Page 144 - Phoenix2001-02
P. 144
Wednesday, April 24, 2002 - Page 4 COMMENTARY Sometimes college is just part of playing "the game" Tara DellaJranzia takes a look at tion. I'm meanr to bea writer and Ihappen to write that I might not even hear from five years academia from a realistic How, might you ask, could this have oc- songs as well. I chose English as a logical from now, deduced that at least 35% of pro- as a logical perspective. curred? Iknew it major and Music logical decisions minor. fessors here are actually really cool individu- When I first met my boyfriend, als, drank, I've jammed, sang, wasted time .. are seldom However, Ever have a really crappy day and just was meant to be. Over a year later, it still the easiest ones. but most of all, I'll have proven, upon gradu- want to talk to someone, only to have them r ruled out certain aspects of music and ation, that r can play the game. tell you that you just have a confidence prob- While learning and English. I didn't pur the effort into news r'1I have put up with 4 years of exams, lem? Iguess sometimes that's what friends writing in Journalism class, and figured that BS, dorm life, GLAR, a name change, are for. socializing surely make us it just wasn't my scene. groups and activities. All to qualify that r Ever take a grade personally? Perhaps Music Theory never went well, so I can do what I started out doing before I came you have decided to devote your college ca- more well-rounded knew I'd never be the next John Williams. here. reer to the study of English literature, only individuals, is that the So where does this leave me on my way Maybe academia is overrated. r know to receive various marked-up papers that you through my college career? many people that still think James Joyce is 'don't even read over any more. They all say point? College is fun, and Ican write songs, playa little guitar, and the devil, and Faulkner his imp. But think the same things. it's home, and it makes me complain a lot in writing. I'm older and how many books they sold. So your friend tells you that you've got I've learned a lot about how to deal with Think how many albums The Beatles a confidence problem, and then you get me- feel better and worse people (and when not to deal with them). sold without even being able to read music! diocre-to-bad grades on papers, when you're And when I graduate, will r really get While learning and socializing surely supposed to be a writer. about myself at the same to take over Rolling Stone with C's in En- make us more well- rounded individuals, is Who ever said I was a writer? I did. I time. glish and a barely passing grade in Music that the point? said it in my first declaration of the school Theory? Eh, maybe. College is fun, and it's home, and it year right here in The Phoenix. ''This is a So what has college done for me so far? makes me feel better and worse about my- female writer." seems that way. It's made the same skills that f came 'here self at the same time. And now, here f am, months later, with a IiI fact, marriage after college doesn't with marketable. -Tara Dellafranzia is a junior decent internship only months away, com- seem out of the question at all. I've always Now r can say I'm published in a college English major. mitting the ultimate writing sin: self- quota- felt that way about writing and singing, too. newspaper, I've made a lot of nice friends Greek unity is lacking ometimes journalists can among students on campus ake a difference Unity. It is something that we too often about six events total. Provost Case has' reminded me of th take for granted, but it falls much closer to And for those occasions when I was not reasons that I wanted to become ajoumalis home, specifically in' the Greek community. actively involved, Iwas right out there cheer- in the first place. By letting my opinion b As sisters and brothers at a small private lib- ing on my girls and displaying the confidence known, I can make a change. eral arts college, we are constantly reminded we as Greek members on WMC's campus - It may not happen with every single ar of our size, which to me is all the more rea- pride ourselves on having. It was rather dis- tide 1 write, but even if it only happens onc son to come together, whether in the form of couraging, I felt, to have such a random ar- a year it is worth the time and effort put inr serv'ce. social functions, or fund-raisers. rangement of Greeks present at the events. each pjece. The week of April 14-20 was designated A few members from this sorority here, I have not written this article with th as Greek week this Spring of 2002. That a few fraternity brothers there, and gradu- intention to only praise Provost Case for hi ally, as the week progressed. some of our actions and concern. I want to let peopl fellow Greeks came out of the woodwork to know that sometimes you can make a dif show their support. ference. My complaint is, why does it seem as If you have strong opinions why no though the same token athletes and volun- voice them? Who knows what response yet teers are up front holding their own for the may receive, rest of their teammates time and time again? Ijust want to let everyone know that i While r am not speaking for every indi- you are considering a career in journalis vidual frat and sorority, I was discouraged you should jump in head-first and give it to see that this tended to be the case in sev- shot. It may not always be a pleasant atmo eral events where in some cases teeth had to ~h'~ ___ be pulled in order to get "volunteers." Rushing to meet deadlines Personally, I am proud to be a Greek. I joined in the hope of making lasting friend- and struggling to get that ships, as cliched as that may be, and gener- Donna Hurd last interview can be ally be a part of a unity group. r don't mean to come down on the Greek When I wrote my last article for The extremely stressful but Erin A. Romanski community, but we need to face the harsh hcenix J never dreamed that [would receive reality. phone call form Provost Sam Case before there are few professions fraternities, competition, and general Greek Our pride gets shattered as the years go even had a chance to pick up a copy of the that can reach so many pride displayed throughout these events. on, recruitment becomes more and more dif- ew edition for myself. Overall, Iwas impressed with how the games ficult, and it is a shame that not everyone The topic of the article was bow difficult people and successfully were conducted. pulls his or her weight. cheduling for classes was for tbe upcoming The events ran in a timely manner and The point of the events is not torture emester, I was even more shocked to find make a difference in we were able to finish either right on time or Greeks or to humiliate them in front of their hat Case was not upset about the article. someone's life. much earlier than scheduled. However, my fellow students. The point is to come to- . What he wanted was more feedback from concern does not lie with the organization gerber, display a little healthy competition, e and some specifics so that he could help Rushing to meet deadlines and strug- of the events themselves. and have fun! For some strange reason, that hange scheduling problems in the future. gling to get that last interview can be ex- Track and field, pool, and quad activities has become a foreign concept to many. e agreed that there was a problem and was tremely stressful but there are few profes- were all divided up among the respective My suggestion to the guys and girls too eady to hear my suggestions on how to fix sions that can reach so many people and suc- Sunday through Tuesday afternoons. tired or too busy to come out and, gasp, have t. cessfully make a difference in someone's Moreover, I was disappointed overall a good time is this: no one expects you to be As J have gone to work preparing a Iist life. with the turnout for the festivities. spectacular. Hell, no one expects you to be or Case Istill can't believe that Ihave been Who knows maybe someday the person Each Greek organization also had the decent. The only expectation we need to iven this support from him. I must give on the other end of the phone line will be opportunity to have their members sign-up fulfill as leaders on this campus is to do our redit where credit is due. the first lady or even President of the United on an individual, voluntary basis so that those best. Provost Case proved to me that he really States. who were more athletically inclined or more So let's get out there show some Greek oes care about student needs. • I realize that is a stretch but hey, recently apt to participate could do so. pride! In the short time it took for him to take I have learned that anything and everything Now I will be the first to admit that r in e initiative to pick up the phone and call is possible. no way participated in every single event. -Erin Romanski is a sophomore e he has gained the respect of not only me Yet, at the same lime, I feel that I put in more English major. ut of all the students fed up with schedul- -Donna Hurd is a junior English than my fair share, having been active in ng and their parent'). major.
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