Page 69 - Phoenix1999-2000
P. 69
.---------------------------------------------- ....~~ SPORTS Thursday, November 18, 1999- Page 13 Now, I know some of you are should have been reached months core all game. Add to that defen- Again, congratulations to both wondering why I am equating a ago, and boxing fans across the sive end Corey Moore's two sacks Ron Dayne and the Wisconsin Many people spent Saturday World Title boxing match with country found that the price of title night flushing 50 dollars down someone flushing money down the unification was about $49.95. (which gives him 15 for the sea- Badgers football team. the toilet. They made an evening toilet. Although the fight may have son), and you have the makings for One last thought before I go. one hell of a defense. out of it: caning over friends and Well, the reasons are plentiful. been both expensive and depres- Virginia Tech has been the most Tampa Bay 3rd Baseman Wade having food and whatnot. First of all, due to the events of the sing. sports fans were treated to a consistent football team in the Boggs announced his retirement Then, at about 11:30 pm, they first match, in which it is a com- great game as Virginia Tech country and that balance will be recently. who ended Boggs, his career all gathered in the bathroom as mon perception that Lewis was trounced Miami to keep their Bowl their biggest advantage in January. with 3,010 hits will move on to a the head of the house dumped the robbed, this match would end in a Championship hopes alive. Speaking of college football, job as a special assistant 10 the money, in either cash or check, victory for Lewis no matter what. Although quarterback Michael congratulations go out to Wiscon- general manager in Tampa Bay. into the toilet. This would be like watching a Vick continued his strong play, it sin running back Ron Dayne as he Boggs made a name for him- Other people across the coun- sporting event after you know who was the Hokie defense that took try spent that evening watching won. That could be explained if the control. broke the NCAA Division One self with the Boston Red Sox and· won a World Series with the New rushing record on Saturday. the Evander Holyfield versus action of said sporting event was Cornerbacks Ike Charlton and The record of 6,279 yards, for- York Yankees. Lennox Lewis World Tille Unifi- full of memorable moments. Anthony Midget stifled the Miami merly held by Ricky Williams, was I would like to express my cation Boxing match. Again, this fight falls short in offense. broken by Dayne on a 3 l-yard run gratitude for a career of great play Whether you watched swirl- this department. Both fighters were Charlton recovered three ing water or two 30 year old men guilty of playing it safe to avoid fumbles, including one he returned late in the second quarter. with for the 23rd member of the 3,000 to enter Dayne hit club, the only person the game finished attempting to beat one another getting in trouble. 51 yards for a score. 216 yards and 6,288 yards for his that club with a home run. into submission, odds are, you In the end, Lewis won the title Midget intercepted three passes career as Wisconsin locked up a wade. Thanks were doing the same thing. via a unanimous decision that and pestered the Miami receiving birth in the Rose Bowl. missed. you will be Swimming Students against Swarthmore and a record of her positive contribution to the opens predict SrajfWrifer setting game against Frostburg While in fifth grade, Jessica state. team. She has also enjoyed the chance Horwath began to play the sport of In the game, Horwath set a to play with many other great play- season scores field hockey. Initially she played a school record with 27 saves in the ers. field position on the team, but she game, but the team still fel! 3-0. When she was a freshman, she soon moved to become the goal- She has found the entire field was impressed with and supported MIKE: YESTRAMSKI keeper. hockey experience at college to be by the seniors on the team at the Snorts Editor According to Horwath, "I fell fun, but her favorite moment was a WMC over Catholic 20-7 in love with being a goalie," and September 12 home game against time. She says, "They were really Senior Chris Clemmons won Lisa Dale- Van Auken '02 great players with tremendous lead- she has stayed there ever since. nationally ranked opponent Johns three events for the men while jun- This season, the West Friendship, Hopkins. ership qualities about them." She ior Kara Wnukowski won two for WMC over Catholic 27-20 felt they were very good examples Md., product has been a integral Even though they were in last the women in the swim teams sea- Megan Manin '01 part of the WMC field hockey place In the conference, the team for the team and enjoyed playing son opener this past Saturday. with them. team. used Horwath's 15 saves to send That wasn't enough, though, as WMC over Catholic 34-14 Horwath loves the fast pace and the game into overtime, where a season Horwath's personal goal for the Western Maryland fell to Albright Andrew Messmore '02 was to make the most out