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FEATURES Thursday, March 1,2001· Page 11 160 SECONDS, Staff Writer ceived of during freshman orienta- met tion last year when Stephen walking Imagine you are through the woods on a beautiful, Sean Carroll and Andy Ewing, af- meets on Tuesday and Friday spring You cross are your favorite sunny a handful day. of deer who had a ternoons, as well as Wednesday stream, bubbling scaring small, Sundayafter- nights, for practices. away in the shade s about Spring? stopped As you reach a small hill, noons are reserved for games, usu- for a cool ally beginning around three o'clock drink. in the Quad. you see below you a large, open, Requirements for joining the grassy field. Is your first thought team are very relaxed. Essentially, "Man! J wish I had a Frisbee and a anyone interested can playas much dozen otherpeople!"? or as little as desired. The Sunday Okay, probably not. Neverthe- afternoon games are open to play- less, the newly formed intercolle- ers of all skill levels and the' goal is Frisbee to have a good time. "No more EVIL giate Ultimate [a have you. Club team simply Sim'ilariy, the weekly practices would love snow!" The fledgling team, which are open to anyone with a little earned official campus recognition more interest in learning the game Nicole Nickerson '03 this semester, is looking for men and improving their skills. English and women interested in having a The traveling portion of the" good time, enjoying some friendly team, meanwhile, hopes to consist competition, and traveling to other of dedicated, serious players in an ,I) _ I colleges in the region. effort to make a good showing in .J~¥rren~!rlJWJ team has roughly what Stephen says is a relatively 15 active members, but team cap- competitive section. tain Ted Stephen urges everyone to "We are hoping the actual travel give ita try. team will be fairly competitive but "We all love having a great time our goal is still just to have fun," girls in their and that is really the reason we are Stephen added, admitting that he a jun- saidStephen, all out there," tank tops and short ior who has played competitively wasn't sure how the team would fare against the numerous estab- for about shorts." 'is welcome seven years. "Everyone lished teams in the region. and and we love seeing new have "We a lot of talent Dan Saul '02 faces and spreading the spirit of the speed," Stephen noted. "I really like the people we have coming out. Biology game." The team, which was first con- They are all prett~ dedicated and KATE ESPOSITO a, well, any day of the week actu- fighting and I think there's some SeniorWrirer ally. There is also a startling action Well, it's almost time for the scene where two students fight for kind of love story going on. Oh yea, the king Oscars again, judging by the cover the last parking spot on campus. with his sister. falls in love of every entertainment magazine Okay fine, so 1 haven't seen it. "Baseball Season. published in the past week. "Crouching Tiger, Hidden What's really important, of "Chocolat" Dragon" GoO's!" course, is what the stars will be This movie is about chocolate. This is an excellent film, although wearing, so us poor college stu- Yum. At least Ihope it is, or else it Jen Pohl '03 dents can go spend millions of dol- is poorly titled, Ithink love is a fac- (sorry to disappoint you animallov- Education lars on matching outfits. tor too. Sappy love and sappy ers) it features neither a tiger nor a It is dragon as the title promises. However,just in case you were people. Yay. also in Mandarin Chinese, so be won~ering ~b?ut the nomine~s prepared to read. here IS an overview of the competi- "Gladiator" tors for best picture: Okay, I've actually seen this one. "Erin Brockovic" Russell Crowe is in this movie, you Doubles as a movie and an ad for "1l:!jl'1'" know, the guy that had an affair "the water bra".~ For a full com- the blooming ~:s~j~~::oC~r~~:~~\~i~~~v~~ with Meg Ryan mentary, see the'review in a back lots of macho gU_Y-type Features issue of the Phoenix. in the dewy meadows and TECHNOLOOY CAN MAKE Wrestle Mania." Steve Sharkey '02 A- DIFFERENCE Political Science and Whetber you need belp witb WebCT or PowerPoint, members of Astro Physics SWAT (Student Web Assistance Team) can help, The.sWAT team students are available during the following hours and places: "Reach OutWMC" Auction 7-9 Sundays Writing Center Thursday March 1, in the Forum 7-9 Mondays Windows Lab Doors open at 4:30 pm 8-10 Tuesdays Writing Center , Auction begins at 5:30 pm 8-10 Wednesdays Windows Lab Dungannon, Virginia '* "* towards their trip to rebuild homes in 7-9 Thursdays Writing Center Come out and support SERVE· profits go .................................... Note: Tbere will also be a worksbop on PowerPoint from 7·9 on Sunday, Marcb 4•
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