Page 76 - Phoenix1999-2000
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Thursday, December 9, 1999 - Page 4 NEWS Speaker explores identity Is the new music building sufficient for growth? Political Science department sponsors speaker on sexual stereotypes LISA DALE VAN AUKEN a different woman," suggesting the avail- News£ditor ability of prostitutes to potencial patrons. close to meeting the department's needs. Women are liberated. Men are free from Yet Asian males also face harmful ste- BJ SHORB Why is that the case? The music depart- stereotypes. Asia is a continent of tradition reotypes, such as hypermascutiniry, said Specialto IhePhoenix ment has had significant growth in the past and unaltered ancient culture. Ling. If the shoe fits, wear it. Musically speak- ten years in all areas. Student interest has Hoping to cut through stereotypes such Asian males are often projected onto ing, the question is: does the "shoe" still fit? been booming. as these, Dr. Lily Ling, an accredited lecturer, commercials as dominating, and strong. The shoe, in this case, is WMC's new Also, Kirkpatrick notes that "the school visited WMC courtesy the Political Science However, they are also stereotyped as music facility, and the foot is the rapidly population has become much bigger, hence Department on November 29. "dweebish" computer hackers. So, accord- growing music department with 18 extracur- the musical participation from more stu- Calling on the fact that "there are no pris- ing to Ling, males face both desexualized ricular programs involving over 200 stu- dents." tine cultures left," Ling explored the com- and hyper-sexualized images. dents. In the past ten years, said Boudreaux, the. plex relationships between Asian men and Ling also used pictures to show that The plans that originated just before the number of music majors went from one 10 women and an increasingly globalized and Asians are often represented in very West- stock market crash 70 years ago, according 27. . Westernized world. ernized circumstances. to the June 28, 1999, issue of The Baltimore Asked if the new facilities meet the needs Ling, a senior lecturer at the Institute of However, she pointed out that standards Sun, have finally been executed. The article of the department, Kyle Englar, a senior lec- Social Studies in the Hague, gave students of beauty are different across ever-chang- referred to the new building as "a $1.5 mil- turer and voice instructor, said, "Absolutely an original and passionate presentation that ing cultural lines. lion project that gives the music department not." She said that there is a need for more was somewhat out of the ordinary for WMC. According to Ling, we "cannot rely on adequate space for the first time." "" vocal practice rooms, better pianos, and vo- According to.Dr. Volker Franke, Ling's established rules of sex appeal" for minori- According to Linda Kirkpatrick, music lecture "covered some topics that are not ties. Minority groups "must rely on their professor of I7 years and director of several cal coaches to focus in diction rather than technique. commonly found in courses." own standards of beauty," she said. music ensembles, it is the first building on Sophomore music major Jason Tanner Using pictures of commercial ads from She also noted that standards are chang- campus built solely for music. It includes a thinks that the new facility is _definitely an magazines around the globe, Ling outlined ing, and that as communication broadens, rehearsal room for bands and choirs, a small improvement. Having Jazz Ensemble in it the stereotypes of both Asian men and the way people identify themselves changes. ensemble room for classes and small groups, for the first time on November 15, he de- women as they are represented in a Western "Identity is far more mixed than people a percussion ensemble room, some additional scribed it as "a better room to play ensemble economy. would like to admit," Ling said. practice rooms, and two new offices. music in, with better sound," thanks to the According to Ling, Asian women are of- Ling's book Conquest and Desire fur- This will be the first time the college's ten portrayed as exotic and sexual, in order ther explores the issues of globalization and Concert Band will have a real rehearsal fact that the room has no 90-degree angles. . But what about Old Levine? Now that the to draw the attention of possible Western identity. room. The 55-member band has been re- new building has been built adjacent to it, male patrons. For those interested, an essay in the jour- hearsing in the loft of Big Baker Memorial are there any plans for renovation? While Presenting the students with ads featur- nal Positions is available, and directly con- Chapel, which Kirkpatrick describes as Boudreaux admits that there is a lot of work ing pictures of seductive Asian women, Ling cerns the subject matter of her lecture. "cramped and always hot." needed in Old Levine, she is afraid people discussed how Asian women have been por- See Dr. Volker Franke for a copy of the She adds, "Have you ever seen the loft? will see funding the new facility as enough, trayed using stereotypes to attract the atten- article. It consists of built in risers - it was next to and money will be distributed elsewhere. tion of males, with the hope of gaining "the Co-sponsoring the event were the Soci- impossible to set a band up in the area, but On the other hand, Kirkpatrick recalls almighty American dollar." ology Department, the Women's Studies De- we did it!" being