competitive part of field hockey, Katie Faccipomi goal won it for the of her last chance to play for the by scores of 6 [-26 (men) and 65- and she points out "it takes skill to team I-D. The game showed the college, and she worked hard to 29 (women). WMCoverCatholic 12-10 Clemmons won the 200 and play it." team's perseverance through a make it a good year for her team- the 500 meter freestyle as well as Tony Halloran '01 According to her teammates, sometimes tough season. mates and herself. she is a strong player who exem- Horwath felt the team was al- Away from the field, the exer- the 100 meter backstroke. WMC over Catholic 24-21 won both the 100 plifies leadership and confidence at ways upbeat throughout the season, cise science major likes to ski, hike, meter Wnukowski and the 100 meter Chris Anastasia '02 freestyle all times. even though they had many tough and play volleyball. She has had many incredible losses. breaststroke. Catholic over WMC 35-31 Luke Page won the 100 Junior games this season for the team in- Her teammates point to her op- getting In the future, she is considering meter butterfly during the event. Mike Yestramski '01 into the field of fitness pro- cluding a 19 save performance timism through hard times as a sign motion. Good luck, Green Terror! Another crazy off season for Major League Baseball MATT HURFF In Green's case, it appears that of the pitcher-friendly Safeco Field a rich deal of prospects, or maybe SIn.ffWriler the Blue Jays $48 million deal was and consistently mediocre (earns even Chipper Jones to land Griffey. However, Griffey has said that After seeing Kevin Brown not enough, and the rehiring ofCito seem (0 have finally driven the pair Jones and pitcher Kevin Millwood he would never play for the Yan- sign with the Dodgers for $91 Gaston as hitting instructor may of stars out of Seattle. are untouchable, however, Smoltz, kees because of the way owner his George treated Steinbrenner million and having the Yankees have played a factor. Griffey is now 30 years old and Glavine, and Maddox are all get- father during his stint in New trade David Wells for five time Cy This was a result of Gaston's at- certainly deserves a chance 10 play ting older, so one of the three may York. Young Award winner Roger titude toward Green, claiming that for a team that finally can use his be sent as a cornerstone of the deal. After a difficult loss, Clemens, it would seem impos- he would not amount to much. talents in the post season. Seattle's asking price from Cin- Steinbrenner also complained sible for there to be a more sur- Carlos Delgado, who batted With Seattle, he only had a cinnati appears to be too high at the prising and active off season in .272 with 44 nome runs and 134 chance to play in October once in moment. about a young Griffey, Jr. and his brother playing in a tunnel in Yan- baseball. Guess again. runs batted in, may also be shipped 1995, when Cleveland knocked the So far, Sean Casey and Pokey kee Stadium. So far, the Dodgers have yet elsewhere, as he has apparently Mariners out of the ALCS. inquired about; been again pulled a blockbuster move, turned down several multi-year of- Certainly, the .284 batting av- Reese have it would seem highly un- Way to go George. highly however, it seems Meanwhile, trading Raul Mondesi to the Blue fers by Toronto GM Gord Ash. erage, 48 home runs and 144 runs likely that the Reds would pan with unlikely that Alex Rodriguez Jays for rising star Shawn Green. Word around the league points batted in could have helped a team a young talent such as Casey. would want to stay in the low ex- Green, who batted .309 with to [he Mets as a likely destination in contention last season. The Mets also would have the 42 home runs, 45 doubles, 123 for Delgado and David Wells, who In order to get an extra offen- means to obtain Griffey, but they posure media of Seattle, espe- runs batted in and 20 stolen bases would be added into the deal for a sive boost, it appears that the most would have to send Edgardo cially after the departure of Griffey. last season offered a deal by package possibly involving likely teams to land Griffey would Alfonso and Octavio Dotel in the the Dodgers paying between $17 Octavio Dotel, Roger Cedeno, and be the Braves, who need more of- deal, along with several young He would most likely be tied to $20 million a year. several prospects. fense, Cincinnati, where Griffey prospects, into a package in which he is sent Toronto may have to pan with Also on the horizon are the grew up, or one of the New York to Atlanta because the Braves The one team that easily has the two more of its players because pending Ken Griffey, Jr'!Alex City teams. means to obtain Griffey is the Yan- need a shortstop since Walt Weiss of difficulties with re-signing Rodriguez deals out of Seattle. However, the Braves would kees. since they posses a talented has not been effective, Keep your eyes open, this will them. A combination of the building have to send one of their pitchers, roster and farm system, be a wild winter.
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