. Slade station relied primarily on external In addition, the television produc- Ironically, 1998 was the last time a channel 25 could become one of teaches TV Production and the in- programming that was provided tion class films a campus news pro- weekly live show was produced, the more popular channels on cam- dependent study course TV Studio free (e.g., "Burly Bear", "College gram every Tuesday night. Each although a call-in dating show pus. Production. Pat Flaherty is signed Broadcasting"). Currently, there is week students write news stories, (similar to MTV's "Love Line") April 18th - May 2nd, 2002 Rouzer Hall parking lot. April 24, 2002 (4:05 p.m.j- Vehicle backing up by PA A\'e. house bit a April 22, 2002 (12:00 p.m.) - Hit maintenance vehicle, and run accident involving contractor's vehicle in Bait Sta- dium parking lot. April 23. 2002 (11:00 p.m.) • Sm. dents possessing alcohol underage in Rouzer Hall. April:!3, 2002 - Student found his car damaged from water tower con- struction.
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