Page 151 - Phoenix2001-02
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FEATURES Contrast coffeehouse showcases "Umbra" and photo contest winners JF..sSICA WATSON only five minutes away from my missions, which is three limes more Features Edilor house. I always passed it, then I than they had last year. "We did a Professor Kathy Mangan. the decided that I would use it for my lot of advertising to get people to faculty advisor for Contrast liter- first assignment." Slater was very submit," said McGowan. "This ary magazine, encouraged the staff pleased with the results. "It turned magazine has more people and it to "enjoy the fruits of your labor" out really great and I was happy." is more diverse in terms of styles last Wednesday at the opening of Second place went to a photo and themes." . the coffeehouse for Umbra, Con- entitled "Without an end" by Jay "It is one of our strongest maga- trast 2002. zines," said The Mangan. theme for "and one of this issue is the most shadows; handsome. according to We have a Urn bra, lot more wit h 0 u t photography s had 0 w, than we've there is no ever had and light. lt was it's error- Bullock's buffet is truly all- an art show, free, which you-can-eat. And the prices are photography really means Hearing the roar of an airplane very reasonable. Monday show, and a a lot." in the sky might make you look through Friday's lunch buffet coffeehouse Umbra up. Or it may lead you to a place ranges in price from $4.95 for can already where the smell of broasted soup-and-salad selections to be found hot chicken permeates the air and the $6.95 for soup-salad-and-hot buf- off the press buffet is full of home-style spe- fet selections. The buffet is also room were at the infor- cialties. Bullock's Airport Inn, open for weekday dinners, as well all of the ar- located at 130 Airport Drive, off as for weekend breakfasts, mation desk tistic pieces "Possibility," a photo taken by junior Tammi Slater; won first place in in Decker Route 97 North in Westminster, is lunches, and dinners. that were Contrast photo contest. College just the place to satisfy your ap- If lunch sandwiches are more submitted as well as the winners of Levy. Monica Davis won third Center, but Mangan is also look- petite. Every day, the restaurant to your liking, the lunch menu the photography contest sponsored place for her photo "Sunset at Gill." ing forward to having it somewhere dishes up "stick-to-your-ribs" contains a selection of familiar fa- by Contrast. Junior Tammi Slater Honorable mentions went to else. Because "the magazine looks fare, from mashed potatoes with vorites. Hamburgers and deli won first place for her photo "Pos- Courtney Federoff and Alicia very professional and represents gravy to fried chicken and pork sandwiches will do, but for a re- sibility," a walkway surrounded by "Miller. the highest quality," some copies chops. And with a daily, aU-you- ally fulfilling lunch, try a savory trees and dancing with shadows. McGowan also allotted some will also be given to the admissions can-eat buffet, you're guaranteed sandwich of hot roast beef with "When I first saw the photo, I time to express his satisfaction with office to show to prospective stu- a great meal for only a few dol- gravy and French fries. The juicy knew that itwas going to win flrst Umbra. "I am extremely proud of dents. lars. pieces of meat are greatly en- place," said Matt McGowan. edi- it," McGowan said. "When I took If anyone is interested in writ- Stepping into Bullock's for the hanced by a brown gravy that el- tor in chief. Slater also knew that over at the beginning of the year, I ing for Contrast for the 2002-2003 first time, you might notice the evates this sandwich above typi- there was something special about was nervous about living up to the school year, please see Professor model airplanes and blimps hang- cal deli meat sandwiches. Or you this photo. high standards. but this is one of Kathy Mangan or call Matt ing from the ceiling. That's be- can sample another one of "It was the first picture I took the best that the staff has ever put McGowan at ext. 8359. If you have cause the restaurant is located Bullock's specialties, the Pit Beef when I started photography," said out. "For this issue alone Contrast the talent, put it on display with steps away from the Carroll Sandwich. One bite and you'll Slater. "The is actually received approximately 150 sub- Contrast. County Airport in the Westminster understand why it has become the Air Business Center. The place restaurant's signature sandwich. is renowned among air-delivery And, after a trip or two or three pilots, commuting business to the buffet, if you have any ca- people. and Sunday church pacity left, you might just want groups, who keep the place buzz- to select a treat for dessert. Milk ing with activity on weekdays and shakes, ice cream, pie and cake weekends. will easily round off your lunch ispofsible 1felt peets of the movie, DIsney FDms In addition, Bullock's also has at Buttock's. So, go ahead, enjoy facilities embellished. hit. They tried to spacious banquet room parties, re- that slice of Chocolate Cake with Peanut available Butter Icing, or that piece for birthday make the movie even more famlly hearsal dinners, reunions, busi- of Chocolate Meringue Pie as you oriented. wbicbcan be exhibited in the G·rating that the movie re- ness dinners, and other functions. watch the airplanes land and take ceived. As I dropped by Bullock's one off from the windows of the main But, even though I did worry Sunday for lunch. I was very im- dining room. And don't forget to about the movie being less "real" pressed with the buffet selections. ask for a few pieces of broasted then it should be. I did find myself Glazed, oven-roasted ham. steam- chicken to carry back to campus smiling throughout the movie - ing tureens of homemade soup, with you. chicken, Bullock's There are the timeless classics of mainly because in some cases the and broasted were laid out in a lav- place Bullock's Airport Inn is a great fa- to enjoy specialty, home-cooked Bull Durham. The Natural, and movie touched parts of my life as ish display. The broasted chicken vorites in a casual dining atmo- Field of Dreams. Then there are welt. being as I have played base- the other movies. white nOI clas- ball for more than half my life; and looked so enticing, that I had to sphere. But be warned: the place fills up rather try a few pieces. quickly, sics, are good baseball movies in if you have played baseball as well, eaten fried chicken, If you've ever early if you want to secure so come a seat broasted their own rights - For Low! of the then it will do the same to you. Game, A League of Their Own. This is a good baseball movie. chicken is something that you and fill your plate at the buffet. Bullock's and Major League. Tile Rookie, but not a great movie in itself. The though 1 have to try. Whereas frying is tions and does accept reserva- in oil in a deep-fat by fax orders done lunch usually starring Dennis Quaid (above). is supporting acting is all right, but throwing a 98·mile.oe,.I'ourl fryer, broasting takes place in a (410) 857·9367. a member of the latter. nothing to write home about. Like fastball. However. pressure-cooker filled with canola So, the next time you're in the Quaid stars as Tampa Bay For Love of the Game. it tries to other actors were not oil. This method not only intro- mood for some traditional, home- Ray lefty Jim Moms and intertwine a baseball movie with a That is to be expected the movie details his baseball ca- romance although it does not do of the cast and the range duces flavor into the meat, but style fare, take a short ride up reer from little league to finally as good of a job. that were brought into the also allows large quantities of Route 97 North to 130 Airport making it to the major leagues. If you like baseball. then go see though. chicken to be cooked at one time. Drive. Bullock's Airport Inn. It While this is a typical story in The Rookie. If you don't. then you Despite this, the film With a caramelized, crunchy ex- is open Monday to Saturday, 7 films. the movie is might find yourself bored in the generally pretty good. terior and a juicy. flavorful inte- a.m. to 8 p.m. and Sunday 7:30 acn~I)' based en Nloniis' real life. movie's nostalgia. Overall. a de- since J am such a sucker rior, Bullock's specialty, Breasted a.rn. to 7:30 p.m. For more infor- thaI cent movie wortb seeing Chicken, is a very delicious lunch- mation, call (410) 857-4417 or time bite. fax (410) 848-1181.
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