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FEATURES Thursday, November 16,2000 - Page 7 sociology major and previous from other cultures. major, does not believe that there Staff Writer president of the Multicultural Stu- "Many people are suspicious if is much of a difference at all. The efforts of the school are Many believe that cultural dent Association. you are of a different background Asked if students are culturally starting to bear fruits. Recently, awareness is crucial to a success- When a student feels lonely, or culture," says Lemke. aware and in tune with various WMC hired two of the first Afri- to women professors can American ful campus life experience at "out of place," and depressed, they This poses a problem for a backgrounds, Carpenter said, the campus for the 2000-2001 WMC, but views vary on the prob- are less likely to get involved in person's positive interaction with "yes." school year. But is that enough? lems that arise from a perceived programs and activities. This hin- others. However, she believes that it is "There are about five to seven lack of awareness on WMC's cam- ders a student's ability to have a When students graduate they important for students, faculty and minority professors on campus," pus. true college experience - a great will have to interact and deal with administration to be involved in says Cooke. Cultural awareness. as defined disadvantage in their college ca- people from various backgrounds cultural issues and in the recruit- that the by Debra Lemke, chairman of the reer. and if they have no previous expe- ment of more races to the school. most She has also observed working diverse racially Sociology Department, "is know- ''The opportunity of working in rience, this can be a difficult and Carpenter adds, "One of the population on campus is the clean- ing that we all have differences in college organizations, making con- shocking ordeal. worst things is for anyone to be beliefs and values, and accepting nections and developing oneself Lemke commented, "when you satisfied and sit back on the ing and kitchen staff, "and that is those differences." fully are missed because of lack of look at the demographics of how achievements of WMC. It is one not a healthy view of minorities for the campus." The lack of awareness on cam- participation," Cooke comments. culturally mixed the U.S. will be thing to be proud of what you have, pus adversely affects many minor- Condell expressed her feelings in the year 2000 and beyond, the but it is another to be complacent. Furthermore. Lemke assures ity students' transition to the atmo- on the lack of diversity and under- quality of life will depend on how And complacency is one thing Ido that the sociology department is sphere of the campus. standing on campus. "WMC is a effectively we interact with other not support." But there are differ- changing the Global Perspective requirement. Tonya Condell, a junior English predominantly white school. When ethnic backgrounds." ent views on the cultural atmo- major, comments, "they may feel you do not have people that under- Additionally, "the more diver- sphere ofWMC. The Sociology department re- stressed. depressed and end up hav- stand where you come from and sity there is, the richer everyone's Shelise Holloway is a recent cently hired one of the first two ing resentment towards the major- can relate to, you will feel out of education," says Dr. Rebecca Car- graduate of class 2000 and was a African American women to fill the ity of students who have a healthy place," she said. penter, an English professor. sociology major here. She insisted, position for African-American social life, and are doing well in In addition to the concern over Carpenter believes that too "WMC is not that much aware. studies. which will also be offered classes." students not adapting to campus many students carry around mis- How can it be when it does not pro- as a minor. One African American student life, there are other equally Impor- conceptions of various ethnic back- mote other cultures in its curricu- Cooke says, "Cultural diversity and a good relates her freshman experience. tam matters. grounds without doing real re- lum that deal with cultural aware- starts with everyone of other ethnic start is the hiring "In my freshman year, my room- Lemke said the biggest problem search to prove their views right or ness?" Holloway is not alone in mate and} would' sit in our room she has observed regarding cultural wrong. her belief. backgrounds." Junior and obsess on the fact that we did diversity on campus is the lack of "Assumptions and stereotypes _ Cooke agrees with Holloway, "I major, Shaiah Business/Economics di- Gaddy, believes not like the school and did not feel exposure students have to different need to be challenged in the ctass- think there is a limited number of comfortable. We were so depressed cultural issues. room," she says. students that are culturally aware." versity is important to the campus, that our grades and health were People who are not exposed to Though some may believe that She feels as though cultural which should retlect the real world. lacking," commented Camille different cultures are often insen- the campus is making progress, awareness is not given much im- She assert1 "you need a diverse Cooke. She campus to represent a diverse so- portance in the curriculum. But in ciety. 1\' \, I a determined tone she says, "I plan Gaddy believes that the campus to be a contributor to this change is getting there, "but it's not there in thinking." yet," because "there are many Cooke is not just giving lip ser- people ignorant about other cul- vice. In fact. as ajunior and senior tures as well as their own." at WMC, she lobbied for curricu- Grace Almandrez, director of lum changes to get the Heritage Multicultural Services, believes Sequence reevaluated. that there is Ii limit to what academ- "1 think the majority of the ics can do tot a person. classes in the Heritage Sequence "But the option to take cultural are focused on white. European, classes and the potential to make male Christians," she says. She is WMC's campus a more diverse also urging the administration to community is there," Almandrez continue to hire more minority fac- remarked. ulty. Most agree that cultural aware- Additionally. Henry Reiff, as- ness is a crucial factor to a success- sociate dean of Academic Affairs, ful cumpus life. observes that not being able to re- It allows everyone at WMC to cruit enough minority faculty is obtain a better understanding of the another problem linked to the lack cultures and people our society is of diversity in the curriculum. comprised of. Because of the competition in Despite the fact that Western salary and the location of WMC, Maryland is not as culturally aware according to Reiff, "it is 11 real chal- as some would like. "It is the little lenge for WMC to be attractive to I," Every day people who never thought It would hoppen to them are sexually assaulted. If this has happened to you, there's no need to deal with It by yourself. Call for help today. "Whether the crime happened last night or years ago, we can help. " 24 Hour Holline: 410-857 -8322 Rape Crisis IntelVention Service of Ca"oll County Office: 410-857.0900 - ..... free
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