Page 78 - Phoenix1999-2000
P. 78
Thursday, December 9, 1999 - Page 6 COMMENTARY Top ten signs that new millennium harbors end of world With the millennium fast approaching, Ryan Seavolt looks at the top ten 6. The movie Titanic actually made 3. The Reform Party. The state of Min- Y2K fever catching on, and concerns over signs that point to the destruction more money at the box office than the first nesota already has a Reform Party member the predictions of Nostradamus, there are of the world. Star Warsprequel. and former professional wrestler as its gov- many signs that point to the destruction of 5. The only remotely funny talk-show ernor in Jesse Ventura, but the party's presi- the world. 9. Country music is still popular. George on television is Late Night with Conan dential hopefuls are two millionaires (Donald These are just a few of the most notice- W. Bush and AI Gore even plan to use coun- O'Brien which doesn't exactly have the Trump and Steve Forbes) and Pat Buchanan. able: try music songs as their presidential cam- greatest of time slots. It's on after The To- This has prompted some members of the 10. First Lady Hillary Clinton may soon paign anthems. night Show, weeknights at 12:30 am. Reform Party to long for the days of Ross be referred to as New York Senator Hillary 8. Below average professional athletes 4. The perennial powerhouse teams of Perot. Enough said. Clinton. Perhaps she'll have an affair with are making well over a million dollars a year. the NFL - the San Francisco 4gers, Dallas 2. Arguably, the three best shows on tele- one of her interns. The better ones earn salaries of over $14 Cowboys, and Pittsburgh Steelers, are all vision may all be on the fOX network - The In a related story, Congress may repeal million a year. having miserable seasons. Simpsons, The X-Files, and That 70's Show. the two-term limit on the office of president. 7. Scientists can now clone sheep - it's Meanwhile, sports analysts are talking I. The flex class has still not been elimi- William Jefferson Clinton is expected to soon only a matter of time until they figure out of a possible Super Bowl appearance by the nated at WMC. Kill it!!! announce his candidacy. how to clone Pauly Shore. Indianapolis Colts or Seattle Seahawks. Student apathy and politics World Trade talks could do Ryan Seavolt comments on a Assistant Director of Alumni Affairs lack of political interest on Randy Ryner, a recent graduate of WMC more to hurt the US than help campus. and former member of the College Repub- licans, says that such political groups "fade Matt Hurff discusses the tenor motives against the will of the people. The presidential election is a year away. in and out," and that they may completely implications of recent trouble Yes, some of the ideas discussed in Se- Political candidates are constantly in the disappear one year only to emerge again concerning the World Trade attle would help the US economy by discour- news. the next. Organization. aging US companies from moving abroad by So why does there seem to be so little So what's wrong? What could be the making wages equal throughout the world, political interest at WMC? source of this passive attitude on the part but is this right? Granted, there are some very active po- of the student body? In Seattle, the 135 World Trade Organi- I feel that this move is dangerous because litical organizations at WMC, of which the Perhaps it is that students are too busy zation is discussing the lowering of trade it shows how one superpower can dictate to SGA seems to be the forerunner. with their studies to be bothered with par- boundaries and making mandatory sanctions every nation what they should or should not There are also many individual groups ticipating in a political organization which on child labor. do. with their own causes and agendas, such mayor may not be an asset to their future Bill Clinton feels that violations of work- In this case, the intentions of Clinton as the Black Student Union, the Asian careers and aspirations. ers' rights discussed in Seattle should war- seem to be good but what next? This can only Community Coalition, and Allies. Even more disturbing may be the pos- rant sanctions or an embargo. lead to future war and hatred of our country; Yes, I do feel that it is a good idea to keep is this what we want? It's hard enough to encourage adults to... vote, let Many nations in the Middle East believe that the alone someone who has been able to voice their political opinions for only a few years and who older United States is the antichrist ... and aim a great deal of their terroristic energies toward us. adults frequently do not take very seriously. children out of decrepit working conditions A large part of the world feels that our One of the most important political or-. sibility that this nonchalant attitude could throughout the world. involvement in their domestic issues is ganizations on campus is certainly the be attributed 1O a flat-out lack of interest in