Page 70 - Phoenix1999-2000
P. 70
Thursday, November 18, 1999-Page 14 SPORTS STEPHANIE PEJ.:RY Stoff Writer Pearson comes to the team at a Not only do these men have the height of six feet nine inches. Senior captain Jim Hegmann, at size, experience, and enthusiasm, Andrew Slye and Chris Tolles a height of six feet eight inches, is but the Western Maryland men's will also provide talent as new the number two center behind se- basketball team has gained the tal- members of the squad. nior Curtis Miller. Returning for his entand desire to bring itaJl together As for the those returning, third year at Western Maryland, this season on the court. sophomores Erik Larson, returning Hegmann was named co-captain Preseason for this team has been from a leave of absence in Janu- along with senior Brian Billman. nothing short of a glimpse of the ary, and Lamont Wilson, with one Hegmann believes his team is positive season and winning record year under their belts, are ready to ready to take on anyone in the they hope to achieve. step it up in the 1999-2000 season. league. He says, "J really see an With four returning starters and Junior Jack Kowalik has only improvement in our team unity." a total of five seniors and three jun- played in 12 college games, due to Miller, at center, only started iors, this terror team has just the an injury in his ACL and MCL in four games last season due to a right amount of experience and August of 1997. stress fracture in his foot, occurring leadership to show the Centennial Now, fully recovered for the at midnight madness last year. Now Conference that Western Maryland first time in two years, Kowalik is injury-free, Miller will start in the is definitely a team to watch this predicted to take over much of the middle this year. season. outside shooting lost by the gradu- Jeff Myers, a senior and return- Besides the experience, the ation of Brian Tombs. ing starter will yet again play point. team brought seven freshmen to the Tombs, who leads the team in With more competition for the po- Senior Brian Billman goes/or a shot during a game last season. squad. three-pointers, was a major contri- sition, Myers has returned much Now healthy and recovered, depth." According to coach Kevin bution to the team as a whole. improved, fighting to keep his po- Billman hopes to finish his basket- He says that the upperclassmen Selby, "We have the best freshmen However, Kowalik, along with sition on the court. ball career reaching even higher have kept the strength they had last class in a long time. These boys are junior Sean Pond, is expected to fill Senior Karl Friedheim, who has goals than last season. year, while the freshmen are com- enthusiastic and they have a lot of the void that may have been left by suffered more than one injury With only 99 points to go be- ing in and correcting their weak- talent." Tombs. throughout his career at Western fore becoming the 16th Terror to nesses. The entire coaching staff Selby believes that there is defi- Pond, who is expected to start Maryland, will back up all-confer- score 1,000 points, Billman will seems to be very excited to see nitely going to be competition at atl at guard, has worked hard in the ence player Brian Billman. play the high scoring forward po- what these boys have to offer. of the starting positions, and inter- off-season to improve his game. Billman was chosen as a Sec- sition in an attempt to reach that As for the players, they can't squad competition only brings the According to Selby, it shows. ond Team All-Conference player goal. wait to see how the season will go. overall degree of play to a higher Returning junior starter Michael last year. The catch? Billman only So what does this squad have "I'm reatly happy with the way the level. Furey was nominated for All-Con- played in half of the conference to offer? team is corning together as a whole. Freshmen Greg Hill, Adam ference last year. Once again, this games before injuring himself mid- Selby says the team concept is Our positive attitude shows we will Hynes, and Michael Paesani were top three scorer, who averages 10.2 season. back. "They have a good crop of be reatly competitive in the confer- all Second Team All-State players points per game, will fight for a He was later selected to play on seniors that know the system in and ence," says Pond. in Maryland and Adrean Pope was second standing in rebounds. the 1999 European College Select out. The freshmen bring enthusi- As long as the terror stay injury- Third Team all-Baltimore City He finished seventh in the Cen- team of which Selby was assistant asm and talent and add to the chem- free this season, there is no doubt Catholic League. tennial Conference with a 6.6 re- coach. istry of the team, creating greater they can take it to the top. Wrestling pins down third place finish at Monarch Invitational MIKE YESTRAMSKI ners Rodney Stine, Vinny Pedalino, until December. , Sports Editor and Josh Ellin didn't seem to pose Seniors Scott Taylor (174 Lbs.) Despite losing a good number enough of a problem to stop the and Charlie Conaway (184 Lbs.) of last year's wrestlers, the Terror Terror. each placed second at the tourna- wrestling team isn't looking to slow They arrived at home with the ment. down from their impressive previ- third place trophy. Freshman Nick Alley (125 ous two seasons. The Terror lost Elfin to gradua- Lbs.), a Maryland High School Going into the Monarch Invita- lion. State Champion, placed third in his tional at King's College without They lost Stine and Breher to first ever collegiate tournament. All-American Andrey Brener, or other colleges, and they lost Sophomore Mike Macey (141 Centennial Conference place win Pedalino to a knee injury at least Lbs ) placed fourth for the Terror Coach John Lowe, and the rest a/the team. shout instructions during a match last season . 12-1-99 The Adventures of Captain Condom and Private Parts 12-1-99 Men's soccer loses, I ~J still finishes with winning season MIKE YESTRAMSKI losses as well. Sports Editor The Terror men's soccer team lost their last game of the millen'- For all your nium 3-1 to Washington College. Despite the loss, the Terror (9- Phoenix needs 8, 2-7) still had their first winning online visit season since 1992. Senior Jon Pitonzo had the lone goal for the http:// 01 12 -99 - Terror in the loss. Centennial wwwangeJfireanY Despite a subpar Conference record this season, the team had an overall good season. ok3! Many of the losses were close Don't forget to use a condom because Safety is our first concern! Cc. & PP_ games, with quite a few overtime thephoenix
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