Page 73 - Phoenix1999-2000
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Volume XX, Number 6 World AIDS Day observed on campus announces CATHY PENOOIU' preformed by members of ASAP. SwffWriter The skit was a humorous demon- sabbatical On December I, 1999, mem- stration designed to teach students bers of ASAP (AIDS; Support, about correctly using condoms. Awareness, and Prevention) spon- ASAP President Stacey Myers STAel GEORGI!: sored a program observing World began the evening with opening re- . Asst. News EdilOr AIDS Day at Western Maryland marks and introduced the first Among WMC's many defining College, with the theme "AIDS: speaker Ron Baker. moments was the personal victory End the Silence. Listen, Learn, Baker, who contracted the HTV of President Robert H. Chambers Live!" virus from unsafe sex, has already as he celebrated his 15th year as our shared his story at two other president. com- Not only did the college schools. munity celebrate this special occa- "l'm always a little apprehen- sion, but it also witnessed the tri- umphant victory of the $40 million "Defining Moment" capital cam- paign, which began in 1996. , Continued on page 4 The "Defining Moment" legacy 1 will forever reside in the new sci- l ence center as well as the new ad- I dition to Levine Hall. 'i FormerDWMC"i1pre~identdi~;ge3 1 trying to follow a course of study SlaffWriler that they have mapped out with an Ralph Chandler John (1919-1999) It's thai time of year again ... re- advisor" and then do not get the President Emeritus Ralph a Chapter of Phi Beta search papers, presentations, tests, classes they planned on taking. Chandler John, H.D.L. '97, died at granted the premier honor society ing the Maryland Independent Col- ) Kappa, lab reports, and tons of stress! "I was wait-listed for five The Johns Hopkins University recognizing the liberal arts. lege and University ASSOCiation, But added on top of all of that classes," said Megan Hennigan, a Hospital, Baltimore, on Thanksgiv- When Dr. John retired from where he served as president from is registration for next semester. A freshman with an undecided major. ing Day, Nov. 25, 1999. WMC in 1984 he completed a dis- 1973-75. process that seems like it would be "I waited in line for two hours and President John served WMC tinguished 35-year career in higher ter,~: s:;i~:ea ;::~~~:~t::::~~~J easy, right? Sign up for the classes ended up only signing up for 12 from 1972-84, during which time education. spent his early years in Maryland i of your choice, and that's it. credits." the college nearly doubled its en- He served as president of and Virginia and attended lj· Well, that's not the case for a Reiff realizes the difficulty for rollment, earned international ac- Simpson College in Indianola, lot of WMC students, especially students to get their first choices but claim for its graduate program in lowa(1%3-72), and as dean of Stu- Randolph-Macon Academy. 1. his undergradu- After receiving freshmen. assures them there is hope. deaf education, launched its gradu- dents and dean of the College of 1) According to the Office of the "I encourage students to have a ate program in the liberal arts, be- Arts and Sciences at American ate degree in philosophy from Registrar, at the end of the regis- backup plan," said Reiff. "If stu- gan sophisticated long-range plan- University in Washington, D.C. Berea College (Kentucky), he tration process for spring 2000, 208 dents have second choices and take ning, produced its "First Prin- He was a longtime member of earned both a bachelor's and, l classes were closed OUI of 806, and a more flexible stance, they defi- ciples" mission statement, and was several educational boards, includ- master's degree in systematic the-l: , on page 3 165 of those classes had waiting Continued lists. There are 589 students wait- Continued on page 4 Ceremony changed listed for classes, 45 more than last WMC does not fear Y2K semester. Dr. Henry Reiff, associate dean Annual holiday celebration altered to be more appealing. of Academic Affairs, agrees that "it MICHAEL STOKES control systems, and of course, the ERIN S. HOWARD years - for many years really," is frustrating for students who are Will the Sluff bursar's financial computer system. SeniorWriler said Dean of Student Affairs Dr. 1 Writer traditional Inside records be wiped out at 12:00 am, of Administration and Finance, said is WMC A long-standing, in order to Philip Sayre the WMC holiday tra- I. Ethan Seidel, the vice president for of the reasons holiday is breaking event changing I, clearing everyone January oftu- this tradition network that 'The administrative year t... lllj"i§,'riW' 0' Will the computers in the registrar's our biggest concern goes for Y2K, and make the event more attractive t~ dition. "With the advent of the First ition bills for the rest of the year? and if the system down students. we Editor-in-chief Megan K. Martin office crash at the same time, doesn't get back up for a while, In an effort to increase atten- Thu-rsday' maybe celebrations, be a ~. this would thought says goodbye in a farewell edito- thereby wiping clear all of our we're in trouble." rial that also announces changes of grades from the face of the earth? The administrative network ::::i~;~:s!'~::t~:~tsh:i~ ~~:~~:~~~;;,tc~:b::I~~:: ; i staff for next semester. The answer is probably not, ac- consists of one main integrated sys- and the beginning l;l' which lH.ihiJi I.", cording to Christine Mathews, the tem, and includes the offices of the day service of the holiday marks the be- at of the semester season," said ~... season ginning of the holiday director of Information Services. registrar, financial aid, admissions, WMC, has been combined with Sayre. Check out the Phoenix's year in The computer system on campus is bursar's office, campus safety, the December First Thursday ac- The changes to the event are review - a two page spread of the just one of the concerns that the housing, and most of the other of- year's top WMC stories and memo- college has focused on in prepara- fices on campus. "We started pre- tivities. not a direct reaction to some stu- ~' ries of 1999. tion for the possible Y2K disaster paring a couple of years ago, and tionally held on a Friday evening dents' feeling that past service,s, 'it::'.'_' .... which is tradi- The festival, of non- have not been inclusive 'm' f' that many of the experts are pre- right now we don't anticipate any in Baker Memorial Chapel, will Christian religions, said Dr. dicting. associate be held in Red Square Look for all of your favorite Green The college has been preparing problems in our major systems," . noon andl pm on Thursday, between De- Henry Reiff, Affairs, who dean of said Mathews. Academic helped Terror stats on the Scoreboard. Also for the tum of the century for over According to Information Ser- cember 9. plan the event. look for a schedule of upcoming a year now, addressing areas such "[The Festival of Lights) has t home sporting events. as electricity, heat, the college's Continued on page 3 L..:.bee:.:=-"n-"OOO=
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