However, should the US-led World Trade wrong, so why should we do it again? Maryland Student Legislature, which politics by WMC's students. Organization make this change? Bill Clin- for example, many nations in the Middle learns about state bills being proposed and It's hard enough to encourage adults to ton, following through with this plan, has to- East believe that the United States is the even travels to Annapolis to propose their exercise their right to vote, let alone some- tally ignored the protesting, and in the streets antichrist, and, therefore, aim a great deal of own ideas to the state legislature. one who has been able to voice their politi- of Seattle, where store fronts have been their terroristic energies toward us. However, there appears to be a lack of cal opinions for only a few years and who smashed, people have been shot with rubber We already spend billions in attempts to interest in clear partisan politics. older adults frequently do not take very se- bullets and stifled with tear gas. discourage this but to no avail. There is only one group at this college riously. If I remember correctly, the Bill of Rights I feel that by following through with the that is both active and clearly partisan - the This need not be the case. So, let's get allows for citizens to freely assemble and to plans discussed in Seattle more nations will College Republicans. our acts together people. express their opinions freely. However, it despise America. Consequently, more terror- Even this group is hard to search out. If we become more politically involved, doesn't seem as if these people are being istic attempts will be aimed toward our na- Its members are difficult to contact, they then the "powers that be" will have to lis- given this right to assemble. tion .. apparently are not very politically involved, ten to us. Truly, Clinton should stop and ask why Instead of following through with the and not many people on campus even seem Whether you realize it or not, we're the so many are protesting his moves. WTO, let's make sure we can maintain our to have heard of them, let alone know any future of this country, so let's start prepar- I know Clinton is a "lame duck" presi- economy for future generations and not one of their members. ing now to be its leaders. dent right now, but he still is supposed to spread ourselves too thin by forcing our ide- represent the people, not pursue his own ul- als upon everyone else. Quirks: The trouble with Internet sources and works cited I walked into the lab to begin my shift Anne Butler questions the tedious finish the bibliography!" tual paper." and found my friend Robin there. "Hey, MlA bibliography process for "The bibliography? It shouldn't take you "Do you really need everything that it Rob!" I said. Internet sources. that long!" says to put in there?" Robin looked around and waved when She leafed through a stack of papers and Robin nodded again. "Yes, my professor she saw me. "Thanks!" hurriedly typed something. insists I have absolutely correct MLA cita- "How you doing?" I said. "No problem!" "I know! But most of my sources are from tion." She shook her head. "I don't know why She sighed. "Okay, I guess. I'm finish- Another two hours after that, Robin was Infotrac!" though; I mean, why does he need me to tell ing up a paper." him the URL for Infotrac? And then repeat "Ah, that one you're doing on why wear- "So the correct MLA citation for Infotrac can it 15 times?" ing pink boots doesn't make you gay?" include as much asfourteen different entries!" I shrugged. "You know, I think both your "Urn ... " Robin gave me a weird look. professor and the MLA are controlled by a "No. I'm writing about teenage pregnancy." bunch of sadistic squirrels or something." I gave a nervous laugh. "Oh right. Oh. still there. She was busy shuffling through "Yeah, so?" Robin laughed. "You got that right. Sorry, gotta gel to work. See ya!" Robin returned papers, books, and typing. Curious as to what Her hands flew across the keyboard as I have to get back to finishing this." to the screen. she was doing, I went back over to her. I she typed a URL. "So the correct MLA cita- 1 nodded. "Good luck." An hour later, Robin called me over. worriedly noted her pallid skin and nervous tion for Infotrac can include as much as 14 Three hours later my shift ended, and "Hey, do you know how to cite a source from demeanor. different entries!" Robin was still working away at her bibli- Infotrac?" . "Robin, what are you doing? Didn't you "What? That's insane!" ography. I told her goodbye. I frowned. "Well not off the top of my finish your paper already? Robin nodded, not looking from the She didn't seem to hear me though. She head. Try www.mla.crg." Are you'dotng another one?" screen. "I've spent almost as much time on was too busy typing. "Okay," she double-clicked on Netscape. Robin took a deep breath. "I'm trying to this damn bibliography as I have for the ac-
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