Page 77 - Phoenix2000-01
P. 77
Volume XXVI Numher ! Thursday, February 15,2001 Former WMC student banned from campus Smoke TAMMI SLATER two independent students ig- enforced in this regard. confirmed that charges have been StaffWriler nored Water's request, he threw There is also a warrant out for placed on the four Bachelor stu- without an empty beer bottle at one of Water's arrest as a result of his es- dents that were involved, and the A fun night for independents and Bachelors turned into a night them, resulting in an injury to the cape before police could arrive. case has been turned over to the fire area. eyebrow of drunken fighting on the fourth In an act of defense, people Mike Webster, director of Honor and Conduct Board, where floor of Blanche, leaving two joined in on both sides of the Campus Safety, and Philip Sayre, the necessary actions will be taken students in the hospitai.. fight. the dean of Student Affairs, both from there. MICHAEL JENKINSON It broke out around 3. am. SWffWriter when a former Western Mary- The fight, where alcohol was Smith House office manager land College student and Bach- a significant factor, resulted two Maryann Nalevaoko doesn't go elor, John Waters, confronted independent students being sent into Smith House all a daily ba- two independent students. to the hospital. Two students sis to work, but when she opened were given temporary expul- According to a WMC stu- the door and stepped in on De- sions. dent, who wishes to remain Waters was ordered not to re- cember z l sr, 2000 she was anonymous and was present at turn to campus. After being the scene when the fight broke charged with violating probation, out, two independent students Waters has formerly been crimi- had apparently taken off their nallycharged with the following: shirts at a party, walked into the assault, trespassing, burglary, hallway, and Waters took of- and violation of probation at fense. WMC. Waters reacted by screaming Currently, and professing that he held au- are being taken future precautions that to ensure thority on the floor, and they Water's does not return to cam- must obey him, according to the pus, however, a ban cannot be anonymous student. When the Campus Safety deals with recent burglaries JOAN F AUI.KNER ing called at about 6 am saying the Asst. News Editor window was missing. The city police were then con- After a "fire" in December and tacted and the scene was secured a fight a few weeks later, who until Webster arrived. The only would have thought that a burglary thing taken was an employee's per- This lone walker takes his time through the shoveled pathway of a late story would be the next big news sonal keys and there was no attempt January snow storm that blanketed the campus and decorated the trees. on this campus? to enter the safe. Certainly not Jan Kiphart, Reg- Schmidt was rather surprised to Committee discusses new housing istrar, and the others who work in receive a phone call early in the her office. Nor did Susan Schmidt, morning "You take it kind of per- STACI L. GEORGE A meeting of the Buildings and This sort of village concept will Bursar, and her office mates ... sonally," she said, and one has to News Editor Grounds Committee was held on be a mix of apartments and suite- Someone broke into the Bursar "take it as a learning experience." Wednesday, February 7 to discuss style accommodations. and Registrar's office on January Schmidt says now, the Bursar Last semester steps were the prospect of new housing. A memo handed out at 24,2001. employees have an awareness "that taken to conclude that more hous- "We're thinking that we'll Wednesday's meeting listed eight According to Mike Webster, di- things need to be private" and "we ing is a definite need of the WMC build six small low-rise buildings advantages to this sort of housing rector of Campus Safety, the need to protect important informa- campus. Since spring semester in the area behind the water tower," option. The included popularity of began there have been many new Bursar's Office door was hand tion." advancements in the plan. commented Philip Sayre, vice presi- continued on page 2 checked at I :30 am and housekeep- continued on page 3 dent and dean of Student Affairs. Inside WMC welcomes five new people to the Hill STACI L. GEORGE Positions have been filled by everyone's been wonderful. I'm Australia, New Zealand, and Ha- News Editor newcomers Jan Kiphart. Elizabeth learning a lot," said Kiphart. waii, Kiphart and her family are New Co-Editors-in-Chief Ed- Skeffington Towle, Katherine Her only complaint so far is content "exploring the local areas," ward Schultheis and Claire There are many new faces Moncure, Jennifer Fisher, and Toni that she has not had the privilege she noted."With family in Colorado Adams discuss plans for the new around the WMC campus, most of Condon. to meet a lot of students. She has, and the New England region, they semester of the Phoenix. them students who transferred here Kiphan was hired at the end of however, offered to attend an SGA also travel to these states to visit. from other colleges. But there are last semester as the new registrar. meeting, as well as meet with any Taking on the responsibilities of Who is your ideal Valentine five new faces, that you may have Before coming to WMC, she was group of students at their conve- the Assistant Dean of Student Af- Date? Find out what other stu- not seen yet, and introductions you the registrar at Mt. Saint Mary's nience. fairs, the position recently held by dents had to say in this week's have not made thus far. College of Maryland for ten years As a mother of "three very ac- Scott Kane, is Elizabeth Towle. '<0 cĀ·. ' Like the new students, these and also worked in the admissions tive, young children," Kiphart Before coming here, she was the women have all transferred from office for five years. spends her "free" time at their ath- Associate Dean of Student Devel- Matt Hurff details the final meets other institutions; however, they She began working in her new letic events. She also likes 10 gar- opment at Mt. St. Mary's College. of the men's and women's swim are not students, but rather staff office on January 3. den, shop ..and travel. She had been at Mt. St. Mary's teams and identifies the high- members. "It's been very busy, but AlthouLĀ·' she bas traveled to continued on page 2 liehts of a strone season.
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