Page 146 - Phoenix2001-02
P. 146
Wednesday. April 24, 2002- Page 6 COMMENTARY Staff Point a finger at yourself before icons Editors-In-Chief While I am not really a fan of Britney more random the target, it would seem, the More to the point, while I am sure some Edward K. Schultheis '03 Spears, I seriously doubt she is a symbol of better. homeless people are indeed unstable, I am Matthew E. Hurff '03 impending doom. It disturbs me that people are serious also sure that is somehow the fault of the Agree with me? If so, I would like to about this (and, moreover, (hat people have rest of us. inform you that you and r might be 'alone. enough free time to create entire web-sites Hate to preach, so I will stop now. Be- News Editor Recently, web sites have sprung up insinu- about it). If we are really interested in ex- sides, I have digressed from my point (as- LeRoy McDuffie '05 ating that Britney Spears and her teen-pop amining what is wrong with our society to- suming I had one to begin with). music are somehow the source, or at least a day, and by that I mean globally, let us at If people among us are actually interested Assistant NewsEditor serious by-product, of all that is wrong in least look at the facts. in helping their fellow man: Ithink it is time Stacey Myers '02 We, as a people, have stop trying to un- they get away from their computers (the derstand each other. "idiot-box" sponsor of our generation) and Idon't care how much we might pretend their self-serving, ran'dom blame and change Features Editor things. Jessica Watson '05 If we are really interested Iam tired of people Who sit idle and throw in examining what is blame about without trying to take action, if Assistant Features Editor only because I think I do the job better than Tammi Slater '03 wrong with our society anyone else. today, and by that I mean As for Ms. Spears, r will admit that she but I Commentary Editor globally, let us at least is a bad role model for young women, In fact, harmless. still believe she is mostly Erin Romanski '04 r think she just might be more socially look at the facts. evolved than most people in one important Assistant Commentary Editor to be open-minded, we are really just a soci- way. Donna Hurd '03 ety of one-man (or women) shows, and, what As my fictional hero Tyler Durden once Michael Wiles is more, we each actually believe the spot- said, we are all merely "the all singing, all Sports Editor light is only on us. This, I am afraid to say, dancing crap of the world." Greg Lederer '03 America, and that Spears is somehow di- is not true. Britney Spears seems to have a good rectly to blame for the "dumbing" of our To this same end, we have become way handle on this universal truth, and at least culture. more apathetic than sympathetic. For every she is profiting from it. For this I applaud Assistant Sports Editor Sadly, this is what it has come down to. person who thinks homeless people are all her, but for that alone: like I said, Ireally am Chris Taugher '02 Since it is politically incorrect to blindly crazy and dangerous is another reason there not much of a fan. blame races and ethnic groups for society's will always be homeless people, if not also Senior Writer ills these days, we have begun to single out another reason that there will always be crazy -Mike Wiles is aj.unior English Michael Jenkinson '02 individuals that seem like goodtargets-the and dangerous people. major, Key cards: an inconvenience to students Staff Writers Tara Dellafranzia '03 Dan Hamvas remarks on the Colby Goodrum '03 in when the lab was still open why do you Internet? And finally, may Iremind Marcus Helton '02 unjust demands expected with key have to leave when it closes if you don't have " expensive a key-card is?,25'cents everyone how in for Christi; a key-card? an hour, if cards. You're already Lindsay Hicks '05 sake, and the lab key is functionally open- overdue? What the hell? That's rather dis- Jessica Jones '02 I'm only trying to ask those questions that ing the door (I'm not sure if we learn it right couraging for retards like Iam, who can lose Amelle Quashie '05 are on quite a few peoples' minds, (they just in Hungary, but there is a widespread belief various items temporarily inside their 3x4 Michael Vyskocil '05 never make that extra effort of turning to the that a key is a door-opening device). college-cave, and take a shower in a Nike 8J Wagner '02 public with them). This time I'd like to ven- If you had to verify your identity why