Page 150 - Phoenix2001-02
P. 150
Wednesday, April 24, 2002 - Page 10 FEATURES Greel Corner: WLo came out on top at the Greel samu? JESSICA JONES most successful. "It was so loud in the pool He participated in the melon push, which is Despite the low number of participants, Staff Writer a relay where Greeks must push a melon Amal Khalaf, president of Phi Sigma it was difficult to talk to everyone," Litsinger After a week of friendly competition the says. across the pool without using their hands. Sigma, still said Tuesday was her favorite Greeks have finally awarded their victors. Robin Schwartz, a sophomore member Shutz says he liked it because "It was origi- day. She called the activities "very excit- Phi SigmaSigma sorority andAlphaSigma of Phi Alpha Mu, enjoyed the events in the nal. I have never done anything like that ing" especially the spirit yell. This event Phi fraternity. is when all members of the organization Greek Week2002, which took place on get together and show their spirit. Because Sunday, April 14 to Thursday, April 18, Phi Sigma Sigma showed the most spirit consisted of simple games that were and had the loudest yell, they came in first planned by the Inter-Greek Council and place. intended to unite the Greek community. Greek week ended on Thursday night According to Zach Wulderk, IOC presi- with a luau happy hour in the pub. IGC dent, "They are the type of games you provided chips and served 50-cent beers played when you were a kid." for those 21 and over. The trophies were Alice Litsinger, IOC programming presented to the winners and everyone chair, recognizes Greek Week games as a seemed to.put the past competitions behind time for "friendly rivalry." The events are them. Several Phi Alphs passed time by kept simple to try to keep the serious com- playing cards with some Sig Epa, while petition to a minimum and to increase the other organizations relaxed in the warm amount of fun for the Greeks. weather. According to many that participated, The time spent together during Greek the events were very fun. Track events Week "helps create a bond both within or- were held on Sunday and followed by a ganizauons and within the Greek Commu- picnic in Harvey nity," says Stone Park. Al- Wulderk. "Or- pha Sigma Phi ganizations get President Pat to have fun with Dougherty said each other. that the obstacle and do things course was the that we don't most fun. Taking normally get to place on the do," he adds. track, organiza- Khalafagrees tions were re- when she says, quired 10 com- "It is important plete a series of to get the Greek tasks in order to community to- complete the ob- gether because stacle course. it is not done The organiza- , eeny.cthee.ume tions had to push during the someoneon a tri- year." cycle, spin With this rec- around a base- Top: Alpha Sigma Phi members at Greek happy hour proudlydispiay the winner's trophy. Left: Phi Sigma Sigma tug of war: Right: Omegas ognized impor- and Phi A/phs ill the stands at the pool. ball bat, run tance, both whilejumping rope, and even complete the pool because "it was something different before." Wulderk and Litsinger hope to address the "two-man carry." Dougherty laughs re- thanthe regularfield events." Schwartz, who After Monday night's great success there attendance issue making it better in the fu- membering this event, "It was goofy, and participated in the T- shirt race and the med- was some disappointment when there was ture. funny to watch." ley relay, said another reason Monday night not as'large of a turn out on Tuesday. "You While many suggest to move the games Following the track events, Monday was fun was because of the large amount of are always going to have people that can't to a weekend or make the prize for win- night's events were held in the pool. With spectators. go. The majority of [Greeks] did show up, ning better, there is not doubt that IGC will the greatest attendance and participation Jeff Shutz, a senior member of Sigma Phi and those who showed up had fun," says address this issue so even more Greeks will from all organizations, this night was the Epsilon, also had the most fun in the pool. Wulderk. enjoy this fun next spring. rmportant Greel Ufe Patu KATHY WILSON Class of 2002 Staff Writer April 261h- Phi Mu and Alpha Sigma Phi will be having a Thank YOU! Bowl-A- Thon to raise money for Children s Miracle Network. 1b !lJt'lUtn pi llfl ((au ~ JiJollUlit It G1fll& i& )hlll'loIdliFf(ntf fA) .imw' !At /i!&fu'''S Those who wish to support this cause can sponsor an individual If't'dJIpropft. '1Ii1-Jt""'IW.tfIl1iUJl~'IiN~ft rAz~Io •• u"'ftt.fpr.f,n "'~t16U_f.lJfl"iIf"tj ~$j("..rn)iiw(II'JIN~NJit_c(1rJpjJ«t m ,.", t(II dJ:l~ by number of pins knocked down or give a flat donation. " sr.LJlau.,.. ,Iirr 'filL .. ,,_fJ tJ) IN dullI"HIIt-n It! fM 'T1I'fflf OlJJ4r..,,£ May 1st- Pan hellenic Council and RAINN will be sponsor- 1t./itl It':II.Utf.6.tJ ing A Celebration of Women: Surviving the Struggle Through ."mol,..p« G'" uapJrt41/in'lJ'f"- ct4U'f/1CIt'Il ,6,.qqr, CI'I1~I2f»2 N•• _ Strength. The organization with the most people in attendance I.~ ..r4at '1/14t4~I4.f )f~ft'MMJlIIIIIif.~ will receive $100 in their WMC account. The organization with the (fi;JH.)tiMu 'J"'d4Jt~... ~.b';. jMutlff.":: .......... ""- most people performing or partiCipating will receive $150 in their llr•• :J,tlltQ'lt{{II"ft 't(4''' ....~''''t1 ~~~; :r(Gt~","."" f~("MIf'H ~fNptf (fmrr.,u... ... !f)o'.,~~?" WMC account. Participants can sing, dance, read poetry, act, ~>~
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