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Thursda , March 1 2001 Sen. Mikulski shares her "highway of firsts" Escorting to climb offered to KATHERINE STRONG Science Department. against the highwaymen and won, States House of Representatives. SrajfWriler Mikulski, a sociology major stopping the destruction ofbolh the Mikulski continued who later continued her r-.:_------------- the political ladder. There are only thirteen female education with studies in In [986 she ran senators currently at work in Wash- social work and social campus ington ... WMC was honored to strategy, recalled being ac- have one of them here for a well- tive in both the anti-Viet- MIClIAF.I. JF.NKINSON attended event recently. nam movement and the SUlf[Wrilt'r Maryland's own democratic Civil Rights movement. Senator Barbara A. Mikulski vis- During rhe tragic year Students who wish to have an ited on Wednesday, February 20. of 1968, after the assassi- escort accompany them across 2001. nation of Martin Luther campus now have a new option. In "A Conversation with Bar- King Jr., Mikulski decided Alpha Phi Omega. a two- bara Mikulski," as this event was to return to school again, year-old co-ed service fraternity. called. Mikulski discussed her past this time to prepare for a has begun to offer a service if they to escort anyone on campus achievements, the road to her seat cabinet position in a future feel unsafe or simply want 10 be in the Senate, and the importance presidency, she explained. of community service during col- However, she was soon escorted to their destination. lege through private organizations made aware that there was woman to win a seat This service was originally and involvement in public policy a plan to build a sixteen- that had not been pre offered by Campus Safety, how- making. ever it would often take the staff lane highway through viously held by Provost Sam Case made the ethnic and minority to community service and its open-mindedness on Feb. 20. her husband. members 45 minutes to an hour opening remarks and introduced neighborhoods as well as in Cen- neighborhoods and the environ- She said, "[In life, the] path to meet the student. people who had been instrumental tral and Northeastern Maryland. ment. may not be clear- you're going to As a result ..Sbonda Wilson, in arranging Senator Mikulski's Thus, she began her career of a The next year, she gained a seat have to take a chance." Residence Life coordinator, visit to the Hill, such as Alec "highway of firsts," as Smith on the Baltimore Clty Council, and Mikulski spoke on a variety of asked Alpha Phi Omega to take Resnick and his wife, as welt as Dr. claimed in his introduction. in 1976 she was ele-cted for the first issues, beginning with the inclu- over and volunteer their ser- Herb Smith, chair of the Political In 1969, she took up the fight. of five two-year terms in the United continued Of/ page 2 "'- Josh Bronson. a co- Senior No longer 'acting': Case becomes Provost founder of the fraternity. took the said happily that the group job, eager to heJp the campus JOAN FAUI.KNER science major. said that Case is "not teach Backpacking and Physiology out. Asst. News Editor Theatre on the Hill, and financial This service is not intended only one of my favorite people at of the Extreme Environment. aid. this college. He has shown me sup- Case has also had to adjust to Coley agrees that there are tran- to imply that Campus Safety was Imagine entering WMC as a POr:! and assistance that I've only not being as actively involved in not capable of handling !be job, freshman and being here 49 years previously received from my research as he used to be and now sitions one has to make when tak- said Bronson. it is simply (a re- ing over as provost, such as know- later. mother." has a different working relationship ing the intricacies ofWMC. duce some of their load. Too tough? Thanjust ask newly Hanyok, who has taken four with faculty. Campus Safety is. despite appointed Provost Sam Case, who classes with Case adds that, "It's The departments that are under some Though Case attests to making some rumors on campus, at full Coley difficult transitions, entered WMC as a freshman in cool that he's the provost, but it his umbrella include admissions, believes that "the transition, in staff right now according to 1959. sucks that he can't teach. He's in- library, information services, fact, has been seamle~s, in part Mike Webster. director of Cam- On Dec. 12, 2000 President describable." graduate and professional studies, pus Safety. continued on page 3 Joan Dev~lin Coley announced the Case agrees that one of the big- continued on page 4 appointment of Dr. H. Samuel Case is, as he says, "the fact that I'm not Lewis Project receives $350,000 he has had to make gest transitions as Provost and Dean of the Faculty at Western Maryland College. leaching as much." Case has. been part of the fac- Case, who taught in the depart- JACKIE LEAZER the success of the Lewis port from the fund," said President StaffWritu ulty at WMC for 36 years. ments of exercise science and fundraising project," Myers said. Joan Develin Coley. Senior Dave Hanyok, a exercise physical education, will continue to Built in 1914, and renovated in The trust's donation, secured "Part of our long-term goal is to 1966, the Lewis Recitation Hall with the help of a WMC trustee COn/if/lied on page 4 lacks up-to-date electric wiring volunteer,gaveatotalof$350,OOO ~ support necessary for modern tech- which was divided, giving nology. r-----------, $100,000 continu-: Inside to- That will soon "Gifts like this help ward be rectified with a ing technologi- generous gift that reinforce that the cal advance- exemplifies college is on the ments and the commitment to rest toward the pavid Trader gives a light-hearte -Western Maryland right path, " revitalization ake on the cleanliness of Rouzer' College and what of the Lewis athrooms and how they compare it has to offer. -President Joan Coley Halt of Sci- ith last year's. WMC's ongo- ence. ing fundraising campaign, "The The gift was the college's sec- Who is your ideal Valentine Lewis Project", recently received ond from the Denir Charitable Date? Find out what other stu- a significant $350,000 donation Trust, as money was also given dents had to say in this week's from The Helen P. Oenit Charitable toward the building of the science edition of 'fiO ,; , Trust of Baltimore, according to laboratory center. The trust, Iimmanuclle Bedanrek, the French department student assistant, Doug Myers, associate vice presi- .pleased with the success of the lab serves up one of her favorite dishes, French quiche, at Sundays dent of development. building wanted to continue their International Dinner held_in the/orum. See page 4 for more details. "This gij[ represents one of the support, Myerssaid. leadership' . .esrments critical to "We are thrilled to receive sup-
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