Page 96 - Phoenix2000-01
P. 96
ro: Ravens should keep Con: Ravens' return will ummer training at WMC bring about negative effects Tammi Slater discusses the WMC workers are concerned about issues Joan Faulkner explains the ing autographs afterward. advantages of having the Ravens such as crowds and parking, but what has disadvantages of hosting the There is an estimated 30% increase in the continue to use our facilities. happened to tradition and team support? Ravens summer training camp. number of spectators showing up this sum- Those that are concerned should perhaps mer as a result of the Super Bowl. Accord- While many Western Maryland College join into the celebration and spirit that so It may not occur to the WMC commu- ing to Bosley, the number at a scrimmage students were moving back into school on many in Baltimore continue to display. nity that having the Super Bowl Champions could now reach anywhere from 9,000 to Sunday, January 28, Baltimore was prepar- practice at WMC over the summer could be possibly 10,000. ing to witness a dream come uue for many. Some might claim they are simply not a bad thing. Heck, it's more money for the How would the college deal with that The day is one that is well anticipated a football fan. Well, I would not consider school and more publicity than any small many people when the population of students every year by people all over the world. It myself a football-addict either. I do not college could ask for. and faculty on campus is approximately one- brings about parties, celebrations, and the reserve every Sunday for sitting on the A small liberal arts college hosting a now fifth of that (2,000). It is mind-boggling to hope of victory or the stale stench of de- couch, remote in hand, watching football. Super Bowl-winning football team with its imagine accommodating that many people feat. Of course, most. of all; it consists of However, I do enjoy supporting our limited resources and space may dampen our on our small, intimate campus. the sport of football- the Super Bowl. hometeam and witnessing sports history. image as a private small-town college. Another problem attributed to the Ravens. This year, with the Baltimore Ravens de- It is the most memorable and signifi- Already there's a huge growth of stores practicing here is WMC's athletic teams feat over the New York Giants a feeling ig- cant achievements in sports history, this and restaurants on Route 140 that has taken who, for a period.jwil] !J;e practicing at the nited within f9:0ttWl t'!!!s and the city of Ba1- year's victory being a contributor, which business away from Westminster's main same time as the Ravens. Due to the Ravens rimore of joy and ream-spirit this city has bring this city together. Hosting the Ravens street. With the manipulation of WMC's taking up two fields, our athletic teams will not seen since the Baltimore Colts. training camp will be a display of Balti- campus for the Ravens' practice season, it be limited on space for practicing. _, . However, this success all had to start . more spirit, support, and appreciation for will only add to the exploitation of this smaiJ The Ravens don't leave until the August somewhere, and it all began right here in a team that deserves nothing less. town community. -"/I;~~I'flt2'7, and the WMC football team will start WMC's very own Bair Stadium. The This is a team that received little or no lOrlJ'lfsttlfor·the'month and a half of the playing on August 12 and the soccer team Ravens recogni, Ravens' practice, according to Barry Bosley, on August 19. held their Hosting the Ravens training camp will tion at director of management and auxiliary ser- All the other fall teams-will start on the training the start, vices, a great deal of planning goes into their August 25, which is a two-day overlap with at WMC be a display of Baltimore spirit, proving practice season. The Best Western is closed the Ravens. Bosley says that managing all last year, ma n y _tl!_ the pE_blic and open exclusively to the the teams will be very tricky and they are w h i c h support, and appreciation for a team wrong, Ravens. The weight room is cleared out so still working out the details. h a s that deserves nothing less. incl u d- the team can bring their own equipment in. WMC teams won't have access to the caused ingsome Also, the locker rooms many to home - doubt whether the college should allow the town fans. Whereas now, one cannot even '=:e:e~h~ bt:s~~ ••• too much media and press ~~I::i~:~r~~:~ team to return due to their huge success. go into the mall without seeing Ravens ment of the coverage at our private college makes it "a As both a WMC student and a Ravens paraphernalia around every corner, and fan, 1feel that continuing to invite the team overhearing avid Ravens fans replaying the :~:~d areh~~::~ could destroy one of the biggest ~~:~u~!