Page 94 - Phoenix2000-01
P. 94
Thursday. March 1,2001 - Page 6 COMMENTARY Staff Letter to the Editor: Library Reserves Editors-In-Chief Dear Editor, restrict their use to the library building, li- In the long run, the library will provide Claire E. Adams '02 I am writing in response to Ms. BJ brary owned books, etc. placed on reserve an online electronic reserves system, en- Edward K. Schultheis '03 Shorb's article in the previous issue, "Using may be taken out of the building without abling students to access scanned informa- library reserve system: student problems and penalty, provided they are returned on time tion from their home' computers and thus News Editors alternatives." and undamaged. eliminating present access issues. Such sys- Staci George '03 Library policy prohibiting removal of Published materials not in the public do- tems are now commonplace at research uni- reserves from the building is intended to main are protected from unlimited reproduc- versities and very wealthy colleges, and will ' Assistant News Editor ensure that all members of a class have rea- tion by copyright law, which applies to any soon be affordable for smaller institutions Joan Faulkner '02 sonable opportunity to use them. It applies means of copying, digital or hard copy. Un- with smaller operating budgets. primarily to faculty owned books, videos der the concept of "fair use" and with cer- But until then, we're stuck with the Features Editor cassettes, etc., which they place on reserve tain limits of length, an individual may make present method of placing paper copies on Shauna Dominguez '02 for the convenience of their classes. To the a single copy of copyrighted material for his reserve so that students may read or make extent that very few reserves materials dis- or her own use and a library may place up to copies for their own use. And until then we Commentary Editor appear the policy is successful even though three copies on reserve for student use for a will continue to strive for a balance between BJ Shorb '02 inconvenient for those who would prefer to single semester. More extensive copying or security, access, and convenience. make their own copies off campus. scanning an article for web access may re- Sincerely yours, Sports Editor - Unless explicitly requested by faculty to quire payment to the copyright holder. Dave Neikirk, Library Director Matthew Hurff '03 Lamentations on the American Dream Assistant Sports Editor Greg Lederer '03 Craig Johnson '03 ZenoMuhllll expresses his of "Sympathy for Devil" and the dance of good store, once, full of woodsy outback thoughts on the evolution of the the Hell's Angels on it's head. The dream of stuff. The, "~p~~,acJq·ev.olution" Copy Editor ideal American Dream. this land of milk and honey was lon~ ~~o p~t9re in a haphazard way ... Stacey Welch '04 packaged and marketed to each succeeding The company has been around for along In 1967 HunterS. Thompson wrote a let- rge'rleratlon for massconsumption. time, and maybe what it has become is an- Photographers ter to the editor of The Nation, Carey Now it's our tum. The 60's generation is other natural conclusion. Shopping there is Kelley Diamond '04 Mcwilliams, now "in charge," for good or ill, and they useless if you remember what the store used Brad Widner '03 lamenting the death of theAmerican Dream. have revamped the VW Bug to sell us their to be and are looking for a good razor or can- With Manifest Destiny complete he felt that, childhood. The protest songs they sung in teen. Now you can buy T-shirt designed so Distribution Manager "the bunglers and rapists" had reached the defiance of "The Man" and "The Establish- that the patron becomes a billboard for the Zsanett Borsos '02 coast and had no place else to go. ment" are sold as 60's Collections on CDs, store. It's brilliant quite frankly, but none- A hundred or so years before, Thomp- not records, and raped of their meaning. It's theless obscene. It all brings to mind Mr. Senior Writer son continues, they had always moved west, straight economics really, beautiful in its sim- Henry Louis Menoken's argument to the ef- Kate Esposito '01 continuing to cut their swath of destruction plicity. feet that no one has ever gone broke under- across the unknown, but never franchising We, of course, fall in lock step fantasiz- estimating the intelligence of the American Staff Writers it. Mr. Thompson felt that the events, of the ing about a better and more stimulating time people. Katherine Strong late sixties, were a natural conclusion prov- that never happened, and if it had, it was What this all means is anyone's guess. Jackie Leazer ing that, "California [was] the ultimate some microcosm of the illusions we perceive To what purpose does this writing serve? Zeno Muhl III flower of the American Dream, a nightmare of those times today. What that countercul- Maybe to stir things up a bit, but I expect no David Trader '03 of failed possibilities." He cites civil rights rure had to offer was bener then what ours response. This can be said, however, the Tammi Slater '03 riots, drug laws, the Free Speech Movement does, at least they spoke out. Our counter- American Dream is not dead, as Mr. Thomp- Philip Vogt '0 I at Berkley, and the capstone to it all, the culture, on the other hand, hides in their son