Page 153 - Phoenix2001-02
P. 153
SPORTS Wednesday, April 24, 2002 - Page 13 2002 NFL draft review: Who won big? Phoenix Sports Trivia Greg Lederer reviews some of the big winners of defense and a defensive player with wanted all along, Oklahoma good tight end like Miami's Jeremy 1. Since David Carr who w the NFL draft the ability of North Carolina's standout safety Roy Williams. This Shockey with this pick. If they re- he number one overall pic Julius Peppers was on the board. guy was my favorite player in the ally wanted Jones, they could have n the NFI~ Draft, came fron It is that time of year again. Peppers has incredible athletic whole draft, because he is such a traded to a later spot. and still got With April comes not just showers, skills and is the kind of pass rusher difference maker at the position. the guy even. Its the Bengals, what resno State, who was the las but the tensest time for most NFL that a team as pitiful as the Pan- Williams isn't just another safety, are you going to do? uarterback to be drafted i executives and scouts: the NFL thers truly craves. Plus, the fact as he can tackle like a linebacker Last but not least, comes the he first round of the draft? Draft. For almost a year, scouts that Peppers went to UNC and can and cover like a corner. Whenever Washington Redskins. have been out looking and check- be a big draw in the Tobacco state you'd turn on ESPN, this guy was What can 1 say about Daniel ing out thousands of prospects, is just a bonus for owner Jerry always making big play after big Snyder? . The Miami Hurricanes ha hoping they can find the next Richardson. play for the Sooners. This guy is a young owner who Terrell Davis or Peyton Manning. At the third spot, the draft be- The greatest compliment came thinks that money will buy him a ive players drafted in the firs After a horrible season, the draft came hazy because there were from former Baltimore Ravens de- championship. Not so fast Danny, {lund of the NFL draft whic gives a bad team a chance 10 re- many possibilities for the Detroit fensiveCoordinator Herman Lewis you already tried that with Deion ied the draft record, who wa build their squad and bring hope to Lions. The Lions had many needs who said that if his new team, the Sanders and Dana Stubblefield, re- e other college school? their fan base, while a good team on their team and people were Washington Redskins, drafted Wil- member? is only looking to retool or find that guessing of who their pick would Iiams, "then he would play with 9 Intent on doing anything to final piece of the puzzle to get (0 be from Texas DB Quentin Jammer players on defense instead of II." bring a championship to D.C., the Super Bowl. to Oregon QB Joey Harrington. Dallas also picked up versatility Snyder fired his old coach Marty While the entire draft can't be The Lions ended up picking with Colorado offensive guard Scottenheimer so he can make all discussed in one column, I will give Harrington, whose maturity and Andre Gurode and Pittsburgh's tal- the personal decisions. Ok, so Track Continued from page 13 you some of highlights of the first pocket presence were very aurae- ented yet criticized wide receiver when its time to draft "your" play- 001 won the 1500 in a time round and who were the big win- rive to the franchise who needs a Antonio Bryant. ers, Snyder decided to fly himself :59.25. 0 ners and losers in the draft. proven leader to lead the team out Losers in the draft were defi- and his coaches out to the stadium On the men's side, Powel For weeks before the draft, the of the cellar. nitely the Cincinnati Bengals and for a big party. arned his qualifier by taking firs number one choice was not a big Hanington was another player Washington Redskins from my per- Snyder finally was able to make lace in the triple jump with a lea secret, unlike past years, due to the with a willingness to become a spective. the decisions, then he went out to a f 46 feet, 9.75 inches. "It was nic fact that the expansion Houston strong NFL prospect and is well The Bengals have been prob- big bash. I guess, before he leaves, o get at the beginning of the sea Texans announced that they would know for his comebacks at the end ably the worst team of the past de- he told his assistants to trade down on, but I've still got some workt pick Fresno State quarterback of games--25 times he did it in his cade and hence they have drafted a and select a quarterback and a run- 0," said Powell. Ben Hull won th David Carr with the first choice. collegiate career. lot of bad players over the years. ning back with their first and sec- iscus with a throw of 132 feet, Carr appears to be a good fit for After Harrington, many teams From Houston quarterback David end selections. nches, and Clint Day took first i the Texans. He has a strong