Page 72 - Phoenix1999-2000
P. 72
Wanted: Sports writers and photogra- phers Call x8600 Volume XX, Number 5 Western Maryland College Thursday, November 18, 1999 Football hammers Hopkins, wins third straight title MIKE JENKINSON against Hopkins. The unit was as strong and domi- SraffWriler Sermarini distributed the ball to In the past two seasons, the as many receivers as he could find. nan! as ever. Burgos intercepted Anthony Green Terror have played Johns Harris, Jackson, Joe Ellis, Greg ball in the end zone late in the first a Hopkins in the last regular season Hill, Johnson, Teron Powell, and half that terminated a last chance game of the year to decide whether Ryan Smith all had receptions. scoring attempt by Hopkins. or not they would be conference Powell once again found the Linebacker Derek Gwynn had champs. end zone against Hopkins. He ran one of his best games of the season Not surprisingly, the same situ- in one touchdown and caught a as he knocked down passes and ation carne about again this year. long touchdown late in the game. tackled running backs. Standing at 9-0, the Terror guaran- He set a new conference record by teed themselves sole possession of scoring at least one touchdown in Matt Meiklejohn intercepted a the conference title and a trip to the every regular season game. pass late in the fourth quarter and returned the interception for a playoffs. The special teams unit proved touchdown to seal the deal. Johns Hopkins is an arch rival dominant once again against Hop- The game against Hopkins was (or the Terror as well, adding even kins. the last regular season game for all more weight to this already pivotal Sophomores Jason Wiles, Scott of the seniors on the squad. All of game. Armstrong, and Brew Kamholtz aJl these players have contributed The Terror did what they had to contributed strongly to a variety of much to the program, and all wilt and more defeating rival Hopkins special teams units. Marvin Deal be missed by the coaching staff and 37-7. The Terror scored on their added to his record for punt return players. opening drive of the game. With a yards. The seniors playing their last combination of power running with Punter Kevin Culbertson game on Saturday were Chris Jamel Johnson, outside running showed off his punting skills pin- Hydom, Terry Otto, Dan Harmon, with Boo Harris, and passing from ning Hopkins deep in their own ter- AJ Burchette, Marvin Deal, Ryan Ron Sennarini, the Terror went 74 ritory on several occasions. Legge, Steve Moore, Sermarini, yards on their opening drive. The Also, two new conference Matt Freas, Meiklejohn, Tommy drive was capped off by a touch- records were set in the game - most Selecky, Burgos, Rob McCracken, down pass to Matt Jackson. kicking points in a season and most and Steve Peed. Jamel Johnson, the new starting kicking points in a career. Both of A week before the Terror de- running back, due to the injury of these records belong to junior place feated Swarthmore41-14. The first Joe Kendorski, rushed for a total kicker Brent Sandrock. Sandrock is half of this game was slow, and the of 109 yards. only ajunior, so he plans on extend- halftime score was 7-7. Sophomore fullback Roy ing that record even further next The Terror offense had a domi- Zimmerman, who is filling in for year. nant third quarter, putting the game the injured Greg Dubell, saw his The Green Terror only gave up Junior place kicker Brent Sandrock adds another point to his record out of hand. first major role in carrying the ball one touchdown against Hopkins. setting career total at last Saturday's game against Johns Hopkins. Defensive Terror face offensive Catholic in first round CURlS ANASTASlA Quarterback Derek McGee com- Aut. SpCJrI.< Editor pleted 193 of 298 passes for 2,397 WMC's opponent in the first yards and 23 touchdowns. His fa- round of the NCAA Division III vorite target is wide receiver Mike Football Playoffs will be Catholic Hunter, who caught 73 receptions University. The winners of the Old for 1,014 yards and 8 touchdowns. Dominion Conference, Catholic Catholic University and the comes into this first round game Green Terror have shared a similar with a record of9-l (6-0), having post-season fate in the last few won their last 9 games. years. Catholic lost 10 the Terror's "Every time you get into the first round opponent last year, Trin- playoffs, it gets more and more ity,44-33 in 1997. Last year.Catho- exiting," Catholic coach Tom lie lost to Lycoming, the Terror's Clark's responded to his teams first round opponent in 1997, by a seeding. score of 49-14. On his team's first-round oppo- With the similar post-season nent, Clark said, "We are exited to fate and geographical location, it play Western Maryland because seemed fated that Western Mary- they have a quality program, and land would meet Catholic at some it's not very far away." point in the playoffs. Catholic University's biggest Clark summed this point up, strength is their high-powered of- saying, "Both teams have the same fense, lead by running back Andy goals and aspirations, and our re- Notarfrancesco. Notarfrancesco cent histories parallel one an- rushed 233 times for 1,27 J yards other .... I think our guys have and 19 touchdowns. wanted 10 play Western Maryland Catholic is just as dangerous in and I think they've [Western Mary- the air as they are on the ground. land] wanted to play us." The Terror football team will charge the field against Catholic this weekend.
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