Page 75 - Phoenix1999-2000
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NEWS President Chambers makes plans for his sabbatical continued from page 1 Recently, Chambers announced ing on the question: "What is my lege located in Lugano, Switzer- his six-month sabbatical leave. In role, my strengths?" He would like land. a letter sent to the college commu- to think that President Lewis had His second journey is for per- nity, he wrote, "I have requested a this same thought 100 years ago, sonal benefit, as he and three other sabbatical leave for next semester as he too looked forward to the people join hundreds of others on in order to pause and reflect upon wonderment of beginning a new a pilgrimage across northern Spain. the significance of these events and century. Known as "The Way of St. James," 10 pursue several personal and pro- Chambers evoked a philosophi- this 500 mile walk will lead the fessional projects ... I plan to return cal issue that "Colleges are like participants from the French border to the Hill next July fully renewed people, they either have vitality and to Santaigo de Compostetta. and invigorated-ready, willing and energy, or they don't." For those seniors who have had able to lead this institution and its He feels that the major part of the privilege of creating a strong great people into the new century his career is to bring that vitality faculty/student relationship with and millennium." and energy to this institution. him, the most anticipated question Chambers is looking forward to During his sabbatical, he also is if he will 'attend graduation. His getting away from the day-to-day hopes to do a lot of reading and answer was a regretful "probably office work so that he has-time to writing. not." He continued by explaining, think about where the college is Chambers will also use his sab- "I'm sorry about it, but it wouldn't headed in the next millennium. batical time .tc answer the ques- be proper because I will be on sab- "There is no best time [to take tions, "Where would we like 10 be batical." He said that ifhe has asked a sabbatical] but this is the most ap- 10years from now? How do we im- for time away from the campus, propriate time. The college will be prove our relationship with Carroll then it wouldn't be right to show better off, as I have time to plan for County ... with Westminster. .. with up at graduation. the institution's future. We have tre- Maryland.. with the United While he's away, Provost Joan mendous momentum, and it's im- States?" Develin Coley will be the acting portant we know it," said Cham- He will also be visiting Europe president. Yet a another "defining bers. twice within the next six months. moment" is about to begin, 'as she For the most part, he will re- In early April, he will be leading a notably becomes the college's first main in the Baltimore area focus- team to evaluate an American col- female president. Ralph Chandler John was WMC's president for 12 years. WMC mourns former President Administration claims campus is prepared for Y2K Continued/rom page 1 continued/rom page 1 ology from Boston University. plishments as a scholar, teacher, He served four years as associ- administrator, trailblazer, vices, the manufacturers of the no stockpiling of anything, includ- plant will have extra people on call ate pastor at Foundry Methodist democratizer of entire campuses, campus' hardware and software ing food, water, etc. He also has in case problems develop on Janu- Church in Washington, D.C., be- visionary and friend." were contacted to ensure their Y2K faith in his suppliers to deliver on aryl. fore entering American University John loved beekeeping, fishing, compliancy over a year ago, and time, which is scheduled for the Other systems that are prepared to earn a Ph.D. in public adminis- and hunting and had lived at his presently the program is considered week before New Year's Day. ''The are the phone system, which was Iration (1950). home in Ocean Pines near the "sound." worst thing that will happen is that ready over a year ago, and the pay- He served as chairman of However, Mathews did say that we might not have bananas to roll system, which was also in com- Chesapeake Bay since retirement. some small things are still being serve," he said. pliance in 1998. American University's philosophy He frequently visited the campus from 1949- and religion department patched up and that some problems Even though Food Services did "We have touched all the 51, then entered the US Army as and returned last spring for a still might occur. 