Page 68 - Phoenix1999-2000
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Thursday, November 18, 1999-Page 12 FEATURES Horoscopes Fun (and cheap!) ideas for holiday gifts Ringing in the holidays ERIN JERNIGAN AND JENN Ross tie on some pine or holly if you choose Senior Writers Lesson #3: Give mom or grandmom -Put tissue paper or tinsel in the inside to The Holidays are just around the comer. something new to add to the holiday deco- pad the treasure you find Contriinaing wmers For those of you on a budget, this may be a rations. -Have fun shopping! source of agony, but never fear. We have -fill a glass ball, available at your local - Cheap but fun buys include: candles, found some cleaver gift ideas that even the craft store (see Lesson #1), with potpourri. scented soap, candy, pens, and ornaments. Scorpio Oct 24-Nov 22 tightest budget should be able to handle. Happy Birthday, Scorpio! Birthdays are a -Personalize the baskets. time of renewal, so let go of grudges and have -decorate the outside by tying a beautiful a shaggin' time, baby!! Lesson #1: Know you local craft store. bow at one end. These glass balls can also For Dad, Uncle or Granddad: JoAnn Fabrics in Westminster has aisles be filled with ribbon or glitter and painted -Candy, pictures, golf teesfballs, car ac- packed full of goodies just waiting for you on the outside. Sagittarius Nov 23-Dec21 cessories, and good-smelling man stuff. You're going to start feeling a bit restless this to sculpt and mold them into holiday gifts. month. Take the time to try something out- Lesson #4: Make your sibling or friend For Mom, Aunt or Grandmom: Lesson #2: Treat your significant other a mixed tape of your favorite tunes -Candles, bath stuff, lotion, photos, or- rageous; shake your hips, dance on tables. or best friend to a scrap book full of the naments, cooking utensils, flowers, pins, or memories of your favorite times together. Capricorn Dec22-Jan 20 -Buy blank tapes - again at Target or other inexpensive jewelry. A clash with an Aries will lead your rela- -buy a relatively inexpensive photo album Wal-Mart. For afellow Student or Sibling: -List your favorite tionship to turbulence. Mellow out, and a from Target or wet-Mart fun recording them. songs and then have -Ccol pens, computer disks, key chains, positive understanding will develop. donn room snacks, art work, stationary, and -fill the pages with pictures, movie stubs, -Decorate the tape cases and labels using stamps. concert tickets, and other mementos that are Aquarius Jan 21-Feb 19 cool computer graphics or magazine clip- -Be creative and try themes with your Your free spirit leads you into trouble this reminders of the times the two of you have pings baskets: pasta baskets, wine and cheese bas- shared. month. Whatever you do, don't lake every- -decorate the album with anything your kets, sports baskets, bath and beauty baskets thing off. Trust usl! Lesson #5: Everyone loves gift baskets heart desires. Fun ideas are stickers, more Lesson #6: Have fun, be creative, and pictures, drawings, wrapping paper, or any- -Buy an inexpensive basket from the dol- Pisces Feb 20-Mar 20 remember how much you love everyone!! thing you can come up with. lar store and then decorate it with ribbon, or You want to go for a swim? Beware of muddy puddles. Sarah and Jon take on Dylan and Lesh Aries Mar 21-Apr 20 SARAH RADICE AND JON BEARR JON- on Johnny Cash's "Big River," "Joey," So, say you're at a party and a really good- Feawres Editor, Comribuling Writer All I can say is the spotlight was on "Down Along the Cove," "Man in the Long !ookingAquarian approaches ... Carpe Diem! I would like to share my vision of this Trucks and for good reason. Too bad Lesh Black Coat," a muscular ''Tombstone Blues," New interactions may lead to exciting expe- tour and what l-am trying to do with Phil forced him to tune his guitar up for the first and a rendition of "Like a Rolling Stone" riences. and Friends. I believe with all my heart and hour. that had everyone in the arena up and dane- soul that Grateful Dead music and lyrics ing like fools. Taurus April 21-May 21 speak to some deep place inside us, and that SARAH & JON- Dylan and co. left the stage, and we To lighten things up in your life, tone it down Dylan's music and lyrics do the same; they But when Dylan came on, a spare and screamed for several minutes, stomping the by wearing outfits in shades of cheery pink share the magic that speaks to the soul of elegant contrast to the flowing hippie bright- floor and waving lighters, trying to summon or lime green! Yes, it matches}! And yes, men humanity ... [this is] a tour where the only ness of PL&F, the auditorium really started him back. Happily, he did _ to perform a can wear pink! mission is to do our best to honor the music, to wake up. He started off with a likeable, haunting "Love Sick" and' ';ibiny Day the musicians, the community." but unexceptional, version of Stanley and Women." Gemini May 22-June 21 -Phil Lesh Sparks' "I Am {he Man, Thomas," and his Oh, Gemini the