Air. Heather Weiss '04 ture to unravel the incomprehensible mys- wouldn't itbe enough to flash your ID? Most Ilose things all the time, and forget other Michael Wiles '03 tery of the Charlson Lab. More specifically: people with WMC IDs are not likely to at- little things that are due. The key cards would the secret of the key cards. Kathy Wilson '04 Yes, I still have my own computer, but tempt stealing PCs and accessories and let's be no exception so J refrain from checking one out as much as r can. put our hands on our hearts: not even the ID Steve Zamagias '02 sometimes r happen to have to work there thing would be necessary; this is a ridicu- Okay, here's where the complaining (remember? The Internet sucks in my dorm lously small campus. Campus Safety knows stops. Honest to God, I'm not trying to start Adviser but not in the literal sense of the word). Now us by smell; they can tell your class by the a revolution. But it would be damned nice if Terry Dalton I'm the type of guy who really hates to be type of your book bag, right?). Or why can't someone who is in possession of the answers bothered while he is working. we simply use our ID cards as keys to get would care to enlighten me. But guess what it still happens, as when into the lab? I believe our library bar-code Because what really bothers me is not as the books go to sleep in the library, Campus could be well used for that (say what? That much the key card itself, as the situation not Safety comes around and after asking for key it's not safe, because people lose ID's? making any human sense. Expecting an an- cards, if I'm not in possession of the high- Sure, but in case it ran unnoticed: most swer from someone smarter than me, like the tech magnetic open-sesame, I get politely people have acquired the evolutionary stage seamen lost in the mist expects the signal of thrown out... along with a whole bunch of of necessary cerebral activity and cultural a lighthouse. The paper welcomes free-lance submissions people eager to get homework done. Now, empathy where they are capable of overcom- -Dan Hamvas is a junior Macintosh disks in most word processor for- I'm not blaming Campus Safety. They are communication major. ~~~hs::~~~!!r d~:r~~mountable obstacles, The editors reserve the right to edit fa just doing their job they get paid for. It's the larity, length, and libel and to publish as space job itself that doesn't fit into my sense of Knocking is a perfect solution to cure rmits. All submissions (excluding self-ad- logic. the lack of key. cards. And might r also hum- oyou avean sed diskettes) become the property of Th Let's suppose I do understand why we bly remark, that if someone is desperate to opinion? If so, hoenix and cannot be returned. need a key card to get into the lab at certain get into the lab to steal a computer, he will hours of the day, not that I do, but let's sup- find a way--easiest of them being: getting a espond in the form 0 pose. Cause what is the deal there? Are they hold of a key-card). afraid that somebody might steal a computer But let's approach the need for key cards a letter to the editor. or something? from another angle: the ridiculous opening Hello! Is the safety line on those ma- hours ofthe lab. Who can give me a fair rea- You may contact chines fake or just out of order. I mean son why the lab has to close when the li- wouldn't it be kind of suspicious if some- brary does (or before)? Commentary Editor one walked out of Charlson with a monitor As opposed to some people believe: life Erin Romanski at Mail to: under his arms: Hello! Oh, this big cubic ob- does not stop at midnight. And it damn sure The Phoenix ject? It's the Bible. does not stop at 7 PM in Jan term, or even xB060 or Assistant WMC, 2 College Hill You can't exactly conceal a PC with your earlier during break. Westminster, MD 21157 jacket. Humans usually don't have square, A lot of people prefer night hours to work, Commentary Editor (410)751-8600 sticking-out body parts. It's still a mystery chat or check e-mail-- why are they pre- FAX, (410)857-2729 for me, why we need a key card to BE in the vented from setting up their own schedule Donna Hurd at xB091 E-Mail: lab as the bouncer-line goes. You are not by nonsense closing times? for further details. supposed to be in here without a key-card And why should out-of-semester time af- after the library closes. Supposing you got fect my habits of hooking myself on the
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