Page 74 - Phoenix1999-2000
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Thursday, December 9, 1999 - Page 2 NEWS Women's Coffee House celebrates female talent The first Women's Issues Group:s kickoff event featured WMCs diverse female performers STACI GEORGE, MALlsSA MORIN Grace Almandrez commented on the Assistant News Edit{}~ Staff Writer evening' festivities. "All the performers were The Women's Issues Group hosted a cof- wonderful. It was very nice to seetwo deans fee house entitled "Celebrating WMC come out to speak. It was also nice to see Women" on Wednesday, December I. everyone perform and speak. The greatest Twenty inspirational women gathered in the feeling was to see the diverse crowd who DMC lounge at 9 pm for a two-hour event attended our coffeehouse. 1 look forward to that encouraged all attendees to feel wel- support like this in upcoming events," AI- come, evoking a sense of unity among all. mandrez said. The night began with special messages Eventually, the club would like to set up from two well-known women highly devoted a support network for women on the WMC to WMC and maintaining its mission state- campus. According to Brind' Amour, many ment, promoting the celebration and diver- other college campuses have a similar type sity of women. of network and many campuses have Grace Almandrez and the group invited women's centers. Dean Joan D. Coley and Dean Marty A goal the organization has set to accom- O'Connell to attend the evening. plish is "to build a more diverse population "I'm excited toseea women's issue group and get more people interested in women's starting up again. I'm delighted to be here to issues," said Brind' Amour. witness this event," remarked 26-year WMC Some issues the group wants to address faculty member Dean Coley as she thanked are discrimination in the workplace, rape and the group for inviting her. sexual assault, and tips and strategies to get- Coley noted that, despite the recent trend ting intc'male-dominated jobs. to abandon women's issues, there is still a Related more to campus life, the group need for groups like this. She recalled that has set two big goals that they would like to when she began her WMC career, the col- see happen in the next year. One is that they lege did not have a maternity plan because would like to serve as the planning commit- womenjust didn't have children if they were tee for Women's Herstory Month in March. professors. When she became pregnant she Also, they would like to help strengthen the had to make up her own plan concerning her "AREN I Women's Studies minor at this college. pregnancy and her job. Grace Atmandrer gestures as she speaks about women's issues at a Womens Coffee House. "Although many white women join this The women's group celebrated the talent of WMCsfemale performers, While enjoying coffee or tea with an ar- group, it is important that if we are to ad- ray of cookies, everyone sat back and relaxed with a chorus of women singing along with on women's issues, and Lisa Dale Van Auken dress women's issues in general, we should as they listened to the motivational words of the two performers. One couldn't help but sang and played the guitar to a self-written be all inclusive of different attitudes, 'gen- the guest speakers and watched the five per- feel the presence of unity. folk song. ders, races, and issues," said Almandrez. formers celebrate womanhood. Maya Redfearn passionately shared a "I really enjoyed being there and having "This organization is not about being The first act to take center stage was poem celebrating womanhood entitled "And so many different kinds of women there to against men," said Brind'Amour. "It is about Amanda Cline and Jill Krebs, as they sang Still I Rise," by Maya Angelou. celebrate and discuss women's issues. It was raising awareness that women in our society along to "The Greatest Love of Ali." Women's Issues Group President Eric liberating to know that people cared," said face discrimination and how to overcome After a few minutes, the lounge was filled Brind' Amour improvised a humorous speech sophomore Cathy Pendorf such things." lit these p"lic::es, il'ls toa bad we don't sell cal's. • ~"~"" ,"14I1t11,bJdn 1II!j;qr*"" "lItil/l",",.II"~_;a1ll ~1I'IIIJDrt. YIlIIIDl!illl'ttfl:l~Il!\IDl'lW'l~~~iI 11;J3~1!;'I1b:tJ1J""Ir.IIb:~_~I.c.1Id.~1J1IlO1Opa1IIII __ tt~ltII6J:iialft!!lII. SAVE UP TO 4(1% ON TEXT'IIOOKS.
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