Page 143 - Phoenix2001-02
P. 143
NEWS Wednesday April 24, 2002 - Page 3 College's name change causes merchandise shortage "No more merchandise" featuring the WMC logo will be arriving at the college book store LERoy McDuFFIE parel or giftware would be coming. shipments of WMC merchandise Although Meloche is not sure News Editor This news has caused many of with the upcoming name change. when he will receive the new mer- The Campus Bookstore still the most popular items, such as the According to Meloche, the school's chandise with the new name of the have many WMC merchandise and Get your WMC merchandise WMC shot glasses, to completely merchandising vendors will not appearal in the smaller to medium while you still can, because the sell out. ship fewer than 144 orders for a college, he believes that he will sizes. college bookstore will receive "no Along with the shot glasses, product. fully restock his inventory by mid- The bookstore will still con- July. more merchandise" with the WMC sizes in clothing arc becoming This means this is the minimal tinue to sell the old merchandise logo, said Kyle Meloche, manager scarce with many of the large and amount the school can order, and However, new WMC alumni until the arrival of the new college of the campus bookstore. extra large items gone. if the bookstore can not sell the apparel and giftware will arrive be- merchandise with the new name of Meloche was told in January Meloche explained that it fore graduation so that this year's the college on the apparel and nov- class that no new shipments ofWMC ap- would be to be a risk to order new products, the bookstore would lose graduating merchandise. will have their elty items. money. alumni Western Maryland College's new name to be revealed President Coley, confidential in order to give the place as of luly 1,2002, coincid- to detennine and designate a lo- in a campus- school an opportunity to gather to- ing with the beginning of our fis- cation to honor the name "Western family so gether the entire College cal year. College." As is the Maryland wide email and that everyone hears the announce- Although the name must remain school's way, the College commu- ment at the same time. to send us their for the next few weeks, through campus President loan Develin Coley confidential Coley can say that each nity will be invited suggestions. Do well-intentioned President joins the Board of Trustees in be- and everyone of the 418 suggested give it some thought. The college mail announces lieving that those who know the names was considered in terms of will be providing more details College best and care about it the meetings these criteria: heritage, soon. date for the most - the alumni, students, par- distinction, clarity, longevity and Meanwhile, stay tuned to the ents, faculty, administrators, staff, overall validity. The College Com- WMC website for up-to-the-minute unveiling. and friends - should be first to hear mittee for the Naming Initiative information about the event and the news. poured over this list of names sug- name-selection process - and EDWARD K. SCHULTHEIS Next week the campus commu- gested by more than 2,000 alumni, please mark your calendars now for Co-Editor-in·Chiej nity will receive an invitation to the parents, faculty, trustees, staff and The Phoenix has exciting news May 10 name announcement and friends of the College. May 10 fora front row seat to his- to share with the college commu- celebration of our community. It truly was an all inclusive, nity. The Board of Trustees unani- Those not able to attend that well-reasoned process. In the end, ment moves closer, the Phoenix mously selected a new name for the evening may log onto the college's the Board selected one name from will cover this remarkable story in College during their Saturday, website or call a toll free number a short list of names recommended our upcoming issue. April 20, meeting. to find out what name was chosen. by the Committee and tested by the Information courtesy of cam- The name will be announced at consultants. All of the names tested 8:30 p.m. May lOon Memorial well. For your convenience we're open: Mon. thru Fri. 9am ·7pm • Sat. 8am ·6pm • Sun. 1nam- 5pm College Square Shopping Center 444 WMC Drive Westminster 410·857·0520 410·857·0898 Next to Safe way
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