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NEWS Thursday, March 1,2001 - Page 3 Calendar of Events Campus Safety Blotter Thursday, March 1: 4th Annual "Reach Out WMC" Campus gaining Auction; doors open at 4:30 p.m. The Department the of following 219/01 at I :45 a.m. student to Decker 2/14/01 at 5:30 a.m. a toilet was Safety reported unauthorized access sitting in the middle of the Gazebo and auction starts at 5:30 p.m. cases which include: Center. at McDaniel Hall. 2/1/01 at 12:10 a.m. there was a 2/9/01 at 11:15 a.m. student ob- 2115101 at 1:00 a.m. a student Friday, March 2: "Little Shop of Horrors" opens at 8:00 Floor party and too many people served with beer, under 21 near driving under the influence of al- p.m, in Alumni Hall; shows also on in a room in Blanche Ward Hall. McDaniel Hall. under- cohol nearly hits three female stu- 2/1/01 at 5:00 p.m. student was ar- 2/9/0 I at II:47 p.m. student March 3, 4, 8, 9, and 10. rested for possession of CDS in age possessing alcohol at Blanche dents and is seen leaving Blanche (from which he's banned). Albert Normal Ward Hall. Ward Hall. 2/15101 at 8:24 p.m. a student ran Sunday, March 4: Opening reception for Calvin Edward 212101 at 10:21 p.m. a student and 2/9/01 at 2,30 a.m. underage pos- into a Decker door breaking the Ramsburg's ''Point of Entry"; 2:00~ non student charged with under- session! consumption of alcohol by handle. 5:00 in Rice Gallery. age possession! consumption in a student at Blanche. 2/16/01 at I:13 a.m. a floor party ANW. 2/9/01 at 2:31 a.m. a non-student second floor of Blanche; students 2/2/01 at [0:35 a.m. student as- was drinking in the hallway in cited. Friday, March 7: Guest Lecturer Dr. Robin Blake; "Date saulted the victim for no apparent Blanche. 2/16/01 at I:29 a.m. a non-student Rape" at 7 p.m. in McDaniel Lounge. reason in Decker Student Center. female suspect discharged a fire 2n101 at 12:30a.m. Blanche Ward extinguisher in Blanche. Tuesday, March 6: Women's Lacrosse Basket Bingo at 2116101 at 2:00 a.m. a student 5:30 p.m. in the forum. Wednesday, March 7: Presentation by David Ivry on "Seeking Peace"; 8:00 p.m, in McDaniel Lounge. Friday, March 16: Spring break starts; residence halls close at 7 p.m. 2/1 % 1 at 2:45 a.m. students were involved in an alter- CORRECTION cation with a student resident in it had been keyed. Blanche. The last issue of the Phoenix reported that 2/4/01 at 3:00 a.m. former student 2/tO/Ol at 4:30 a.m. a mirror was Jan Kiphart, registrar" previously worked at gained unauthorized access to old stolen from a vehicle in Rouzer room in Blanche. Hall. Mt. St. Mary's College. Instead, she worked 2/4/01 at 6:07 a.m. three chairs 2111101 at 1:00 a.m. a fire extin- at St. Mary's College of Maryland. The Phoe- thrown in pool room. A small table guisher was discharged by a non- broken, trash in pool and on floor student guest of another student in nix re ets this mistake. beside pool table in Decker. Blanche. 215/01 at 1: 10 a.m. wipers were 2111/01 at 1:56 a.m. a failure to tified maJe left the building. Alpha Phi Omega helps Campus taken off college vehicle near comply by not furnishing ID and 2117/01 at 11:19 p.m. attempting underage possession by student enter Safety with escorting students Rouzer Hall. a.m student as- false information by a student in to Blanche. clubroom party in 216/01 at 9:45 Blanche. continued from page 1 saulted by another student near 2111/01 at 12:30 a.m. a student re- 2/17/01 at 1I:45 p.m. underage "We have II uniformed offic- trouble getting around campus. Gill Gym. fused to follow RA instructions in possession and consumption by ers, plus myself. We also have a Any student interested in getting 2/8/01 at I:30 a.m. two students Blanche. student. Officer observed as Sig fuJI time office manager and one an escort can simply call Campus allegedly fighting in front of 2/11/01 at 2:30a.m. noise violation Ep student was served from be- work study student," said Webster Safety at extension 202, or the AI- Blanche Ward HaiL and improper conduct by students hind the bar. He feels these numbers are ad- pba Phi Omega member who is cur- 2/8/01 at 3:00 a.m. student was in Blanche. 2118101 at 1:00 u.m. students equate. "I think it's a good num- rently on duty. stealing items from display case 2/11/01 at 2:35 a.m. a minor stu- drinking underage in a clubroom ber. We have a d'esk attendant To find out who is on duty, stu- in Decker. dent was in possession of alcohol party in Blanche. around the clock as well as part- dents can check their RA schedules 219/01 at 1:15 a.m. students gen- in Blanche. 2118/01 at 3:00 a.m. student , time dispatches." that appear in the hallways of the erating loud noises at PA House 2114101 at 2:05 a.m. a washer was punched a window in Whiteford ! The main reason the fraternity dorms. The name.andextensicrr of" , 139. \(" filled past capacity by a student and Hall. ~ is doing this is because it enables the escort at the.time is listed on motor burned in McDaniel Hall. i Campus Safety to have more time the sheet. If the sheet is not avail- pared to handle this job, explained to tend to their regular responsibili- able I?,r/~adily seen in the hallway, Bronson. When on duty, the escort 1ST ANNUALAlDS WALK ties, said Bronson. the easiest method is to call Cam- wears an easily visible yellow vest, Tne servict!"llas"woi'ked with pus Safety, and they will for and carries a radio at all times. moderate success S9 far, said ward you to the particular Alpha Phi In casf of any trouble, the es- SUNDAY, APRIL I, 2001 , Bronson. They have escorted corts are trained to call Cam- 1l:30-3:30 PM a tewpeopte already, but puJHSafefy on their radios hope that the service will be right away. "We're not' WALK BEGINS AND ENDS AT'CARROLt used on a more frequent ba- trained to handle any (poten- COUNTY FARM MUSEUM 1 sis in the near future, he said. tially troubling) situations," "It hasn't been well pub- said Brodson. licized. Student Affairs will 1'he service is available SPONSORED BY AIDS SUPPORT AWARENESS begin to advertise soon," said through the fraternity on AND PREVENTION GROUP (A.S.A.P) AND Bronson. Sunday through Thursday The escorts often help until 11:30 p.m. On Friday CIRCLEK. I ~~~:~~\~s!:~a::tSinOgn t~:~'Savailable SHUTTLE SERVICE FOR WMC STUDENTS IS down to the Pennsylvania When Alpha Phi Omega is Avenue houses late at night. not available, Campus AVAIlABLE Another beneficial aspect Safety will still take care of of the service is the availabil- the service 24 hours a day, ity of .a golf cart. said Webster. IF YOU HAVE QUESTIONS OR WOULD LIKE The carl, which is sup- The fraternity plans to TO JOIN IN ON THE WALK, CALL MOHINDRA .plied by Camp~s Saf~ty, can APO member Josh Bronson perform this service in RAMPHALAT(41O) 751-8213 OR ERIN OWEN help anyone with a dis- Reichard back to ANW after a late-night meetin?,- definitely, said Bronson. ability or someone who has suf- Omega member. 'We'll do it as long as Residence AT(4IO) 751-8235. fered an injury and may have Alpha Phi Omega is well pre-. Life wants us to."
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