had thought. Cathy Pendorf '02 gubernatorial victory of one Ronald Reagan houses looking for wisdom, love, or some It has been revived time and again as the Jeff Grever '02 as proof. junkie fix on the Internet. tool of pirate-profiteers. Some day it might Marcus Helton '04 This may have been true then, but never Eventually their teenaged angst, like once again be revived and monopolized by Amy Bittinger '0 I could Hunter Thompson have imagined at those of the 70's and 80's, will be marketed those who truly have the right to inherit it, Brandi Crawford '02 the time that the rapists and bunglers would to our children as video games not suitable the hordes of downtrodden left behind in Michael Jenkinson '02 roll back across the country and begin a vi- for persons under the age of fourteen. The parts unknown but to themselves. But, then Lisa Stanley '02 cious game of Ping-Pong between the West market valueoftheAmerican Dream is price- again you can wish in one hand and ... (fin- Lisa Dale Van Auken '02 and East Coasts. Truly the American dream less-v-t ish the sentence at your leisure). has been perverted, but the hippie version Hell, look at the vile gangster the died a long time ago at Altamonte to the tune Abercrombie & Fitch Co. became. It was a -Zeno Muhl is a senior historymafor:' , Adviser Submarine accident causes doubt in Navy Terry Dalton the botliel .. 1 ": there was a;~hi~I?.n .t?e surface .i.h The Phoenix is published biweekly. Th Edward K. Schultheis '-'c~ver BecauseofthemtematlOnallmphcahons, llt\!t1l }~I.d Waddle yards awa,r,. Waddle checked the Jusl1,ooo fpinions expressed do pot necessarily represen the United States Navy is doing their best to periscope, didn't f~ee lrlYlllir1"g';'ifnd thought ~:!:~i~~~'the faculty, or the On Fe- dispose of the matter by assigning blame as the ship was closer to 10,000 yards away. bruary 9, the quickly as possible. Cmdr. ScotiWaddle, Lt. The sub's fire control technician, who is The paper welcomes free-lance submissions USS Greenev- Cmdr. Gerald K. Pfeifer, and Lt. Michael J. responsible forplqttipg the sub's location and n Macintosh disks in most word processorfor- ille, a United Coen are the subjects of the investigation, other boars around it, {Old investigators he !mars. The editors reserve the right to edit fo States nuclear although the Navy has not ruled out other stopped doing his particular task because he !:Uity,.I~nmh, and libel and to publish-as ~~ submarine per- members of the crew being involved in the felt distracted by the 1.6 civilians on board ~nnits. All submissions (excluding self-ad- formed a rapid inquiry. According to, the the submarine. ~ diskettes) become the property of The ascent and Navy's.Court of Inquiry, which could rec- This is not a good enough excuse. Just !Phoenix and cannot be returned. rammed thro- ommend a general court martial, "has been because the crewman felt distracted does not Please include a name and phone numbe ugh a Japanese postponed until March 5 after Waddle's give him the right not to report his sonar or verification. Names will be withheld only by fishing boat, the attorney asked for a delay." contacts to the captain, even after a sweep lure discretion of the Editors-in-Chief Ehime Maru. What could this mean to the Navy? If was done using the periscope, which is what The Phoenix does not discriminate based on What makes the accident even more alann- nothing else, it does mean that it will be a the crewman did. ge, race. religion, gender, sexual orientation, ing is the fact that some civilians were at the long time before civilians are allowed at the There is plenty of blame to go around in ~~nal origin, condition of handicap, or mari- controls on board the Greeneville. controls of a nuclear submarine or any of the this accident, and it rests on the members of Irmsratus. This fact has lead Defense Secretary other ships in the force. It could also mean the crew and the civilians who were in board. Donald Rumsfield to temporarily ban civil- the end of three or more careers in the Navy While I don't particularly like the fact (hat Mail to: ians from the controls of all weapons until if the Board of Inquiry finds that negligence civilians were on board, it is still up to the The Phoenix questions are answered about the role of the was the cause of the accident that sent the crew, especially the' captain and executive WMC, 2 College !-WI civilians in the Greeneville accident. ship to the bottom of the Pacific Ocean. officer to oversee the workings of the sub- Westminster, MD 21157 The accident, which occurred off the I personally don't care if civilians were marine and the crew. (410)751-8600 FAX, (410) 857-2729· Oahu coast near Pearl Harbor in Hawaii, on the submarine because it is the crew'sjob lfwe can't even trust the captain to make sank the Ehime Maru in a matter of min- to make sure that the surface is clear before a thorough check of the surrounding waters E-Mail: utes. Of the 35 people aboard the trawler, making any kind of ascent, especially a rapid during a routine test, who will we trust with 26 people were rescued, but nine people are ascent. protecting the sovereignty of the United presumed dead after the Navy has yet 10 re- What makes matters worse is that sonar States?
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