Page 90 - Phoenix2000-01
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Thursday, March 1,2001 - Page 2 NEWS Large crowd gathers to hear the speech of Senator Barbara Mikulski continued from page J sion of women in the Senate. The audience (hat the college was the first school south of this initiative. believe, or who they are," she said. was surprised when Mikulski said that a to- the Mason-Dixon Line to get rid of segrega- Terence Dalton, associate professor of 'lorn Deveny, professor of foreign lan- tal of only 31 women have served in the Sen- tion. English, then questioned Mikulski about the guages, asked a question concerning the ate. She also noted the school's record of. "in- competing media coverage of Bush and United States foreign policy with Cuba. Between the years of 1920and 1992 only elusion, diversity, and community service," former President Mikulski encour- sixteen had served, and of those sixteen only and praised that the school has always had Clinton. aged the ending of five had been elected; the others had been "an open door and an open mind." "One person can make a Mikulski ex- the embargo, citing appointed to their positions. After the Anita Finally, she called on those in attendance Hill affair in 1992, four women were elected to continue to help through private organi- i::ts~eu~h~s ~:~~i:7difference, but you must ~~~:~a~:~~s e~~~ to the Senate and there are currently thirteen zatlons. and volunteering their time to oth- coverage has given work together to make a both countries. females senators (10 Democrats and three ers. him a "benign pe Mikulski also an- Republicans) serving in the equally divided She also encouraged involvement in pub- riod" during which change. " swered a question house. lie policy-making as well, stating that, "One he has been able to concerning the ex- Mikulski had very positive jil'ia.n .miakieiaidiiffjerenCe, but you must present his ideas - Senator Barbara A. Mikulski pectation of three about the women's roles. ,--"--'-, work together to without interfer L_~=========~_jSupreme Court "We don't intend to be make a change." ence. judge appointments during Bush's presi- a caucus, but a force," she Her speech was She continued to answer that she was dis- dency. said. followed by an appointed with Clinton and that she dis- She first focused on the appointment of They made this deci- open question and agreed with his decision to pardon fugitive Senator John Ashcroft to the cabinet posi- sian during the impeach- Marc Rich saying she considered it to be "out tion of Attorney General, relaying the same ment trial, calling on both of the realm of what was necessary." sentiment as when she spoke on the Senate parties to look at the issues On the subject of the Missile Defense floor approximately a month ago. rather than concentrate on Shield proposed by Bush she commented "He is the wrong man, at the wrong time, bipartisan bickering. that she doesn't "know who the enemies are," at the wrong agency," she said. Mikulski also made it and that she thinks the idea is "odd." She commented that she hoped the cur- very clear that the women She expressed that she felt that terrorism rent justices remained well, and should ap- of the Senate believe , senior on American soil was more of a threat than pointments be made, that Bush stick with aRAD that all issues are Herb Smith introduced Senator Mikulski. Monica being randomly "zapped." moderates rather than those on the far right. women's issues, and that Marinello asked One attendee asked what the country was Mikulski's visit allowed the students and there is a woman on every major committee about the Senator's thoughts on President doing for protection from terrorism. staff to meet their representative in an arena in the Senate including those that make George W. 'Bush's plan to provide aid to Mikulski responded 'that while interna- that made her seem very accessible and down armed forces, intelligence, and financial de- faith-based organizations that are helping the tional intelligence can help to prevent or to earth. cisions. public. anticipate state supported or rouge acts of Senior Ryan Ewing remarked that he Mikulski's remarks included a great deal The Senator explained that as long as the terrorism, it is the acts of terrorism that stem thought Mikulski's visit was, "very positive of praise for Western Maryland College. organizations that recei ved such funds were from hatred that cannot be predicted by the and held a nice message for the students on She noted the. school's history of accep- not using the money to evangelize those government. this campus. She seemed to speak what she tance of different types of people, recalling whom they were helping, she would support "We cannot hate people for what they believed." 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That may be confidential information, so don't go gossiping it about like a bunch ofMontesquieu's concubines. Now I wish 1hadn't told you. I "There is no truer friend of passion than the vulnerable rejected lover. You simply must play your cards correctly." Q: Dear Question Marquis: Well .. why did you tell us? l~ both of your answers, you could have corrected your mistakes by using the delete key. A: In life, there is no such thing as a delete key. Q.E.D., there is no delete key for writing my column. What's done is done, what's said is said. Vive moil (Long live me!)' . que s tO~ ·I'rict'AllljectIOdw111".Su~I;lefor_pri<;iJlz.lnImIctl(:ttJla.oliDcludcd.C2UOIQuto1iaMedlt, Inc.~I.lboQucsli.I""'Yl"'.·Bcltl!rhpm.fU1er."'.lhoQu.eollOllM.rqull;'~~M""I";' Belter 1tzpers. Fasler." . 1i~1II!1U.,l.IIdtheQuon!I""Mlrqu;'quettlonml!t,yml>yl""!leJYi
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