Page 95 - Phoenix2000-01
P. 95
COMMENTARY Thursday, March 1,2001 - Page 7 ports world mourns Winter storm not only gives road my Bittinger conveys her greater number of cars due to the feelings about the tragic introducti?noftherestrict~rplate. crews responsibility-- drivers too death of Dale Earnhardt. ~~;~:~t;~c:~rtt~~~~~ 7:~~~s,~:~ Heavenly, but hazardous, was my life, but I am endangering the Call me heartless! Call me creasestheamountofairandfuel cold! But when a man, who earns taken into the engine for combus- the winter storm that swept through lives of others. millions to drive a car, drives his tion, essentially decreasing speed. the area last Thursday, Unfortunately, when I call out According 3,200 pound automobile into a It equalizes all drivers because to WBAL's investi- of school or work, I feel guilty for concrete wall at 180 mph dies, J technologic and scientific ad- gative reporter Jayne Miller, Thurs- not being able to make it. I wonder why so many people get vances in air and fuel intake are day was "the day for tow trucks" shouldn't feel this way. Sure, miss- and Friday would be "the day for upset.I don't get it. To begin With. eliminated. As a result. there is body shops." ing a day of classes or work might 10 most NASCAR fans Dale less difference in speed capabili- . set me back. . Earnhardt was an idol, an image, ties between the 43 cars on the Wit~l;:~~:r\~hn~:r~y a:da::;!I~~ However, there is nothing that a caricature. Few knew him per- racetrack. I would've done or learned that day sonally, so wby are people so dis- So what happens is we see the ditches, on 1-95 below Washington, that means more to me than life, appointed in his death that they clumping of cars frequently three D.C., it brought about a 100 plus- whether it IS mine or someone feel a loss? I genuinely feel for wide and five to ten deep, all trav- car pile-up. BJ Shorb elses. those who knew him who lost a eling very close to each other at The video clips Channel II When you think about it, other friend, a father, a teammate, or a high rates of speed. In part this showed on the 6 o'clock news were slow enough. However, when I people will stay home too, so you spouse. But for the rest of the makes the sport safer because cars rather unsettling. However, there drove about 20 mph around a curve won't be the only one. Depending world, it happens. are not traveling as fast. However. was only one fatality in the mas- less then a mile from my house, I on where you work, severe weather The biggest problem with how it makes it more dangerous be- sive chain of crashes. slid right off the road and into a conditions may cause it to be a slow he died, though, is that millions cause if one car miscues even a How does an accident like this telephone pole. Luckily I was not day anyway. witnessed it either in person, for tiny bit when it is in a 30 Cal happen when salt trucks are 'pre- injured, and I was close to home. Some of you have the ability to those who were in attendance at clump it is much more likely to pared' for the storm and out on the That experience taught me two drive in snow with ease, and more Daytona, or live on television. The take out more cars. roads? Could it bea result of driver- lessons. The first; It is okay to go power to you. You may have four- carelessness? accident didn't look like much, Even though Earnhardt's crash I always hear things like "they half the speed-limit in treacherous wheel drive, and that is great. For but we knew, while reruns were involved only two cars, blame can weather. The second: Do not risk those of you, like me, who don not shown on sportscasts and news be p1aced on having many cars so never clear my road" or "I haven't your life, unless you absolutely possess either of the those two broadcasts that he died in the mo- close together and so near the fin- seen a salt truck in hours." need to. things, I would like to recommend that r face it; there Let's are a lot of ments of that accident. ish that all were taking slight risks roads to clear -and some take pref- My first lesson is one that I be- you learn the IWO lessons In the past few years, four to beat the pack and gel an inch lieve many still need to learn. I al- learned when I was sixteen. drivers have died in similar ways: ahead for crossing the finish line. erence over others. I am not say- ways see vehicles traveling at ri- Like making any decision, you Kenny Irwin and Adam Petty died For the first time in ing rhat the road crews can'tdoany diculous speeds in severe condi- have to weigh the risks and ben- on the forth comer at New Hamp- Earnhardt's career. he decided be- better, I think there is always room tions. Not only are they trying to efits of each option. shire because the throttle stuck. cause his teammates. Michael for improvement. go at regular speeds, but they tail- If you' ve done that and still feel Tony Roper of the truck series Waltrip, and son, Dale Earnhardt, What I am saying is that, while gate drivers who are trying to be the need to venture out into the died on impact from driving into Jr., were running one two on the many tend to blame the salt trucks cautious, which only adds to their dangerous weather, please do it a wall, and most recently Dale last lap that he. who was in third, for not cleaning the roads well, carelessness. cautiously. Drive slow and do not there is another cause of weather- My second lesson is one that tailgate, or J.QU may cause the next -related accidents. often lea-ves, me feeling guilty. t can no longer be ignored that NASCAR As drivers, we alt need to be ex- When I am supposed to travel to pile-up. " After all, not ~nl~ does the roa~' racing is dangerous ... tremely cautious when the weather work or school and the weather