Page 92 - Phoenix2000-01
P. 92
Thursday, March 1, 200 1 - Page 4 NEWS Array of cuisine and clothe Case becomes new WMC provost continuedfrompage 1 STACI L. GEORG~; because Sam knows the college so well." of community here. People care about each News Editor Case plans to "improve the quality of fac- other." Imagine taste-testing food from around ulty and services to students and make ev- Junior Cheryl Skelley, a social work ma- the world without ever having to leave the erything they do more easily accomplished." jor, who had Case for Nutrition describes him WMCcampus. His agenda also includes the desire to as "really passionate about the subject that No this was not a special night in Glar, "expand the diversity of students and fac- he taught." but rather the annual International Dinner. ulty." R"" ....... """..,.,,,......-;;;iiiij----11 Skelley adds that The theme of the night's festivities was In the memo "he's like a pillar of "Open your mirid, open your mouth." sent out by Coley, the college." Two hundred guests enjoyed the dishes she describes his Case has been at prepared by students of various cultures. leadership as leg- WMC for over 40 Along with tbe array of food, there was endary, serving on years, he's plan- also a fashion show of clothes from around virtually every ning to be provost the world. committee to which to lead the college As the participants modeled their he could be elected through the Middle culture's clothing, some even offered such to and leading cur- Slates evaluation ~~~fn~~;:;:;~;;;;;;-;;;;:::;;::;;;;;~;-;;;;:::~~ process in 2002-03 ricularreform in the ~~;e;~~~~~~~~;~li~:;i:I~;;::~ '90s. and then help look ing an Italian song. each Also according for his successor, to the memo, Nadja Werner, assis- ~iili~~..!':.~'=~~~~~~~~l Case according to the w~o is the German ::: de- partment student r- has published more memo. tantsaid," I than 35 articles in He then plans to think it was great. We, scholarly journals, retire because he the participants, had served as associate has a lot of things fun and I think the editor of two, been he has still always guests enjoyed it." awarded the Antarc- wanted to do. =~_a tica Service Joanna Kraft, presi- ~-~ Medal, Samuel Case, provost, came 10 WMC inB~~~9':IDNER Coley said, "Sam dent of the. International Club, appointed chair of the Governor's Commts- integral part of WMC for his entire profes- and many other sion on Fitness. sional life ... no one cares any more deeply students had been Case singles out WMC as being better about the college than Sam. He is the per- ning the event since than other colleges because "there's a sense feet provost." last semester. :·········SEERiNGPEACE··· .... Bill Spence, senior lecturer of the English ""--__.. ....... department is the advi- The dinner did not ollly feature dishes of various cultures, bet l!lJnft©! [ny, sor of the lnternarional also an array of fashions. (i-r) Methona Dan wears a dress from Club. CtJmb(ldi~. Cathy Pendorfmodets a dress/mill South Korea, AmlIlibU!l
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