~~~~~:~., will have many positile repercussions. game highlights and savoring the victory. the field by the reasons why students choose to to get started," Anywhere the team travels now they are I believe the Ravens success was 30 going to attract crowds, and how often is years in the making, and for thecity ofBal- -~:a~iu;:d ~~~ attend WMC. - ppSleY~:~~his Westminster a center of attention? timore it was truly bittersweet. The Ravens practicing. will not be a) t.! Not only will the t_own benefit from the have made this city proud. Not only do the Ravens require accom- new problem, so the only new changes to be crowds and publicity, but so will the col- Let's help to show them the new-found modations, but the sports franchise Shenk expected because.of the Super Bowl public- lege through the attention it will receive. memories they have given this city, our and Tittle will be sponsoring a big Pepsi Car- ity will be parking and the huge amount of r know that r have spoken to several families, and our children by continuing to nival for children. However, the biggest prob- spectators and media coverage. people who had never been to Western show our support, and getting a new sea- lem, by far, facing Bosley and the facilities Publicity for a small college like our's Maryland's campus or even traveled to the son off to yet another great beginning. management team is the parking for speota- seems fantastic, butdo we really want to tum Westminster area until attending the Ravens You never know; offering our facilities tors. into some marketing machine just to get training camp. Ihad family and friends visit might bring Baltimore the opportunity to .. They are still considering a variety of money for the school? the campus last year to watch the training relive the Super Bowl experience again parking options, including using the old I know WMC may be desperate for funds: camp, and became interested in learning next season. Lowe's parking lot and providing a shuttle however, too much media and press cover- more about Western Maryland due to the service~ That could be costly. age at our private college could destroy one positive experience they had here. -Tammi Slater is a sophomore communi- When the State Wrestling Tournament of the biggest reasons why students choose Some students, local area residents, and cation major. comes to WMC for one weekend in the to attend WMC. Idon't think it's a tragedy that the Ravens Troubling toilet decisions l(Pr1bg, [he parking-sitilation here is hideous. will be occupying a portion of the school for I directed over that weekend, and 1 traffic David Trader defines the stall were two places of lighting in the bathroom: can attest that it was no easy task. who will be a month and a half in the summer. 1just think As to the number of people that we should review what makes WMC the choices 'in Rouzer 's bathroom the lights near the mirror, and the light over watching the Ravens play, we can only pre- college that it is. Too much media exposure Bosley of being image facilities ~~::s#~~ ~~::;d~;tt~~::C!h~:~~:~;~~ dict that the crowds will be enormous. up last could ruin the school's of the liberal arts and "a showed small private spectators college adds that 7,000 You gotta hand it to WMC's custodial en- Strange noises and dark figures moved in summer for a Friday-night inter-squad scrim- sciences." gineers. When it comes to the toilet, they are the shadows of Stall #3, so I rarely ventured mage. The following morning about 3,000 definitely doing their duty. Normally, I would there. people showed up for a mock game with the -Joan Faulkner is a junior communication not result to "potty-mouth" language, but the But far removed from the lavatories of Ravens players talking to the fans and sign- major. places of porcelain in Rouzer are making a last year, come the toilets of peak sanita- complete turnaround since 1was a freshman. tion. The doors and partitions make for a Without getting into nasty detail, last year pleasant and private trip to the stalls. The Phoenix Commentary Section is the toilets were not neglected, but far from The doors and locks work majestically, something you'd eat off of. In my days as a and with one easy slide of the lock, you seem seeking writers. Is there a campus, freshman, you were given three choices, Stall to be cui off from the rest of the world. Stall #1, Stall #2, or Stall #3. #3 is still dark, but those that lurk in the national, or universal issue you feel Stall #1 was right in front ofrhe door and shadows are no longer foreboding. right beside the sink. The cracks in the seams So Bottom's Up to those who work dili- strongly about? If so, we'd love for you of the partitioning were more like windows gently to keep our hineys clean and well- into the wonderful world of nature's way of stocked with toilet paper. Trips to the to write something. getting rid ofGLAR. So Stall #1 was not al- restroom are no longer adventures and chal- ways the choice. lenges. So we move on, to Stall #2. First of all, What did I do in my choice of Stall #1, If you are interested please contact the Phoenix there was no handle. This is bad. No handle Stall #2, or Stall #3? Simple. I held it in Office @ x8600 and/or BJ Shorb @ 410-756-2955 means no lock. This is worse. One time last until Spring Break. year the entire door was missing. This for upcoming deadlines. crosses off Stall #2. -David Trader is a sophomore biology ma- And to our final choice: Stall #3. There jor.
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