Page 145 - Phoenix2001-02
P. 145
COMMENTARY Wednesday, April 24, 2002- Page 5 Left sitting on the curb by unreliable WMC shuttle Jessica Watson expresses her qualms with the an hour wait as opposed 10 thirty driver because I was frustrated. this time because we're so close to over an hour, as usual. As college shuttle service. minutes because obviously the I wanted to know how employ- the school. students we have things to do. shuttle has to finish making its ees are recruited. Are they trained? We were told that we would be We decide to take a 2-hour What is the problem with OUT rounds, get back to campus, and Do they know how to fill out picked up right outside the theatre break from studying, and it ended shuttle service? Ask around cam- then go back out. forms? How to wait five minutes? at 6: 15 p.rn. up being 3-5 hours. It's stressful, pus, becauseeveryonelknowwho When I was left at Owings Mills I want to know the whole nine At about 6:10 we were out of especially when you're out at has ventured onto the "Pickle" has the first time, I remember watching yards, because there is no excuse the theatre, standing inside where Owings Mills, and heaven forbid had at least one horror story. I am the bus go by in the distance. My for the poor transportation. the eatery was. We all had a clear by yourself. a first-year student, having only friends and I tried our best to flag And as many complaints view of the parking lot. In fact, I When the driver finally came traveled on the shuttle three limes; him down but obviously it didn't that go into campus safety when was explaining to my friends back around, he/she claimed that Ihave been left behind each time. work. It never even stopped. It was students are left, you would think (speaking from experience) to stick they waited for five minutes. I It's almost ironic how some of like "hey, together so that we can all look out made that the topic of our ride the drivers pass out a schedule to isn't that the for the shuttle. home, especially since Iknow what each passenger before leaving the shuttle, far Itold them that ithas a tendency I saw and he/she might have parking lot because they don't fol- offin the dis- to leave people behind. At about slowed down a little, but there was low it. I have been left twice at tan c e ? 6: 15 we watched the shuttle come no stop. Owings Mills with no way back Where is it and drive past our view about half- Afterwards I vented with my to the campus, and just recently at going?" way, then turn to go down the park- friends but I personally think Ihold Towne Mall. So we ing lot. some kind of record for being left I remember calling campus called cam- At this point Iwas pretty much three times. That's a 100% "left safety, all three times, and noth- pus safety, making my way out of the door and rate," which shouldn't be at all. ing was done. They give their rou- and towards the parking lot, but by that And there is always some excuse tine line of "well, there's nothing -- ---- time the shuttle was gone. or a miscommunication or some- we can do we can't contact the We did the whole "notify cam- thing. driver now we're sure the driver waited. The pus safety" bit and that pretty much The new driver didn't know that will be there in 30 minutes." second time, did nothing. Funny thing is that be- we were supposed to be picked up All of which I personally think the bus never fore being dropped off the driver or we were at the wrong pick-up is bullshit. came. I re- handed us a business card. It had stop (we only go where we're told). First because, there should be member be- the campus safety office number on I am writing this article because I something you can do-- you're cause I was it, which was obviously of no help. want to warn students that they are taking a chance by riding the ;~~~~~ s:~~~!'t~a~~~ :~:~~~~ ~i~~~gt~~~Sti:~O~:)c:n~n~:~; ~::e;: Jessica Watson ~;~i~:I~~~~~~:~ number to Val- shuttle. thing were to happen to me while "unwrap the chocolate bar and that something would be done to The card said that it costs ap- The only thing I am guilty of is I was out in the middle of no- save" sale; that was my dinner by improve it. proximately $30 to take a taxi from trusting the shuttle enough to ride where, who's fault would it be? the way. You would think that after go- Owings Mills or the Metro if you it a third time. Strike three, you're Why don't we have two-way ra- When Iwas picked up, Iwas told ing through this situation twice I miss the last shuttle. My question dios or something? I mean cell that the driver that dropped me off would have given up on the shuttle is what if you just get left? . Will phones, walkie-talkies, anything! didn't write down that I was there service altogether. the school foot the bill? -Jessica Watson is a There is no reason why WMC on her clipboard. Guess that's not Just recently my friends and I Meanwhile we were calling our shouldn't go out of its way to en- in the job description. After finally went out to the Towne Mall ro see friends for rides, but being Easter freshman sure the safety of its students. being picked up (after I 1/2- 2 hours a movie. 