Page 152 - Phoenix2001-02
P. 152
SPORTS orts Column Period The Best Darn Sports Column Period takes I know how sad you were to see Rick Fox: a look into the wide world of sports. If there lose all that slick hair of his. Sorry buddy, I is a topic which Chris Taugher and Steve don't smell a three-peat for him and the Lak- Zamagias disagree on (which is usually ev- ers. ery topic), they both express their views in a Chris: Chris VS. Steve debate. Views expressed in The hair comment was funny but Steve, this column do not reflect the opinions of there is going to be a three-peat. Everyone The Phoenix. Chris and Steve may not al- is looking for some team to dethrone the ways be right, but they always think they are. Lakers, but it's not going to happen. Who is Chris vs. Steve: NBA Playoffs it this year, the Kings? The Spurs? How Steve: about the Mavericks? We have heard all year about how the Those teams are better and they each had East is no match for the West and how the a big win against the Lakers this year but Lakers are still the favorites to win it alL And that is the point. series in the first round, and I am glad the day in Detroit). after looking at the final standings, if isn't They had a big win. You need four big NBA is going back to that format next year. Steve: hard to see why people think the East is in- wins to knock them out of the playoffs. No If you want me 10 take a shot in the dark I He did it again. While Vijay Singh, Phil ferior with teams like New Jersey, Detroit team can give the Lakers four losses in a will. Colorado will once again hold up Lord Mickelson, Relief Goosen and Ernie Els all and Boston at the top rivaled with Sacra- seven game series. Stanley'S Cup when they beat the Flyers. played themselves out of the Masters in the mento, Los Angeles and Dallas in the West. The only team that can beat the Lakers is Chris vs. Steve: Tiger Woods final round, Tiger Woods stayed cool and Perhaps the lack of faith in the Eastern teams the Lakers (I checked the brackets and the Chris: won his second consecutive and third career comes from the shock of seeing these three Lakers do not play the Lakers this post sea- Tiger Woods won his third green jacket two green jacket. teams and not New York, Miami or Milwau- son). Los Angeles has won II of its last 15 Sundays ago at Augusta. The course was And guess what...he's only 26. kee. games. Shaq and Kobe are clicking on all supposed to be "tiger proof' when it was He has now won 6 of the last 10 major The most intriguing match-up in the first cylinders. Not to mention, that in his last lengthened a couple hundred feet, but Woods round is Boston versus Philadelphia and nine regular season games, still managed to win his seventh major by championships and improved his record to 7-0 when playing Pierce versus Iverson. These two teams pro- three strokes. CBS golf commentator Jim jor. in the final group at a ma- vide not only the conference's two most pro- O'Neal was 70 for 99 (.707) from the Nantz put it best when he said, "Like in most The best quality Tiger possesses is his un- lific scorers, bUI also two teams who accom- free-throw line. This means trouble for the major championships, there are many chal- ending desire to win and compete. plished what they did with an identical for- rest of the Western Conference. lengers to Woods, but none the equal." He That's what makes him so fun to watch mula of strong team defense and opportu- Oh yeah, I almost forgot about the East- was right. and so hard for me to root against. The guy nistic offense. ern Conference. Umm ... it doesn't matter I don't know what else to say besides, has done so much in such little time and yet Is it a coincidence then that the league who comes out of the East. The Lake show Tiger is the man. remains to be humble and professional. has stretched this series out over 14 days in is destined for a third straight title. I think he can and will break Nicklaus' While we all may want to see Mickelson or a blatant attempt to see Iverson recover from Chris vs. Steve: NHL Playoffs record of 18 major championships. Sergio get their first major, we should must his fractured wrist? Nonetheless, look for Steve: He is an incredible competitor who is, in respect his dominance. the Cernes to persevere and end up in an Chris, let's get serious. Who cares? I my opinion, the best athlete of our genera- I still find it hard to be upset when one of Eastern final with New Jersey. Out in the will only watch Olympic hockey. non. the greatest athletes of our generation con- West, no team is hotter than the Sacramento Chris: He is great for the sport of golf. Plus, he tinues to break records right before our eyes. Kings and that is why they will outlast the I'll be honest I do not watch a lot ofregu- gives the name Tiger some pride (unlike And Chris, back off the Tigers because your Mavericks and even the Lake Show_ Chris, tar season hockey, bur I do enjoy the play- those eleven guys that take the field every- O'~ aren't much better. WMC Track team continues success in outi"loorseason MARCUS HELTON Phoenix Stoff aJso set a record. Jill Kurzejewski tied her by clearing 4' 10". Jill Krebs won the 3000 The Bridgewater Invitational on March The Green Terror Outdoor Track and own high jump record by clearing five feet. with a time of 10:46.5. 