Page 77 - Phoenix1999-2000
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NEWS Thursday, December 9, 1999 - Page 5 Class registration complications Continuedfrom page / Campus Safety Blotter nitely can get their course of study "It's easier to be a freshman and finished." take electives that are necessary for The numbers prove that many credit hours and graduation," said 'On ! II! I at 3:00 am DoCS students do not get into first-choice Reiff. "Registration is a systematic documented possession of con- failure to comply at Blanche Ward McDaniel Hall. Hall. classes, but this is mostly because process so that when students get trolled substances at McDaniel 'On 11114 at 12:15 pm DoCS 'On 11121 at 4:50 am DoCS of the promise of small classes at closer to graduation. it is more Hall. documented underage possession documented Hall damage to property at Rouzer this college. Reiffbelieves that this likely to get the course they need." 'On III! I at 5:30 am DoCS of alcohol at Blanche Ward Hall. is one of the main reasons students But some freshmen do nor agree documented defacing of prop- -On 11114 at 12:30 pm DoCS 'On 11/21 at 5:53 pm DoCS decide to attend WMC. He com- with this process. They feel they are erty at Lewis Hall of Science. documented underage possession documented Hall. panel trouble at McDaniel pared WMC to bigger universities forced to take "leftover" classes 'On IIIII at 10:10 am DoCS of alcohol at Blanche Ward Hall. -On 11121 at 9:54 pm DoCS where there is no cap on enrollment "We do pay to come here and documented defacing of prop- 00nII1l4at6:30pmDoCSdocu_ documented a low-velocity ac- in classes where there are 500-700 learn about subjects we are inter- erty at Bair Stadium rnented an emergency exit from cident at Rouzer Parking Lot. students in each class. ested in, but we can't take those 'On II/II at (:34 pm DoCS Hoover Library. "Because this school is commit- classes," said Kacey Michelsen. a documented use of illegal sub- 'On 11/21 at 10:40 pm DoCS DoCS 11/14 'On ! I:44 ted to small classes, it is difficult freshman with an undecided major. stances at McDaniel Hall. documented at intimidation pm of an in- documented the use of con- to try to keep that quality control:' "It's hard to figure out what my -On I II! I at 1:58 pm DoCS dividual at Albert Norman Ward trolled substances at Rouzer said Reiff. "It becomes difficult to major will be if I can't get into documented a low-velocity ac- Hall. Hall. plan courses so students get what classes I think Imight be interested cident at Rouzer parking Lot. 'On 11116 at 5:43 am DoCS docu- 'On ·11122 at 2:25 pm DoCS they wanL. but we try our best.. in because they are closed." 'On III11 at 2:26 pm'DoCS mented a vehicle towed from Al- documented intimidation of an to fit the students' needs." But even for students who are documented damage to property bert Norman Ward HaIL individual at Whiteford Hall. Most students believe that if not freshmen, getting into classes, at Blanche Ward Hall. -On 11/22 at ;:;J.:49pm DoCS se- more classes were offered or if even in their major, can be tough. curity personnel documented more sections of popular classes "I'm? sociology major and were offered, then there would not could not get into any of the classes be as much of a problem. that I wanted for my major," said "The school's track record has Mindy Bucey, a sophomore: "I been to add sections for classes probably won't get those classes with big wait lists like Introduction until my junior year because it to Sociology, Contemporary Psy- seems like everyone on this cam- chology, and general science pus is a sociology major," she said. classes," said Reiff. "But the prob- Susan Werley, a sophomore lem with this is finding the avail- psychology major, can also attest able resources like extra profes- to what Bucey said. sors." She was wait-listed for Child Reiff did note that more profes- Development, a class she needs for sors were hired since WMC's en- her major. ' rollment increased. He thinks the "It's frustrating as a second se- increase in student population mester sophomore that I still can't meant greater strain on classes. get classes that are needed to fin- But Reiff believes that the reg- ish for my major," said Werley. "I istration process has improved over also have a minor to complete (hat the years. has more credit hours