arm, picked up players to fill their needs Klingler to Oregon QB Akili I have to admit that the he pole vault with a vault of I good size at 6'3, and is a very ac- .throughout the first round. Smith, this team should fire their Redskins do look good at many eet, 6 inches. curate passer. Carr also, has his Buffalo was a big winner on the scouts and just start over. positions on paper thanks to The Terror will be in action a head on straight and has a strong day as they picked up Texas's The Bengals picked tenth this Snyder's spending, but what they he Penn Relays on April 25- 26 i work ethic to be a good NFL quar- mammoth offensive tackle Mike season, actually not bad for them, really needed was a proven wide hiladelphia, Pennsylvania. terback--something that a bust like Williams (375 pounds) and traded and they selected Arizona State of- receiver for new quarterback The Phoenix would like t Washington State's Ryan Leaf the next day for New fensive tackle Levi Jones. This Danny Wuerffel to throw too. lacked. rriots lame duck quarterback Drew move is questionable because this Instead they picked up another pologize to the WMC Track trac an for a misplaced ield Team Following the Texans, were the Bledsoe. guy can be a good player but their QB who Spurrier won't play and a Carolina Panthers a team that won Even I hate to admit it, but the were many other better players on running back who will just sit be- tory in the last issue. The Phoe their first game last season then lost Dallas Cowboys had a great draft the board at the time. hind star tailback Stephen Davis. ix believes that the Track tea the remaining 15. This pick day. Picking sixth overall, the boys Well in Snyder's defense, he seemed like a no-brainer since the traded down 10 the eighth slot and bought the team to be his toy so he Panthers were last in the NFL on still picked up the player they Will Hulkamania die? MIKE JENKINSON SporrsStafJ in a title match that night. A few Will Hulkamania ever die? months later, Hogan lost the belt, Hulk Hogan talks every Thursday and announced his retirement. on Smackdown! About the fact that Hulkamania appeared to be Hulkamania refuses to die, and gone for good. But Ted Turner's when everyone thinks it's gone for- personal war with Vince McMahon ever, it comes back. drove Turner to offer Hogan a large WWF stars love to over-hype sum of money to wrestle for his themselves, their celebrity status, WCw. Hogan, believing that it and their place in wrestling history. would be a short stint, decided to But when Hogan talks about return in WCw. Hulkamania like a Phoenix rising Hogan's stint lasted more then from the ashes again and again, five years. He came in as the most there's a lot of truth in that state- popular good guy in the company, ment. and won the WCW title five times. At wrestlemania 8, Hulk Hogan Hulkamania ran wild again. But· defeated Sid Viscous. Although not in 2000, WCW was doing poorly. Small class as, individualized artenuen. and lower tuition add up to a high quality opponunity lor summar, Short and axtanded formals giva you maximum educational officially announced, many inside Hogan was no longer getting the flexibility in combining college courses wilb summer jobsl Check the college's sources believed at the time it was same reactions from the fans. The website at for a complete listing of Summer Term courses. Hulk Hogan's last match. In fact, Hulkster switched back and forth For Advising and Admissions information: we learned in hindsight that at the between his evil "Hollywood" time Hulk Hogan thought it might character and his "red and yellow 410-386-8435 be his final match. That was more Hulkarnania" character. Nothing ~ then ten years ago. worked. It looked as ifHulkamania ~MUNITYCOLLEGe Hogan took almost a year off was going to die, and not because ~='~~~2~~ from wrestling, and the WWF's Hogan decided to retire, but be- __ rroll;x.«/I. profits sank for the next several cause the fans no longer cared. months. Hulk. Hogan made his in- Over the next two years wres- ring return at Wrestlemania 9, and tlers would occasionally make ref- crowd would roar in approval. Last that. At Wrestiemania, Hogan was somehow managed to win {he erence to Hogan on TV. Rock February Vince announced the re- billed as the bad guy, and The Rock their backs on Hogan. The Red and WWF title his first night back. would speak of the greats, and turn of the nWo, including it's was treated as the good guy. But Yellow outfit came back as well, Even more miraculous was that he would sometimes mention Hogan's leader, Hulk Hogan. the Toronto fans were clearly be- and once again Hulkamania rose wasn't even scheduled to compete The WWF wanted Hogan to be hind The Hulkster. That night from ashes.
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