Page 148 - Phoenix2001-02
P. 148
Wednesday, April 24, 2002 ~Page 8 FEATURES ~®,~Diversity Day: -_®,~ 60 Seconds Learning more about cultures across theglobe What is your favorite part about and tasting the breads of the world s,rin9I1¥ TAMMI SLATER ~~"";"l Assislanr Fealures EdilQr By Undsay Hicks Exposing yourself to different cultures and ex- periencing all types of people is what WMC's Di- Ditching work and versity Day 2002 was all about. The event, spon- playing with friends in sored by the Multicultural Student Association was the quad. held the week of April 8- 12. Nicole Nickerson 03 Beginning on Monday, English there was an event called "Prankojazz Band" where Washingtonian Frank Caro.lyn Wanga (right), graduate I Agbro blended Nigerian Services, serves up the many breads a/the world. rock, Caribbean influences, African rhymes, justing to the American way of life elements of jazz, and his own life story. On Another group present at the event was Tuesday, Helaine Gitomer spoke on the "Di- the Spanish Club. President Enrique versity of Relationships". This workshop Maqueda explained that through this group enabled students to look at their own rela- "We try to speak in Spanish the majority of tionships through the use of fables. Other the time and learn something about the cul- events throughout the week included a ture." Not remembering multicultural showcase, a "intuition work- The Black Student Union, run by senior shop", and rhythms of the world on WMCR President Maya Redfearn, displayed the it at all. where diversity by the sound of music is group's strong ties to their ethnicity and Sandi Carney 04 explored. desire to promote its message to other stu- However, throughout the week one of the dents on campus. Redfearn stated that, "BSU Bio-Chemistry most promoted events for Diversity Week is a support system. It is family oriented and was on Thursday, where held in Red Square allows me to be myself and not have anyone various clubs, organizations, and groups set judge me for anything." up their tables to help students learn about Throughout the school year, BSU has different cultures and backgrounds. The hosted events such as Black History Month, event. titled "Diverse Delights/Breads of the and the recent "Essence of Time" fashion World", invotved groups such as the Allies. show. Also, the group holds formal every the Spanish Club, the Black Student Union, year, and the upcoming event on May I, ''The the Hispano-Latino Alliance, and many Celebration of Women." more, plus the main attraction, a table set Senior member Jamila Connor, from S1. Spending a care- up offering various kinds of delicious breads Thomas, explained what being involved in from around the world to taste. the BSU has meant to her. "BSU has given free funfilled day The Hispano-Latino Alliance, displayed me a chance to share my heritage, the Car- different past and upcoming events their ibbean culture. with the school. It has al- with my friends group has. Run by President and senior lowed me to show people there is more to Maribel Calderon this group displayed dif- being black then being African-American." Julie Ogrysko 04 ferent past and upcoming events their group Due to Connor's strong involvement and' Business Economics has held. Calderon said, "Our purpose is to promotion, in the future a Caribbean Cul- promote Hispanic culture." The organiza- ture display will be added to the BSU pro- tion held one of their final events on April gram. 20. It was a community service project called While students sit in class everyday with Latino Transitional Housing Partnership. people of different heritages and ethnicities Participating in this event was very gratify- all around them, many often do not fully ing for the members, such as Vice President understand their significance, history, mean- Faniska Lopez-Gonzalez and Secretary ing, or contributions. Events such as Diver- Mayra Vasquez, because their duties con- sity Day work to bring students together and Getting drunk ststed of providing housing for Latino fami- as Jewish storyteller and guest speaker lies who aren't economically stable. The Jennier Rudick says, "Show the importance in the quad. ............................................ Alex Garcia 04 the houses and groups members besides your own personal of other clean. and refurbish ad- one." a place to live while give the families Art & Communica- BfriAa"iDa Bde(ule tions Tuesday, April 23American Red Cross Blood Drive Forum 12:00-5:00 pm Acoustic Duo: Jeff and Pete of the Pub 9:00 pm Badlees Wednesday, April 24 BINGO Forum 8:00 pm Thursday, April 25 24 Hour Rock-a-then: Benefits the Red Square l2:00pm National Kidney Foundation Friday, April 26 Video Dance Party Forum 9:00pm Saturday, April 27 SPRING FLING DAY Quad Rock Wall, Bouncy Boxing, 1:30-7:30 pm Obstacle Course Fantasy Digital Imaging 2:00-6:00 pm Dixie Whirly Bird 2:30-6:30 pm Character Artist 3:30-7:30 pm Acoustic Guitarist: Shari Richards 3:45-5:30 pm Dinner (picnic outside) 4:45-6:30 pm ........................................... Juggler/Comedian: 6:00-7:30 Hilby the German Juggler
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