twin, this month you will be set steadily built up steam. JON~ torn with choices! Glar or the Pub? Tuna SARAH&JON- Dylan's fragmented and eccentric phras- Unfortunately, "Like a Rolling Stone" Melt or bagels? Just relax, close your eyes, This concert did a good job of fulfilling ing were the perfect accompaniment to a wore Dylan out a bit too much. Our pleas and point. Lesh's mission requirements. While not staccato "Mr. Tambourine Man;" he then for an encore probably made him late for a flawless technically, as a spiritual event it launched into a swirling "Visions of rerun of "Matlock." Cancer June 22-July 23 was right on track. PL&F started off with a Johanna," and "Ring Them Bells," before Look to a Taurus for understanding and pas- jam. and kept on jammin' for the next 90 hitting his stride in a powerful, guitar-driven, SARAH- sion. Open up to them ... they will be easy to minutes, segueing eventually into a lovely damn-near-apocalyptic "Tangled Up in Shhh, child. And then, the perfect end to spot this month because they're the dorks "Morning Dew," "The Wheel," "Playin' in Blue" that had the crowd rockin'. the evening, Lesh backed Dylan up for a rare wearing pink and lime green! the Band," "Just a Little Light," and "Get dual encore, performing an appealingly Together," before ending with a hauntingly SARAH- ragged "Friend of the Devil" and "Not Fade Leo July 24-Aug 23 beautiful "Cold Rain and Snow." Dylan had a few problems; mostly for- Away." More lighters, more screaming, more Grrrr, Leo, GITIT... don't be afraid to growl The jamming was very enjoyable, veer- gotten lines, improvised lines, and a wee little tokes. Seeing them together was a joyful any chance you get, especially during tests ing from fast and hard-driving, to relaxed and bit of mumbling. Although distracting at first, moment. and quiet moments. In fact, it wouldn't be mellow, to simply gorgeous. I actually think his "mistakes" added to the I had a great time at this concert. And I unhealthy to just start growling in the middle texture of the show. hear from a friend who went to the PhiUy of Glar! (Especially at 6 pm on Tuesdays) SARAH- They made it more unique, letting you show that PL&F rocked considerably harder Long, extended jams are a Dead trade- see Dylan as a real person, who after 30+ than they did here. If you at all enjoy Dylan Virgo Aug 24-Sep 23 mark, but I think that was the very thing that years can be forgiven for forgetting a few or Lesh, you really should go see 'em while Loosen up this month. Let yourself get a little detracted from the show -1 felt like PL&F lines, even to songs we think of as immortal they're still touring. wild! Perhaps a party with a Scorpio is in never really kicked it into high gear, and I and thus unchanging. order. kept wondering when they were going to stop That's the point of a live show vs. listen- JON- warming up and start to play something, to ing to your CD's over and over - messy All joking aside, you have to remember Libra Sep 24-Oct 23 evolve into something different. reality, caught in the moment vs. sometimes that this is a concert of relics. We literally Your powerful ideas will lead to new revo- And I'd just like to add that "Morning sterile "perfection." As with the Dead, some- saw history. Old photos often are grainy, af- lutions! Just be aware of what battles to Dew" made me very happy. times its the experience that matters. flicted with poor resolution. We can write pick ... stay away from angry pit bulls! these images off as being imperfect and no JON- JON- longer meaningful, but it is the substance Phil Lesh and his friends could notice- Dylan's stagnation and nearly incoherent behind this "broken" art that is inspiring. It ably sense the levels of nitrous being con- speech over the first few songs reminded me is the legend that is powerful. CONFIDENTIAL AIDS TESTING sumed in the undulating masses as he ap- of the evils of prolonged drug abuse taught Lesh may have overstated things a bit, propriately supplied spiritual muzak suited to me by my beloved D.A.R.E. officers. His but basically he's got it right; Dylan and the Fall Semester 1999 for a dentist's office. synapses finally kicked in with ''Tangled Up Dead truly have transcended into modem day 12:00 - 2:00 in Blue," and I was in awe as the feeble man myth. Go see '.em. SARAH- broke from the shell of his abused body. Every Other Thursday Allllrighty then. But the undisputed jewel Tickets for Baltimore were $31 plus cover in the PL&F set was the incredible guitar SARAH- charges and a bargain at that. For detailed December 2 playing of Derek Trucks, Allman Brothers Good lord, you are an ass. info. on tour dates, mail ordering tickets, set Band wonder boy, who became lead guitar- lists, heJpfullinks etc., check out Bob Dates Location - Smith House ist after Steve Kimock split. JON & SARAH- at http://www.expectingrain.comorThe Phil Call Ext. 243 for an appointment Dylan then did a satisfyingly nasty take Zone at http;//!
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