than most Students now receive an as- majors, and I'm afraid I won't be signed registration day based on able to get it all done." their class year and an assigned reg- Reiff said that generally there istration time based on how many are alternative classes that students credits they have completed. can take without taking something "My registration time was at they do not really need. 9:30 am but three classes in my Reiff's advice, "Do not panic fense at Blanche Ward Hall. pm DoCS reported a search war- Garden Apartments parking. major were already closed," said because some new sections do get -On 11/12 alIO: 10pm Do.CS re- rant in effect at Rouzer Hall. 'On 11127 at 10:30 pm DoCS Melissa Grimmer, a freshman dual created, and some seats do open up sponded to a call for transport 'On 11117 at 9:05 pm DoCS docu- documented unauthorized ac- major in exercise science and after the first couple days. Also, only from off campus. mented a low-velocity accident at cess to a college facility at Rou- chemistry. "There should be a cer- some professors will bend over -On 11112 at 10:34 pm DoCS Blanche Ward Parking Lot. zer Hall. tain number of seals in each course backwards 10 work with students documented use of controlled -On 11117 at 9:47 pm DoCS re- -On 11/27 at 10:30 pm DoCS for each class year so ... students and sign them into their classes." substances at Whiteford HaIL sponded to a call but did not ren- documented a vehicle towed have a fair chance," she said. ~ccording to Reiff, the admin- 'On 11/13 at 2:15 pm DoCS der treatment-at Blanche Ward from DMC Parking Lot. But Reiffbelieves that registra- istration knows that "the registra- documented damage to property Hall. tion "is a fair and equitable system tion process is less than perfect and at the Golf Shop. -On 11/19 at 12:00 am DoCS -o» 11128 at 2:3'1 am DoCS use documented unauthorized because students rise in the ranks many students are bearing the brunt -On 11/13 at 8:30 pm DoCS documented a hit and run accident of college facilities at Hoover as they get older." of the system." documented underage posses- Ma- at Whiteford Lane. Library. at Daniel sion SEX. cLea 11114 at 12:06 am DoCS -On 11/19at9:45amDoCSdocu_ at 'On 11/28 at 11:20 pm DoCS of alcohol Hall. damage men ted to properly a campus wide in- documented Hall. Rouzer -On offense. conduct documented underage posses- 'On 11/19 at 7:56pm DoCS docu- decent 11129 at II :29 pm DoCS -On You never lose the r1ghtto refuse. sion of alcohol at Blanche Ward mented stealing from Blanche documented violation of college Being unable to consent Is not Hall. Ward Hall. rules at McDaniel Lane. the same as saying yes. -On 11114 at 12:45 am DoCS 'On 11/20at 1:30am DoCS docu- 'On 11/30 at 12:44 am DoCS mented use of controlled No means No. Period. documented underage posses- substances illegal at Blanche Ward Hall. documented Apartments. at the trespassing sion of alcohol at Blanche Ward Garden Hall. 'On 11/20 at 8:47 am DoCS docu- If you need help about sexual violence, -On 11114 at 1:33 am DoCS mented a low-velocity accident at -On III 30 at 4:50 pm DoCS call us. Calls are confidential and documented underage posses- Rouzer Hall. documented theft from the ath- letic fields. services are free. sion of alcohol at Blanche Ward -On I 1/20 at 8:12 pm DoCSdocu- -On 11/30a15:oo pm DoCS ren- Hall. mented an emergency exit from dered medical treatment at the Tolaphono:.410 - 857 - 0900 -On 11114 at 1:35 am DoCS McDaniel Lounge. DoCS office. documented underage posses- -On 11120 at II :45 prn DoCS 'On 12/1 at 2:30 am DoCS ren- 24 hour Hotline: 410-875-7322 sion of alcohol at Blanche Ward documented underage possession dered medical treatment at Hall. of alcohol at Blanche Ward Hall. Whiteford Hall. Rape Crisis Intervention Service -On 11114 at I :37 am DoCS -On 11/21 at I: 15 am DoCS docu- -On 1212 at 2:30 pm DoCS documented underage posses- mented panel trouble at McDaniel of Ourou County documented intimidation of an 224 North Center s_~Rm. 102 sion of alcohol at Blanche Ward Hall. individual at the DoCS office. Westminster, MD Hall. -On 1[/21 all:18amDoCSdocu- -On 12/2 at 7 :59 pm DoCS ren- -On 11/14 at 1:38 am DoCS se- mented that residence hall staff dered treatment at McDaniel curity personnel documented reported a failure to comply at Hall.
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