30 was highlighted by the performances of Field team has wasted little time continuing Pool broke her own record in the 1500-meter The men's team tallied 78 team points, April Brown and Teron Powell, who each its Indoor success, as the team has gotten off run with a time of 4:57:5, beating her old 23 more than the second place finisher, York earned provisional qualifiers. Brown earned to a fast start this season. mark by 0.9 seconds. College. The Terror men took first place in her qualifier when she won the 100-meter At the Prince George's Invitational on The men's team tallied 74 points, easily eight of the thirteen events. dash with a lime of 12.43 seconds. She also April 13, April Brown earned a provisional out-pointing runner-up Johns Hopkins, who Teron Powell won the 400 with a time of took first in the 200-meter dash by racing to qualifier for the NCAA Championships with had 33. Brendan Smith's javelin throw of 177 50.87, Dave Maskeroni took first in the 800 a time of26.31. a time of 12.25 in the IDO-yard dash. Eliza feet shattered the old record of 136-0 I, and with a time of 2:03, and Calvin Woodward The 4x400 meter relay team of Brown, Wick and Megan Grimshaw took the top two David Hose's throw of 47-9.5 in the shot put won the 1500 with a time of4:26. Thea Bayly, McPherson, and Johnson took places in the discus with throws of 107 feet, also set a new record. The men's 4x:100 meter relay team of first place with a time of 49.73 seconds. 5 inches, and 90 feet, 3 inches, respectively. The Terror earned two medals in the John Riley, Powell, Christian Hamilton and Bayly won the 400 hurdles (70.38), Meghan On the men's side, junior Ben Hull won Maryland Invitational at College Park on Ifeanyi Ani won first place with a time of Grimshaw set the school record in the ham- the discus with a throw of 135 feet, 4 inches. April 6. Despite being the only Division-III 44.52 seconds. mer throw with a time of 96 feet, 8 inches, David Hose's throw of 124 feet, 2 inches was school at the meet, the women finished l Oth The Green Terror men swept the top three good for second place. good for second place. out of 12 teams, while the men placed 9th places in the long jump, led by Brad Turner The 1600-meter relay team of Bayly, The duo also earned the top two spots in out of II. The respective medals were earned (18' 10"), IfeanyiAni (18'7.5"), and Powell McPherson, Johnson, and Kellie Pfeiffer the shot put with Hose laking first (45-1), by Jill Krebs, who took third in the 5000- (I8' 7.25"). Clint Day's pole vault of 12 feet, raced to a first place time of 4:13.64. Diana and Hull second (39-9.5). meter run with a time of 18:23.60, and se- 7 inches set a meet record Story continued on page 13 At the Moravian Distance Festival on nior Teron Powell, who took third place in page J ~ April 12, distance runners Jill Krebs and the men's triple jump with a leap of 13.87 ive. Re;ieiiJ:iQch. Diana Pool continued their quests to qualify meters. According to the Times. officers wen for the National Championships in May. The men and women each took first place orking (heir way through the apanmen Krebs ~arned second place with an ECAC at the first home meet of the season, the ben tbey were confronted by an older rna qualifying time of 38:29.3 in the 10,000- Twilight meet on April 2nd. ~thwateryeyesandbreathsmeUiogafbee meter run, and Pool finished third in the 5000 The women dominated the team scoring, ~d holding a red cup of beer Who was ideo with a time of 18:53.6. rolling up 129.5 points, while the second ified by the campus safety officer presen The Terror men and women each took place team, York College, tallied 63.5 points. s Reitenbach. The officers report Inth first place for the second time this season at Overall, the Terror women won II of the 15 unes said tbal Reitenbach said, "You peopl the second Twilight home meet on April 10. events. The women's 4x:lOO meter relay team ~ve no right to be here. You need a searc The two teams combined to win 27 of the of Melissa Merson, Stephanie McPherson, arrant." 35 events. Christine Johnson, and April Brown raced Tbis officers said that be became man The women took first with 127 points, to a time of 50.15 seconds, good for first be_lligerent and was warned that if be dido' while Johns Hopkins University finished a place. Brown won the 100 and 200-meter palmdownhewouldbearrested. distant second with 18 points and Loyola dashes. Jen Bruce won the lOO-meter hurdles College officials were unavailable t College was third with II points. with a time of 17.43 seconds and also won ommentoo the situation however. Athleti The 400-relay team took first and set a the pole vault by clearing 9-0. Sarah irector Jamie Smith did say in the Time meet record with a time of 49.88. Jen Bruce Lebarron took first in the 400-meter hurdles bat he would continue [0 gather informa set a record in the pole vault with a vault of with a time of I: 15.5. Christine Johnson' ion on the matter. Reitenbach is schedule 9 feet, four inches, and Christine Johnson's raced to a first place time of 60.80 in the 0 stand trial for the two misdemeanors 0 leap of35 feet, 1.5 inches in the triple jump 400, and Jill Kurzejewski won the high jump =ug"".:.:I.,-,"~_-,_~~_~,,,
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