1 figured there was no Weekend, most of them weren't communications-graphic And they might as well just say of waiting in the dark), I grilled the way they could possibly miss us home. So we were stuck there for design major. New music cannot be appreciated Anything can happen unless you give it a chance 8J Wagner teils it like it is Peter just set himself up to go regarding the reality tv from the start. I was amazed that Lindsay Hicks discusses ergy, Pharcyde wen! on for forty- played and the last of the Dropkick series Survivor. Sarah lasted as long as she did, es- after pecially pride her princess a surpris- the low attendance at the five minutes and received considering Murphy fans staggered out of the ltdoesn tgetanybetterf Words riding into the island on the raft. response ingly positive campus concert there were obviously not many building, I wen! to the Garden cannot describe the feeling of re- Rob doomed himselfby talking too and one of my dreams Apartments Last Friday night, CAPboard people there to see them. came true: Iactually gol the chance lief I felt as I watched John get much. Not that he would've made out of the tribe last Thurs- voted hosted the Dropkick Murphys Then it happened. The Dropkick to hang out with the band. day evening. Don't get me wrong, it to the end, but he might have at least outlasted Sean, securing him- along with Pharcyde in an effort Murphys hit the stage and thus be- After an incredible night, I I am no fan of Sean, but it was time self a spot on the jury.The rnost ri- to raise money and bring a change gan one of the most memorable walked back into my dark dorm for the tables to turn. diculous vote-off was when Gina of pace to the Western Maryland nights of my life. Halfway through room and stopped and said out It was as if they didn't see it got the boot. If only they had taken College activity scene. their hour-long set I got the chance loud, "If this is a dream, r am go- coming. Tammy's mouth dropped, the time to know her, perhaps they Due to the typical college to stand on stage far enough to be ing to be so angry." I was con- as she was most likely thinking, would have seen that she was defi- student's overwhelming interest in spit on by a band member and in vinced that something so unreal "How'd that happen?" I suppose nitely an asset to the tribe. bands like the Dave Matthews perfect view of the energetic fans would never happen for me, espe- that had she given it some thought Regardless of whether they Band and close mindedness to- who shouted every lyric back to the cially at little Western Maryland and done the math, she would have should or shouldn't have been wards genres other than those fea- face of lead singer At Barr. College. . humbly sacrificed her immunity voted off, nearly every one of them tured on MTV and local radio sta- Even though Gill Gymnasium The only regret Ihad at the end necklace for 'leader John.' Instead, was smart enough to see it coming. tions, I figured that students here was certainly not overflowing with of the night is for my fellow stu- poor little John went crying home John, on the other hand, thought he would be more willing to spend people, the crowd of locals carried dents who did not dig up twelve to mommy that he didn't win the their extra cash on alcohol than enough energy to help make this bucks in exchange for the chance million dollars. had it made in the shade. For a brief he was during the day, moment they would on seeing an Irish punk show about as passionate as the to experience something different They set themselves up for it. vulnerable. After his man-to-man band and rap group. other two shows I have see the than ever before. During the immunity challenge, talk with Paschal, he was all ego. Unfortunately, Iwas correct in Dropkick Murphys play. Ionly wish While it is perfectly fine for John, Robert, Zoe, and Tammy, in realize that, being a judge He didn't my assumptions. In fact, I was that more Western Maryland stu- people to have differing musical all their cockiness, hammered the and all, Paschal's verdict could still almost disappointed before the dents could have participated in the taste than myself, I only wish that nails into their own coffins. change. show had even begun because of dual-headlining concert so that more students would have sup- How could the supposed 'stron- Jeff Probst is always saying that the small crowd could never match CAPboard, concert committee ported CAPboard's efforts and gest, most powerful' four be so stu- "anything can happen," well some- the energy of past shows I have leader Mary Lee Pence, and gained a new experience in the pro- pid as to not realize that five is thing did happen! Neleh said, "we seen. hardworking student volunteers cess. Oh and one last thought: greater than four? I suppose that will beat them at their own game." My spirits rose, however, when could have been rewarded finan- Why is it that after being given the Zoe, Tammy, and Robert saw big I can't wait to see it. You can rest I caught glimpse of the red plaid cially for their efforts. chance to vote for who plays at our bad 'leader John' being so cocky assure, I will be laughing the whole and metal-clad fans that flooded However, as I think anybody else school, only 92 tickets were sold and followed suit. It seems as time. the area in front of the stage would agree, the events of the night to students? though one episode the tables around seven forty-five. My crew made up for any initial disappoint- -Lindsay Hicks is a turned, and now perhaps a deserv- -BJ Wagner is a senior had arrived! ment. ing person will actually win the communications-graphic Lacking followers but not en- After the last bagpipe tune was freshman. million. design major.
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