Page 97 - Phoenix2000-01
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I~~\ Korea, S/cifj'Wriler they AUKEN call it established a rite tradition of drink- was already he told me that before going he a Thursday, March 1, 200 I - Page 9 FEATURES Room 403G: the big milestone of turning 21 that made us feel like we drinking nies LISA DALE VAN hit entered 21), the world ing. of grown-ups, out for your is not really to be a uni- In lust 21st but to me, 21 seems to re- of passage Kyanrye/Kyerye. lew ish people for the rest of our lives, but a common basically Even though all the people mandatory have have different "confirmed." you can go out for the first time asked Christians BarlBat are Mitzvahs and member and girls bond alike. for birthday symbol of transition, because it's .versat rite of passage. stories of I boys Hindus celebrate Upanayana. We smile big goofy grins at without worrying about illegal- becoming adults, they all know Cultures families do or what they did what they'll lady tudents adulthood, rites and of passage into all the hicle, camera and flashing at Motor with Ve- ity. He tells me his real entrance he on their an 21st unofficial ritual, out birthdays. have then their go in that no but I think friends, adulthood into IO's It's when was new our passes playing only like and hare what coming as of age celebration ever in dignant VIP when they don't acting card in- us started of a team. sports and being based liquor on pop-culture and much legislations. attention part some gets America as the infamous 21st after all. When I started asking But it creates more of a hrills them birthday. drinkers are dropping" cross But the threshold the way adult- we around, to I found that their real ruckus than so needless subtle to say, of it is 21 really out the people rites more passagev seem think into Illegal From warm weather, to th like flies, turning the big 21 and hood? rites of passage came when' they gets a good deal more attention. armth of friends - from the per entering the world of the le- Dan, a kid in my Wednesday were 12 or 13, not 21. And although 21 doesn't re , ect turkey sandwich, to music ilia gaily adult. class, told me that he and his Danielle said it was when ally have any particular cer- eeps them sane, Western Mary But unlike other forms of buddies got. a limo and went she got to sit at the grown-up emony for all people, it is one and College students were quic coming of age ceremonies, 'our into Baltimore for his 21st. table on holidays. of the few secular rituals for o contribute to a new feature in th 21 st birthday bashes have little "Were you drunk?" I asked. Helen said it was when they nearly everyone. hoenix called "J Believe." to do with the bodily changes "Ridiculous," he said, smil- let her start baby-sitting. Jared To everyone who is celebrat- '. Each week learn 'more rabou ~that often go along with cer- ing. "It was probably one of the said it was when he threw away ing their 21 st birthday this se- our peers by reading what the emonies-of passage. wildest nights ... " his action figures. I think mine mester: may your birthdays be lieve in. Share what thrills yo In fact, for many people; When Itkept bothering him, was when my mom let me get bountiful, may the years bring y sending in your own "I Believe' turning 21 is just the long- asking him why he would do my ears pierced. you success, and may you at- tatement. awaited pinnacle of an already- that (since he has said that he We've all got little ceremo- ways find your glasses half-full. Try to keep your statements t 5 words or less. Drop them off a he information desk in Decker an Western Maryland College lease put "For the Phoenix" acros he top. Department of Art and Art History I believe that all human being presents re equal. I believe that warne An hould have the right to choose. Ports of Entry An lieve that is possible to gain 1 Exhibition of unds'as a freshman in college. Exhibition of lieve in God. I believe that teen Painting gers are not ready-to become par ~ J 1 i by Painting, nts. Ibelieve that I have the great st friends in the whole world, an Calvin Edward Ramsburg hat love takes time. I believe tha omen are more emofl6n!al"tha ,,~ nen. And I believe that people nee a work hard to achieve their goals March 4 through April 13 - Lauren Day-Lewis Opening Reception: I believe in love, in finding tha ne person. T believe that peopl Sunday,March 4 from 2:00-5:00 pm e generally good, and that trus houldn't be earned or given wist ully away either. I believe in per ect turkey hoagies and good hugs The Rice Gallery in Peterson Hall believe that friends are what mak For in{Qfmation and gallery hours, call (410) 857-2595 ife perfect and that nothing beat omfortable furniture. - Joe Szymanek Spring horoscopes to get you out of those winter blues LISA STANLEY all out. Too much stress can do any- mood. Your lucky lotio numbers and get a tan, enjoy your friends, with some buddies, it will do you SraffWriler one in, it is time you took a break are: 5, 7,19,22,27,36. and catch a catnap in the warm sun. PISCES and really let loose with your But don't forget the sunscreen. This good. Your lucky lotio numbers (Feb 20- Mar 20) spring fever. Your lucky lotto num- LEO will be just what you need to keep are: 13, 15,22,25,31,42. You fish really take to the wa- bers are: 1,7, 19,28,32,39. (July 24- Aug 23) CAPRICORN ter so this birthday test some new All right, let your lion out on going. Your lucky lotio numbers (Dec 22-1an 20) are: 2, 5, 17, 19,34,43. water and you will find change GEMINI Valentine's Day now it is time to Ok, it's time to get it into gear. suits you well. Your luck lotto num- (May 22- June 21) lay back and enjoy the sunshine, let SCORPIO Do something extra special for bers are: 3, 8, 16,21,24,41. Love has not left the air yet for yourself roam and find new haunts. Oct 24-Nov 22) yourself, like read a book that you you, and this time of year that is Your lucky lotto numbers are: 3, 6, Don't let your stinger (temper) have been postponing, or get some ARIES not a bad thing, use spring to your (Mar 21- Apr 20) advantage and you may find a new It, 19,24,30. get in the way of a good friendship friends together and play in the sun. Can you feel Spring yet? If not springtime friend. Your lucky lotto or a good time. let the sun soothe Your lucky lotto numbers are: 3,9, VIRGO you need to check your pulse. To numbers are: You have too much (Aug 24- Sep 23) you and get ready for a relaxing 11,20,27.38. spring break. Your lucky lotio num- do this gel outside for a game of luck already. Watch out, don't let spring fe- bers are: 4, 10, 13, 15,22,35. AQUARIUS Frisbee or a walk and that spring- ver get the best of you, keep your (lan 21- Feb 19) time energy will knock you off CANCER head up, enjoy the sun but don't SAGITTARIUS Now that you birthday is over, your proverbial rocker. Your lucky (June 22- July 23) forget about what really needs to (Nov 23- Dec21) do not think {he party is too. Let lotto numbers are: 2,9, 14,23,32, You crabs need to hit your natu- be done. Your lucky lotio numbers Winter blues still got you all the springtime energy rejuve- 39. ral environment this upcoming are: 4, 9,14,20,31,41. down? Never fear, the solution is nate you to have a good time and spring break, that means dig in at here in your horoscope. Change work hard at your studies. Join the TAURUS the beach. However a beach with it is with an LmRA (Apr21 - May21) palm trees in the vicinity is even (Sep 24- Oct 23) your scenery; you whether not seen in Pisces in their new-found water. old friend have Take a deep breath ... now let it . better to get you into that happy Your lucky lotto numbers are: I, Ta~: a blanke_l_o~t t,o.the guad _ awhile or hitting a vacation spot 18,21,23,34,41.
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