promised last April that Old Levine One ad featured the back of a naked Asian partment, and the Cross-Cultural Studies But others, like Dr. Margaret Boudreaux, repairs. woman and a slogan reading, "Come to the Department. Musk Department chair and director ofCho- will receive considerable as "decrepit" She de- and scribes the old building Banyan Tree with your wife, and leave with ral Activities, say the building is not even needing a lot of attention. World AIDS Day presentation sends students a powerful message Continued from page 1 Technology going to react, bill when I'm through, and I "It strengthens me to do things like this. who has AIDS or is HIV positive, you real- see that look on their face that I got through, It really makes me a stronger person to think ize it really can." Task Force then I know I accomplished something, and that I can help someone else or have them In addition, members of Dr. Robert I feel better," Baker said. be attuned to what I am saying. Maybe I can Lemieux's-health communication class de- A resident of Westminster, Baker has reach someone in a positive way, and maybe signed a quilt panel for those in attendance notice worked with handicapped adults for almost they'll wake up too," said Dorsey. to sign. The signed quilt panel was displayed two years. Baker plans to continue speaking Having been in the military eight years over the steps leading to the Pub at the end and sharing his story and the message, "Live as a cook, Dorsey now plans to pursue speak- of World AIDS Day. President Chambers has recently life to the fullest, but do it safely. Don', be ing and writing. He is attending classes at World AIDS Day was initially observed appointed a college-wide technology selfish and don't just think about yourself Carroll County Community College for jour- on December I, 1988, when health minis- task force to research and make rec- but the whole picture." nalism, but his full time job is being a father ters from around the world gathered for a ommendations regarding technology The music group Insight II Life then pre- to his son. summit. use on campus. formed the musical selection "Tears in "It can be overwhelming, but I gel a lot The hope was to strengthen global efforts Christine Mathews, director of Heaven" by Eric Clapton. of help and support from family and friends. to face the challenges of the AIDS epidemic Information Services, and Bill Long The next speaker, Dr. Laura Cheevers, di- r want to leave a positive message for my which continues to spread to all regions of will serve as co-chairs. rector of the AIDS Education and Training son. I am always trying." the world. The task force is eager to hear Program, spoke of how new HIV infections Insight IT Life ended the program by per- Public support for programs fighting to from students and will be soliciting are current in young people prominently in forming the song "Hero" by Mariah Carey. prevent the spread of the HfV virus and pro- input both formally and informally people 21 and under. The audience was then invited 10 Ensor vide awareness and education of issues sur- in the coming months. "I loved the program and am very happy Lounge to view two panels of the NAMES roundingHlv/Alux is also encouraged on Students are also invited to con- to know that ASAP exists. People in college AIDS Memorial Quilt and to enjoy refresh- World AIDS Day and everyday. tact task force members with their need to understand the risk. Most people in ments sponsored by Allies. ideas and concerns. college who are having sex are having un-, Students displayed various reactions fol- Its subcommittees include Tech- safe sex and most of them will tell vou that lowing the program and viewing said, "It's sad Honor and nology in the Classroom (LeRoy of the quilt. it's okay, but that's just not true," Cheevers Junior Eric Brind'Amour Panek, chair) Policies and Proce- said. that those aren't even the only two panels. dures (Linda Eshleman, chair), Dis- Cheevers primarily administers programs There are more, a lot more .... " Conduct Board tance Education (Ralene Mitschler, and determines how to make funds reach "It's a really good thing that [the AIDS chair), and Student Issues (Chaz doctors across the country while doing some Quilt] is here. We can recognize that it can The Honor and Conduct Board adjudi- Neal, chair). speaking and teaching. happen to anyone, even yourself." said cated a case on September 16, 1999, in- Also on the force are Bill Chase, The next speaker was 30 year old Calvin sophomore Alyson Rupert. volving a student who was charged with Dick Claycombe, Tom Deveny, Rick Dorsey, who contracted the HIV virus from Lauren Eschwie commented, "It's more physical abuse. Dillman, Erin Smith, Esther Iglich, his wife. She contracted it from a blood trans- powerful having the panels in the school. It The accused was found not respon- Mona Kerby, Apollo Mian, Martine fusion-before blood was tested properly. brings home the sadness of the whole thing, sible of the charge. Motard-Noar, Howard Orenstein, Although Dorsey previously was previ- and my awareness has changed. You say, Ken Pool, Brad Smith, Sue Bloom, ously featured in a newspaper article in the 'sure it can happen to anyone,' but deep down Courtesy of Student Affairs Ira Domser, Dave Neikirk, and James Carroll County Times, it was the first time you don't think it can really happen to any- Feagin. he shared his story with a live audience. one you know. But when you meet someone
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