is crew need to do Its Job, but we, as is bad. I learned this just after I got bad, ( am more likely not to go. I drivers, alsq'n(:ed to do our job. my license. feel that if I am not comfortable Earnhardt died on impact at would prevent cars from passing I was driving to-work one driving in adverse conditions, then Daytona. him taking over one of the top -81 Shorb is a junior communica- evening, and I thought I was going by doing so, not only am I risking tion major. The first three racers were three positions. The race would relatively inexperienced. For ex- not have been so close had it not A student gives advice to all complainers ample, Adam Petty was only 19- been for restrictor plates. Continued from page 5 years-old, So the risk ofdeatb as- However. Dale Earnhardt soctated withNASCAR was Jim- meant a great deal to NASCAR how busy you are because to 80 dollars, If not more. I hey pro- charge you money, you WILL itedbecause ofthe eontributionof racing. When he came into the chances are they are just as busy. vide GYN exams, mono and srrep probably have to wait several driver-error. However. when the sport in 1979 it was a sport for You w~ll only bum them out, too. tests, vaccinations, and a variety of days if not weeks, and you WILL most successful ...... talented. h111l1i11ies, buthe_itimqthe Of course, if someone asks other services, and it's all ex- have to go off campus for both the and most e>perienced dri>., ~ second most televised sport. lie you what you do or why you look tremely inexpensive! For all of appointment and the pharmacy, IT was suddtiUy eliminoted. ne ~~_dld."'t""_ like you only got three hours Just of these is billed, so you don't even ac- that is your desire, tben go for it. brought NASCAR into the maln- your services, student tt;l drivef'-eI1Ot' the contri~on last night, tell them. sleep count Stop complaining about what blame is placed on the ~ he racers, don't tell them every time you see have to pay for them on the spot! is 'right here for you. The school the sport. . Ja ad ironic twist.: at the COD~ them, whether they want to hear Often times you can walk in . is not obligated to provide such ItcanlIOtonaerbO!pocedtbat atlam llamhardI .. ked bUn to drive his Center. This is the one area of col- Tell me another medical facil- There are many other issues aware of. NASCAR has expert: aumber 15 Napa sponsored lege life that everyone: students, ity that will let you come in and see that students (and staff) complain enced four times the Dumber of Cbevy car,and be did in the faculty, and staff, complain a qualified professional without an about. However, these' are the about. Idon't get it. Yes, it's true deaths. In fact, 1 know of DO one DaytOna SOO- and he won. It was appointment. Yet, I hear people ones that I hear addressed most who has died as a result of an In- Dale Earnhardt's defensive driv- that they cannot provide you with complain because they had to wait often, and usually on a daily ba- jury sustained during a game. ing in preventing other cars from every health service that one may ten whole minutes or that the staff sis. If you have valid concerns, No baseball player. no ice passing him near the end that en- need. But if they can't provide it, is incompetent. then write an article or speak with hockey player, no football player abled Waltrip and son Dale Jr. to they can refer you to a physician To all of you people, wait until one of the deans, and they will (although a few have pennanent finish one-two. who can. you get out into the real world and make sure that your complaint is spinal cord injuries from the game Many mourn because they re- In all honesty, where else can wait two hours at the doctor's of- heard and addressed if necessary. that have left them paralyzed) has alize what Dale Earnhardt meant you walk right down the hill, get fice when you actually have an ap- Just going around complain- ever died from the sport. The clos- to the sport. and more mourn be- free physicals, check-ups, over pointment. If you have to take an ing about everything is not only est comparison] can draw is from cause of what they have learned the counter medicine, and health appointment because they can't fit extremely unproductive, but also basketball when in 1990 Loyola- about the man behind the icon in advice? They have on staff daily you in when you call, see if you remarkably annoying to your lisĀ· Marymount's Hank Gatbers died the wake of his tragic death. a certified Physicians Assistant can get one that afternoon or even teners. on the court during a Western NASCAR may never see the and a Registered Nurse, as well the next day. So, try and think before you Coast Conference tournament number 3 black car; instead they as a Medical Doctor on call. [f you think that it works that speak: If what you are about to game because of a heart condition may see a white number 29. The They can give you prescrip- way, you will be sadly disap- say will have no fruitful effect on he knew he had, Michael Jordan of NASCAR, tbe tion medicines, such as antibiot- pointed. And if you don't think that those around you, then it would Part of the blame is to be Wayne Gretzky of auto racing ics and birth control pills, for Smith House is qualified to handle probably be better left unsaid. placed on NASCAR officials. made his mark. and ended it in a practically nothing. Items that, if your medical needs, then find a Many contend that crashes are most tragic way for the whole rae- you went through a pharmacy, way to go elsewhere. -Brandi Crawford is a junior more and more Iikel to involve a in world to see. may cost you anywhere from 20 Be prepared: other places WILL dual music-theater major.
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