'The manufactur- little to prepare for Y2K, the col- bases," said Seidel. "We even chaplain. His two-year military celebratory dinner held in his honor ers don't necessarily tell us every- lege has taken the necessary steps looked into the vending machines duty included 16 months in Korea. to announce the establishment of thing we need to know to prepare," to ensure that services such as elec- to make sure they were Y2K com- Dr. John earned Distinguished the Ralph and Dorothy John Pro- in the Humanities. fessorship she said. "Even the largest com- tricity and heat are ready. pliant" Alumnus Awards from American Made possible by his good puter manufacturer in. the world, Seidel said that in 1998 the col- University (1969) and Boston Uni- friend and former WMC football Microsoft, is still preparing, and lege verified with all of the major Festival of Lights versity (1970) and honorary de- coach Jim Hindman and his wife, they might not know if they are vendors, in writing, that they are continued/rom page J grees from Iowa Wesleyan College Dixie, this endowed professorship safe." Y2K compliant. 80th Baltimore However, he did say that the (1969) and Simpson College recognizes outstanding faculty Mathews said that even if the Gas & Electric and the oil suppli- new format of the ceremony will (1972). software stops working or the hard- ers said they are compliant. be "more open to celebrating all He was named president emeri- achievement and supports research and professional activities. English ware crashes, they will still have Seidel said that the college nor- aspects of the holiday season" tus at Western Maryland upon his Professor and poet Kathy Mangan all ofthe college's records because mally uses gas to heat the college and will be less religion oriented retirement and was awarded an was named the first holder of the the information is saved every day because it is more economical and than in the past. The focus will honorary Doctor of Humane Let- John professorship. on computer tapes. cleaner for the environment. He be on creating a real community te~s in 1997. A memorial service for Dr. John She also said that most of the said that the college has tanks full experience, said both Reiff and Upon conferring the degree to is being planned for the WMC cam- desktop computers that are in- of oil to be used to heat the college, Sayre. his predecessor, President Cham- pus. stalled with Microsoft Office are if the gas service is interrupted. Still, three religious readings bers extolled Dr. John as achiev- prepared, even though those pro- Necessary for both the heat and representing different religious grams, including Windows, were fire and safety systems is the con- perspectives will be read at the not made to be Y2K compliant. trol system that is used by the ma- ceremony. Mathews advises anyone with jority of the buildings on campus. A member of the Black Stu- Microsoft programs to visit their That system is designed by the dent Union will give a Kwaanza website for information concerning Honeywell Corporation with whom reading; Dr. Julie Badiee will Y2K. - the college recently signed a con- give a B' Hai reading; and a mem- Another area of concern for the tract that guaranteed maintenance· ber of the Jewish Student union college is Food Services. Is Glar of the system in case of a problem. will give a reading. prepared for the worst of Y2K? According to Seidel, two The real focal point of the ''There really is not anything to do backup measures for the heating of Thursday afternoon celebration, [to prepare] specifically," said Alan the college are that the heating sys- however, will be the perfor- HAVE BREAKFAST ON US Dolid, the director of Food Ser- tem for every building can be con- mances by the All College Choir vices. "It's really not going to be a trolled manually and the default and the Gospel Choir. Bring in. this coupon and receive problem, and I, for one, am not level of the heating system is set "People love to sing and lis- worried about it." on full heat. ten to good music this time of According to Dolid, Food Ser- Simply, if the computer system year," said Sayre, "so we thought vices is prepared to serve under any goes down, the heat will automati- this would be a great way to do ONE FRF-SR BAKED BAGEL AND CREAM CHEF..8E1 circumstances. "We have served cally set itself to high power. This it." I md I food when there have been power way, the worst that could happen The choirs will end the cer- lONE 120•• ·LAYORED COFFEE OF TIlE DAY I outages and water main breaks, so is that it will be incredibly hot in emony with ajoint performance I . I the people that are here for Janu- all of the buildings, according to of "Light One Candle," followed I Open weekdays at 7:00am and weekends at 8:00 run I ary Term will get food." Seidel. by the traditional candle lighting I 410·876-3662 fioc410-ll71·9170· I Dolid said that there has been Seidel also said that physical ceremony. t- .!l,ff~~C~I.(l~'l2. l
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