Page 98 - Phoenix2000-01
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Thursday, March 1,2001 - Page 10 FEATURES The musical "Little Shop of Horrors" equals big laughs BRANDI CRAWFORD The opening number, "Little Shop of arion, which mysteriously appeared follow- flocks to see it. But Seymour can't keep sac- Staff Writer Horrors", sets the scene for what is about to ing a total eclipse of the sun. rificing his own blood. It's time to lookelse- A beautiful naive woman. A geeky yet happen,as it wams the audienceto "beware" All of a sudden,' business is booming. where. Surely someone out there deserves lovable guy. An overbearing controlling because something isout to get them! Lights Calls are coming in for orders from all over to die and be fed to a hungry plant. shopkeeper. A sadistic dentist. Three sing- up on Mushnik's Skid Row Florists, a little the country, and Mr. Mushnik is elated. But who? Where can he tum? Who can ing street urchins. Winos, druggies, hook- whole in the wall of a flower shop right in Seymour is doing radio interviews and tele- he trust? Can he trust the plant, affection- ers, and thieves. A blood-sucking plant try- the heart of Skid Row. vision appearances just to promote this in- ately named "AudreyTwo" afterAudrey,the ing to take over the world. Put them all to- Here we meet Mr. Mushnik (played by teresting plant, and of course these promo- woman of his dreams? What will become of gether and what do you have? Adelightfully Dave Trader), and his two employees, tions aren't hurting the flower shop either. him? What will become of Audrey One? comical and surprising musical that will Seymour Krelborn (played by Hendrik Audreykeeps coming to work to help with What will become ofAudrey Two?And who leave, you rolling in the aisles and maybe Lammers) and Audrey (played by Julie the rush; but new injuries keep appearing: a will live to tell about it? even reaching for your hankies. Keough). Audrey has come into work with cut here,a bruise there, a broken arm; all from There's only one way to find out! The On March 2,3,4,8,9, and 10,the Western another black eye, a gift from her good for her good-for-nothing creep of a boyfriend. show will be playing for six performances Maryland College Theatre Department will nothing boyfriend Orin Scrivello, the sadjs- But Audrey isn't the only one with inju- only, on March 2,3,4,8,9, and 10at 8:00pm - present the music~l"Little Shop-of'Horrors''. tic dentist (played by Mike Pitsikoulis). ries. Seymour has been coming into work on Alumni Hall's Main Stage. The musical, under the direction of The- Meanwhile, Mr. Mushnik is fretting over with Band-Aids on every finger, results of Youwon't want to miss the amazing pro- atre professor Elizabeth Van den Berg, fea- the lack of customers, and tells Audrey and cutting himself with pruning shears, or so he duction, complete withprofessional set, stel- tures incredible talent from students right Seymour not to bother coming into work the says. lar performers, and an amazing design and here at WMC. The show takes place each next day.This, along withAudrey's encour- But what Audrey and Mr. Mushnik don't technical team. The cost is ~8.oo, or $5.00 night at 8:00 p.rii" on Alumni Hall's Main agement, prompt Seymour to run to the know is the real nature of Seymour's inju- for students when you present your student Stage. backroom and get that "strange and unusual ries. They don't know that he has been cut- I.D. The curtain opens on Skid Row, and you plant" that he has been working on. Jmme- ting himself on purpose to...feed the plant? Come see the biggest, best, and last mu- are soon introduced to many of the inhabit- diately customers begin flocking to The plant keeps feeding and growing. Of sical of the year, and find out who the real ants previously named. Mushnik's Florist to see this amazing ere- course, as it reaches a new size, a new crowd "survivor" is. On left: (from Jeft to right) Raphael Taylor, Carl Taylor, and Justin Magruder sing at BSU's celebration of Black Music on Sunday, February 18,2001. Wpcoming
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